Rick and Chris on-site today.  Weather was partly cloudy in the morning, and mostly cloudy in the late afternoon with some showers in the area.

After the balloon launch, Rick and I went to the trailer tower to fix the 28m TRH (Old SSN was 011).  We double checked the fuse with was OK.  We dropped and lowered the tower. The fan for the 28m TRH was still running, but no data as coming out of the sensor.  I showed RIck how the TRH sensors are replaced.  The first two new TRHs that we tried were bad (one the sensor had fallen out of the housing), and we finally found a good one (SN 052).  We verified the data,  and then raised the tower back to its fully extended position.

Stephan De Wekker and Nathan ?? (From Purdue) were here today with a gang of bout 15 undergraduate UAV pilots.
They were flying drones between and about 5 meters behind the towers.
They were flying 8 drones between the following towers:
49 & 48,
48 & 47,
47 & 46,
46 & 45,
45 & 44,
44 & 43,
43 & 42,
42 & 41

They will be flying drones for this entire week (Sept. 11- 15) , and will leave on Friday or Saturday.

Weather in the afternoon: