To add someone who is not part of the dart group as a reviewer on a pull request, you need to give the person READ access to the dart repo.

You can do this from the settings page if you are an admin on the dart repo

Note the whole world can read the dart repo.  Explicitly giving a person READ access lets you add them as a reviewer. 

Managing Pull Requests

Situation: There has been a Pull Request merged onto the Manhattan branch of the NCAR/DART repository. This change must then be merged onto the master branch.

We need to keep the NCAR/DART:master branch up-to-date with all changes made on the Manhattan branch (NCAR/DART:Manhattan). We want to encourage people to issue pull requests to engage community participation. This is a good thing. Causes us a little extra work, but that's the cost of doing business.  I suppose there are two ways to do this: one would be to issue a pull request from the Manhattan branch to the master branch - which then has to involve another person to approve the already-approved changes - or - you can do this from the command line.  

Small changes can be handled effectively with cherry-pick, larger changes should be handled in some other manner. "Cherry picking is the act of picking a commit from a branch and applying it to another."

Cherry Pick Overview

  1. make a new clone of NCAR/DART
  2. Find the commit from the Manhattan branch that you want to cherry-pick.   You find this on GitHub, or using git log.
  3. checkout the master branch. 
  4. cherry-pick the commit from the Manhattan branch.  The cherry pick operation creates a new commit on master.  To have a look at the change 
    gitdiff origin/master..master
  5. If all looks good, push the master branch to the NCAR/DART repository

Cherry Pick Specifics:

Note replace 8575309 with the commit you want to cherry-pick. 

git clone temp_DART
cd temp_DART
git checkout master
git cherry-pick -m 1 Manhattan 8575309
gitdiff origin/master..master
git push origin master
cd ..
rm -rf temp_DART

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