Daily report for Thursday October 24

Weather: Overcast much of the night. Not much cooling from 4Z onward. Low ~5C.

Cloud base visible on CL-view (ceilometer), 10K-12K feet this morning. (The plots from MLH analysis don't go high enough to capture this)

Profiler power: 0.130mW (at 15:48Z). Good profiler returns overnight.

Soundings: IOP last night followed usual sequence: (LT) 4pm, 7pm, 10pm, 1am, 4am, 7am, 10am.

Problems and interesting events:

Nagios all green at ISFS Base

Nagios all green (ISS site) except:

449-RASS: Working well overnight (to larger heights). (Did not check for issue of sound ending before the 5-min dwell ends)

WILL need to clear disk space within 1 day.

SODAR site: solar trailer battery at 86% (9am LT); . Sodar chirping. [Battery at 90% (2pm LT) after a mostly cloudy morning]

All sensors appear to be operating well, however:

CEILOMETER CL-View screen still shows a warning: (Status: Blower failure; Status: Heater fault; (both blower and heater show "OFF").)

Backup to DVD: backed up both ISS and GAUS site data-managers this morning.

Voyager disk: Bill filled it and I will return it to Boulder. Lou will bring a replacement good through the project end.

449-RIM-without-RASS: Bill created this new mode for continuous RIM winds, not interrupted by RASS.  We started this mode at 20:15UT. Will let it run at least overnight. [WIll need to change back well before next IOP]

LOU arrives this evening to join Clayton. Steve departs tomorrow. Good luck LOU!