
Wet deposition of aerosols is described in detail in the CAM5 scientific guide

For a list of aerosol species undergoing wet deposition, after building the model code, open $CASEROOT/CaseDocs/atm_in. All aerosol species undergoing wet deposition will be listed in aer_wetdep_list. 

Gas-Phase Compounds

Wet deposition of gas-phase compounds is described in detail in the CAM5 scientific guide. The scheme is based off Neu and Prather (2012).

For a list of gas-phase species undergoing wet deposition, after building the model code, open $CASEROOT/CaseDocs/atm_in. All gas-phase species undergoing wet deposition will be listed in gas_wetdep_list. If you want to make changes to this list, see Updating Gas-Phase Chemistry.