Gather/Scatter interfaces


Create generic interfaces for gather/scatter operations.


Gathers and scatters between global fields and fields on the local physics or dynamics decomposition are done for

  • history output
  • restart I/O
  • reading initial files
  • reading boundary datasets
  • diagnostic output to log file
    Lack of a generic interface leads to code like the following in the write_restart_history method of the history module:
    select case (tape(t)%hlist(f)%field%decomp_type)
    case (phys_decomp)
       call gather_chunk_to_field_hbuf (1, numlev, 1, plon, tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf, hbuf)
       call gather_chunk_to_field_int (1, 1, 1, plon, tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs, fullnacs)
    case (dyn_decomp)
       if ( dycore_is('LR') )then
    # if ( defined STAGGERED )
    h3.  NEW LR CODING
          lenarr = plon[numlev]plat
          if (tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf_prec == 8) then
             select case (numlev)
             case (1)
                call fv_gather('2d', tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf8, lenarr, 2, hbuf%buf8)
             case (plev)
                call fv_gather('3dxzy', tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf8, lenarr, 3, hbuf%buf8)
             case (plevp)
                call fv_gather('3dxzyp', tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf8, lenarr, 3, hbuf%buf8)
             case default
                write(6,*)'WRITE_RESTART_HISTORY: invalid number of levels=', numlev
                call endrun ()
             end select
             select case (numlev)
             case (1)
                call fv_gather4('2d', tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf4, lenarr, 2, hbuf%buf4)
             case (plev)
                call fv_gather4('3dxzy', tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf4, lenarr, 3, hbuf%buf4)
             case (plevp)
                call fv_gather4('3dxzyp', tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf%buf4, lenarr, 3, hbuf%buf4)
             case default
                write(6,*)'WRITE_RESTART_HISTORY: invalid number of levels=', numlev
                call endrun ()
             end select
          call fv_gatheri('2d', tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs, lenarr, 2, fullnacs)
    # endif
          numowned = coldimin*numlev
          call compute_gsfactors (numowned, numsend, numrecv, displs)
          call mpigatherv_hbuf (tape(t)%hlist(f)%hbuf, numsend, mpireal, hbuf, numrecv, &
                                displs, mpireal, 0, mpicom)
          numowned = coldimin
          call compute_gsfactors (numowned, numsend, numrecv, displs)
          call mpigatherv (tape(t)%hlist(f)%nacs, numsend, mpiint, fullnacs, numrecv, &
                           displs, mpiint, 0, mpicom)
    end select
    All of this code is to gather two fields: hbuf and nacs. Similarly large sections of code are used to gather hbuf when the history file is written, and to scatter hbuf and nacs when the restart file is read. The dycore dependence of the gather/scatter methods means that code must be added to all three sections to support a new dycore.

    Current interfaces for gathering physics chunks

    Gathering physics chunks to global fields is done by the gather_chunk_to_hbuf methods in the phys_grid module:
       subroutine gather_chunk_to_field(fdim,mdim,ldim, &
       integer, intent(in) :: fdim      ! declared length of first dimension
       integer, intent(in) :: mdim      ! declared length of middle dimension
       integer, intent(in) :: ldim      ! declared length of last dimension
       integer, intent(in) :: nlond     ! declared number of longitudes
       real(r8), intent(in):: localchunks(fdim,pcols,mdim, &
                                        ! local chunks
       real(r8), intent(out) :: globalfield(fdim,nlond,mdim,plat,ldim) 
                                        ! global field
    This interface contains references to pcols, plat, begchunk, and endchunk which are present as module data in phys_grid. There are also real(r4) and integer versions which could easily be encapsulated in a generic interface.

    Current interfaces for gathering FV dycore blocks

    The fv_gather methods are contained in the io_dist module. They are implemented using the pargather method of the parutilities module.
       subroutine fv_gather(decomp_type, arr, lenarr, ndim, bufres)
          character(len=*) :: decomp_type
    # if defined( SPMD )
          real(r8) arr(*)            ! Array to be gathered
    # else
          real(r8) arr(lenarr)       ! Array (SMP-only)
    # endif
          integer lenarr             ! Global length of array
          integer ndim               ! dimensionality (2 or 3) of array
          real(r8), intent(out) :: bufres(*) 

    Current interfaces for gathering spectral dycore blocks

    The spectral dycores only implement a 1D decomposition by latitude slices. There is no single gather routine, but instead the gather is done by first calling the compute_gsfactors routine which sets up the indexing required by the mpigather methods. There is a wrapper routine mpigatherv_hbuf which encapsulates whether mpigatherv is called with the real(r8) or real(r4) version of hbuf. The compute_gsfactors method is contained in the spmd_dyn module and the mpigatherv_hbuf method is contained in the history module
       subroutine compute_gsfactors (numperlat, numtot, numperproc, displs)
          integer, intent(in)  :: numperlat            ! number of elements per latitude
          integer, intent(out) :: numtot               ! total number of elements (to send or recv)
          integer, intent(out) :: numperproc(0:npes-1) ! per-PE number of items to receive
          integer, intent(out) :: displs(0:npes-1)     ! per-PE displacements
       subroutine mpigatherv_hbuf (hbuf_send, numsend, mpireal1, hbuf_recv, &
                                   numrecv, displs, mpireal2, root, comm)
          type (hbuffer_3d), intent(in   ) :: hbuf_send  ! send buffer
          type (hbuffer_3d), intent(inout) :: hbuf_recv  ! receive buffer
          integer :: numsend                ! number of items to be sent
          integer :: mpireal1               ! MPI real data type for hbuf_send
          integer :: mpireal2               ! MPI real data type for hbuf_recv
          integer :: numrecv(*)             ! number of items to be received
          integer :: displs(*)              ! displacement array
          integer, intent(in) :: root
          integer, intent(in) :: comm
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