tnw07b is responding to pings but ssh connections are reset.   Oops, I made a mistake, nmap does look like a DSM.  (Port 22 is ssh, 8888 is tinyproxy, 30000 is dsm.  Xinetd check-mk 6556 is not listed I suspect because nmap does not scan it by default.)

[daq@ustar raw_data]$ nmap  tnw07b
Starting Nmap 7.40 ( ) at 2017-03-10 17:40 WET
Nmap scan report for tnw07b (
Host is up (0.055s latency).
Not shown: 997 closed ports
22/tcp    open  ssh
8888/tcp  open  sun-answerbook
30000/tcp open  ndmps

And data are coming in:

tnw07b:/dev/gps_pty0                   7      2        32 2017 03 10 17:41:25.874  03 10 17:41:41.036    2.04  0.142  0.925   69   80
tnw07b:/dev/ttyUSB0                    7     22        16 2017 03 10 17:41:25.828  03 10 17:41:40.958    0.99  1.008  1.009   39   39
tnw07b:/dev/ttyUSB4                    7    102        16 2017 03 10 17:41:26.368  03 10 17:41:41.434    1.00  1.004  1.005   38   38
tnw07b:/dev/ttyUSB7                    7  32768         4 2017 03 10 17:41:26.049  03 10 17:41:41.049    0.20  4.772  5.228   17   30

The data connection to dsm_server is in fact from the right IP address, so tnw07b appears to be configured correctly:

[root@ustar daq]# netstat -ap | grep tnw07b
tcp        0      0 ustar:51968             tnw07b:43666            ESTABLISHED 9440/dsm_server     

According to nagios, tnw07b was responding to check-mk requests until 2017-03-09 10:52 UTC, so something happened then which now causes network connections to be reset.  Probably this system needs to be rebooted.