Use this page to make note of any QA issues found in the new Atlas II maps (added 3/11/2008).

  • energy transformations map missing misconceptions - added
  • DNA and inherited characteristics misconceptions missing last two paragraphs - added
  • Duplicate benchmark displayed in - SMS-BMK-0031 and SMS-BMK-0033 - fixed
  • overlapping strands (last two) -
  • overlapping strands (first two) -
  • overlapping strands -
  • 2nd strand is truncated -
  • Bad characters: the division sign is different in the image of the benchmark and in the full text given in the bubble it looks like Ã- in the image part - and also
  • SMS-BMK-0848 and SMS-BMK-1982 are the same BM. 
  • Fixed Strand issue in 'Detecting Flaws...' map.  The ordering of the strands was missing.
  • New issue with 'Detecting Flaws..' map - only first five strands are displaying.
  • Some misconceptions data doesn't show up in csip explorer. Related to extra \r\n.  Some also do not included sequenceNumber="" in <Conception> field - fixed
  • grade levels associated with the 'detecting flaws..' map lists all grades rather than the specific grade ranges in the strandmaps.sql file. SMS-GRD-2555 to -2561 - fixed
  • ('SMS-STD-0027','SMS-STD-0038','Is Part Of') This entry can possibly be deleted.  SMS-STD-0027 should be SMS-BMK-0027 but ('SMS-BMK-0027','SMS-STD-0038','Is Part Of') already exists in the db.- deleted
  • Faulty standards data- example: I looked at the sql file and this seems related to a typo in front of the 'Content Standard' portion of the NSES standards.  Specifically, the separator ???sep??? was entered as ??? - fixed (SC)
    • 32 standards had '#st???Content Standard'
    • 133 standards had '#si???Content Standard'
    • 15 standards had '#hn???Content Standard'
    • 25 standards had '#sp???Content Standard'
  • BM SMS-BMK-1900 has duplicate standards - fixed (SC)
  • BM SMS-BMK-0774 has a standard with text 'Understanding' as opposed to 'Understandings' - fixed (SC)
    • 10 standards had 'Understanding about science and technology' as opposed to 'Understandings about ....'
    • 22 standards had 'Understanding about scientific inquiry' as opposed to 'Understandings about...'
  • This benchmark is stranded in space - -This issue is related to the report Detecting Flaws in Arguments in the bottom of this page - Qianyi
    • Also found in Detecting Flaws in Arguments map - vol II pg 113 and Graphic Representation map - vol I pg 115
    • should be connected to SMS-BMK-0851
  • This benchmark is stranded in space -
    • It does belong to this map -should be connected to SMS-BMK-0851 and SMS-BMK-0855 -This issue is related to the report Detecting Flaws in Argumentsin the bottom of this page - Qianyi
  • SMS-BMK-0851 and SMS-BMK-0855 are not visible in Detecting flaws in arguments map -This issue is related to the report Detecting Flaws in Argumentsin the bottom of this page- Qianyi
  • Does this release include Materials Science map?  It's not showing from Designed World chapter: -DONE- The Materials Science map has been added to the Design World chapter - Qianyi - (SC) - Still not displaying. This map is cataloged to SMS-CLS-1173, which doesn't exist.  Needs to be cataloged to a cluster with the same name as the map and follow the incremental id scheme and keywords - - fixed - added cluster details to SMS-CLS-1173 - called it materials science and used same keywords as map
  • Classical Mechanics map has only two strands but display makes several benchmarks look like they are not a part of either strand:  -In the map visualization, all benchmarks which are under the strand name or on the right side of the strand name belong to that strand- Qianyi
  • In Historical Perspectives chapter: - Moving the Continents map appears twice with same map id:
    • it is listed under two clusters/sections SMS-CLS-2353/SMS-SEC-1102 (Extending Time) and SMS-CLS-2354/SMS-SEC-1104 (Moving the Continents) This is true: in the database, it belongs to both clusters- Qianyi - I think it is listed twice because it is cataloged under both clusters/sections -  the atlases say BMs come from both sections. (SC)
  • Maps that Don't Load


  • The physical settings chapter lists two Weather and Climate maps. -DONE- This old map link to the chapter has been removed. -Qianyi SMS-MAP-9030 is the culprit...I think SMS-MAP-1698 should be the real one. Wasn't quite sure how to go about eliminating ALL instances of MAP-9030... mf
  • The Evidence and reasoning in Inquiry map (Map 1200) is not loading at all -hd -DONE- The cycling loop in the map has been fixed- Qianyi
  • The (Values in Sci) map does not display. The main site and the Public Perception map do display. I get the map page but the map itself if not there, nor are the nav tools. LD -DONE- The cycling loop in the map has been fixed- Qianyi
  • The Scientific Community - DONE - 1C/E3 SMS-BMK-0035 doing science... mistakenly links to 1B/H8 SMS-BMK-2031 scientists nationality deleted. mf ; 1B/H8 SMS-BMK-2031 scientists nationality... mistakenly links to 1C/H4 SMS-BMK-0046 Science disciplines... deleted. mf ; 1C/H10 SMS-BMK-2030 because science... mistakenly links to 1C/H4 SMS-BMK-0046 science discliplines... deleted. mf ; 1C/H8 SMS-BMK-0050 funding influences... mistakenly links to 1C/H4 SMS-BMK-0046 science discliplines... deleted. mf
  • Science and Society - DONE - 3C/M7 SMS-BMK-0117 Societies influence... is mislinked to 1C/M8 SMS-BMK-2027 Scientists' personal interests... deleted. mf ; 1C/P3 SMS-BMK-1670 A lot can... is mislinked to 1C/E4 SMS-BMK-1671 Many social... deleted. mf ; 1C/P3 SMS-BMK-1670 A lot can... needs link to 1C/M5ac SMS-BMK-1672 In research... added. mf ; 1A/M4ab SMS-BMK-1634 Some matters... mistakenly links to 1C/H9 SMS-BMK-1632 Scientists often cannot... leave it. mf ;
  • Note on rendering the visualizations (from Francis on 4/10/08): Scientific World View map is really interesting and seems to be correct, but if you look closely it really isn't and, once again, the data/BM connection returned by the service is correct. I have noticed that (the "rule" is) if the link is A-C on map 1 and it's A-B-C on map 2, the latter shows BOTH the indirect A-B-C link and the direct A-C link. In the case of the Scientific World View map, the link between the BM "Scientific knowledge is subject to modification..." and the BM "New ideas in science are limited by the context..." seems to be interrupted by the BM "From time to time, major shifts occur...," but it really isn't. If you look closely, there are both a direct, A-C arrow/path and an indirect, A-B-C arrow/path. This is because the indirect path occurs on another map, "Scientific Theories" (Vol. 1), thus (correctly) following the "rule." The arrows connecting A-B-C just happen to be perfectly in line with, and lying directly on top of that connecting A-C. This could very well be a recurring one issue...
  • Scientific World View - DONE - 1B/E3bc SMS-BMK-1700 Sometimes scientists...  mistakenly links to 1B/E2a SMS-BMK-1709 Because we expect... deleted. mf; 1B/E2a SMS-BMK-1709 Because we expect... mistakenly links to 1A/M1a SMS-BMK-1706 When similar...  deleted. mf ; 1B/M1b SMS-BMK-1701 Scientific investigations... mistakenly links to 1B/H6b SMS-BMK-1719 In the long run... deleted. mf ; 1B/H6a SMS-BMK-1718 In the short... mistakenly links to 1A/H3a SMS-BMK-1714 No matter... leave it. mf ; 1B/H6b SMS-BMK-1719 In the long... mistakenly links to 1A/H3bc SMS-BMK-1716 In science the testing... leave it. mf ; 1A/H3a SMS-BMK-1714 No matter how... mistakenly links to 1A/H3d SMS-BMK-1715 In matters that... deleted. mf ; 1A/H3bc SMS-BMK-1716 In science... mistakenly links to 1C/H9 SMS-BMK-1632 Science often cannot... leave it. mf
  • Nature of Mathematics - DONE - 2A/P2 Patterns can be made... is mistakenly linked to 2C/E1 Quantities and shapes... deleted. mf; 9A/P1 Numbers can be used... is mistakenly linked to 9A/E2 In some situations... (leave it) AND to 9C/E2 SMS-BMK-0614 If 0 and 1 are located... deleted. mf; 2C/E1 Quantities and shapes... is mistakenly linked to 9C/E3 Graphical display... deleted. mf; 9C/E2 If 0 and 1... mistakenly links to 9C/E3 Graphical display... deleted. mf ; 2B/M1 SMS-BMK-0063 Mathematics is helpful... is mistakenly linked to 9D/M3 SMS-BMK-0639 The mean... deleted. mf ; 2B/M1 Mathematics is helpful... needs link to 2B/H3 Mathematics provides... added. mf; 9A/M2 A number line... mistakenly links to 9C/M4 The graphic display... deleted. mf; 2B/H1 Mathematical modeling... needs link to 2B/H5 Developments in mathematics... added. mf -MF
  • Technology and Science - DONE - No problems.  -MF
  • Weather and Climate - DONE - 4B/P1 The temperature and amount... mistakenly linked to 4B/M7 Water evaporates... deleted. mf ; 4E/M3 Thermal energy is transferred... is missing three "to" links -> 4E/H8 In a fluid..., 4B/H2 Transfer of thermal..., 4B/H4 Greenhouse gases... links mysteriously appeared. mf; 4B/M9 Thermal energy carried... is mistakenly linked to 4B/M6 Climates have sometimes... deleted. mf; Six benchmarks missing in 9-12 -> 4B/H3 Because the earth turns..., 4E/H8 In a fluid..., 4B/H2 Transfer of thermal..., 4B/H5 Climatic conditions..., 4B/H4 Greenhouse gases..., 4B/H6 The earth's climates... they mysteriously appeared! mf;  4B/M7 Water evaporates... mistakenly links to 4B/M9 Thermal energy carried... deleted. mf -MF
  • Use of Earth's Resources - DONE - 8C/M2 Different ways... mistakenly linked to 3C/H4 The human species... (deleted) AND to 5D/H3 Human beings... (deleted) mf ; 5D/M3 Given adequate... mistakenly linked to 3C/H4 The human species... leave it. mf ; 4B/M11a The wasteful... mistakenly links to 8C/H4 Industrialization... deleted. mf ; Two-way arrow needs deletion, between 8C/H4 Industrialization... and 8B/H7 The development... deleted. mf ; 4C/M7 Human activities... mistakenly links to 3C/H4 The human species... leave it. mf ; 4C/M7 Human activities... mistakenly links to 5D/H1 Ecosystems can be... leave it. mf ; 5D/M3 Given adequate... mistakenly linked to 3C/H4 The human species... leave it. mf  -MF
  • Energy Transformations - DONE - This one isn't loading at all.  -MF  "There are mistaken links in the map, I will fix those"- Qianyi ; This was a relations error...I changed SMS-GRD-2075 through 2078 to be "is part of" SMS-MAP-2071 rather than 2070. Also, changed SMS-STD-2072 through 2074 to be part of MAP-2071. AAAAND...I deleted SMS-MAP-2071 is part of CLS and SEC mf
  • Electricity and Magnetism - DONE - 4F/P2 The way to... mistakenly linked to 4G/E2 Without touching... deleted. mf ; 4D/M9 Materials vary... mistakenly links to 4G/H4d Semiconducting... (leave it, b/c it's present in Materials Science) AND to 4G/H4ab In many conducting... (deleted) AND to 4G/H4c At very low... (leave it) mf   -MF
  • Diversity of Life - DONE - 5C/M3b The way in which... mistakenly links to 5C/M1c The cells in similar...  deleted. mf -MF
  • Interdependence of Life - DONE - 5D/M1b The world contains... mistakenly linked to 5F/M2b Changes in... leave it. mf ; 5D/M1b The world contains... mistakenly linked to 4C/M7 Human activities... leave it. mf -MF
  • Human Identity - DONE - 6A/P1 People have different... mistakenly links to 6A/P2 People need water... deleted. mf  -MF
  • Human Development - DONE - No problems  -MF
  • Basic Functions - DONE - 6C/E3 Skin keeps... mistakenly links to 6A/M1 Like other animals... deleted. mf ; 6C/E4 The brain gets... mistakenly links to 6A/M1 Like other animals... deleted. mf ; 6C/M2 For the body... needs link to 6A/M1 Like other animals... added link. mf -MF
  • Group Behavior - DONE - No problems  -MF
  • Political and Economic Systems - DONE - 7F/P2 Rules at home... mistakenly links to 7C/E2 Rules can sometimes... deleted. mf ; 7E/M4a Some industries are controlled... mistakenly links to 7E/H3 Governments can use... deleted. mf  -MF
  • Social Conflict - DONE - No problems  -MF
  • Global Interdependence - DONE -  No problems  -MF
  • Materials Science - Hmm...where is it?  It's not even listed on the Designed World page.
  • Manufacturing - DONE - 12C/P1 Use hammers... is mistakenly linked (two-way link) to 8B/P3 Tools are used... deleted two-way link, added 8B/P3 link to 12C/P1 mf; 12C/P2 Assemble, describe... mistakenly links to 12C/M5 Analyze simple... leave it. mf ; 12C/P3 Make something... mistakenly links to 12C/M5 Analyze simple... leave it. mf ; 8B/P1 Some kinds... mistakenly links to 8B/M1 The choice of materials... deleted mf  -MF
  • Energy Resources - DONE - 4E/P1 The sun warms... mistakenly links to 4E/E1 When two objects are rubbed... deleted mf ; 8C/M5 Energy from the sun... needs link to 8C/M2 Different ways of obtaining... added mf ; 5E/H1 At times, environmental... mistakenly links to 8C/H4 Industrialization brings... deleted mf -MF
  • Health TechnologyDONE - The missing link has been added - Qianyi  8F/M2 The ability to measure... link to 8F/H6 Techniques for... isn't showing up on the primary map for some reason (link does show up when you click on the benchmark)  ; Same exact problem with 8F/M3 It is possible...  ; 8F/M5 Many diseases are caused... mistakenly links (at least in this map) to 8F/H5 Knowledge of molecular... (deleted) AND to 6E/H3a New medical... (deleted) AND to 8F/H8 The incorrect... (deleted) mf ; 8F/H5 Knowledge of... has proper link to 8F/H6 Techniques for... but the link is not showing up on the primary map.   
  • Numbers - DONE -  12B/P2 Give the sums... mistakenly links to 12B/E1 Make calculations... text should show the link, it's valid mf ; 9A/P1 Numbers can be used... mistakenly links to 9A/M6 Numbers can be represented... deleted. mf ; 12B/E1 Make calculations... mistakenly links to 12B/M2 Use, interpret... (leave it) AND to 9A/M5 A number expressed... (deleted) mf ; 12B/M9 Express numbers like... is mistakenly linked to 11D/H1 Representing very large... leave it. mf
  • Shapes - DONE - Text shows 12D/M4 to be "Describe spatial..." while the database has 12D/M4 as "Understand writing..." Edit database to match text, I suppose. done mf -MF
  • Reasoning - DONE - 9E/E2 The claims people... mistakenly links to 9E/M3 Sometimes people... link deleted mf ;   Arrow between 12A/E2 Offer reasons... and 12E/E3 Seek reasons... should be a two-way arrow Edited. mf; It seems as though SMS-BMK-0658 (9E/M6) in database should be replaced with "An analogy has some..." done mf; 9E/M3 Sometimes people invent... mistakenly links to 12E/M5c Be skeptical... deleted. mf ; 9E/M4 People are using... mistakenly links to 12E/M5b NOtice and criticize... link deleted mf  -MF
  • The Copernican Revolution - DONE - No problems.  -MF
  • Classical Mechanics - DONE - No problems.  -MF
  • Relativity - DONE - 10B/H1 Isaac Newton, building... mistakenly links to 1A/H2 From time to time... -MF Do not delete link. Text should show this links are universal.  If two benchmarks are linked on one map, they should be linked on all maps where they both appear. mf
  • Moving the Continents - DONE - 1B/H6a In the short run... mistakenly links to 1A/H3bc In science, the testing... Removed link, as Vol 2 takes precedence over Vol 1.  -MF
  • The Chemical Revolution - DONE - No problems.  -MF
  • Splitting the Atom - DONE - 1C/H8 Funding influences... mistakenly links to 3C/H2 Some scientists... -MF 1C/H8 correctly links to 3C/H2 on Science and Society, therefore this link should appear in ALL maps with these two benchmarks present...leave it. mf  
  • Explaining Evolution - DONE - 5A/E3 There are millions... mistakenly links to 10H/H1 The theory of natural... link deleted mf; 10D/H3 In formulating... mistakenly links to 10H/H4 Darwin published... link deleted mf  -MF
  • Discovering Germs - DONE - No problems.  -MF
  • The Industrial Revolution - DONE - 8B/M4 Automation... mistakenly links to 3C/M4 Technology is largely... link deleted mf; 3C/M4 Technology is largely... mistakenly links to 3C/H5 Human inventiveness... link deleted mf  -MF
  • Models - DONE - 11B/P3 SMS-BMK-0734 One way to... mistakenly links to 11B/E2 SMS-BMK-0736 Geometric... deleted. mf
  • Constancy -DONE - No problems.  -MF
  • Patterns of Change - DONE - 11C/E2a SMS-BMK-1790 Things change... mistakenly links to 11C/M4 SMS-BMK-0752 Symbolic equations...  deleted. mf   -MF
  • Scale - DONE -  9C/H2 SMS-BMK-0626 When the linear... mistakenly links to 9C/H6 SMS-BMK-2298 Both shape and scale... leave it. mf -MF
  • Values in Science - DONE- The cycling loop in the map has been fixed- Qianyi Map does not load.  -MF 
  • Public Perception of Science - DONE - 1C/H9 SMS-BMK-1632 Scientists often cannot... mistakenly links to 1A/H3d SMS-BMK-1715 In matters... leave it. mf ; 1C/H6ab SMS-BMK-1678 Scientists can bring... mistakenly links to 1C/H6d SMS-BMK-1931 Where a scientist's... leave it. mf -MF
  • Computation and Estimation - DONE - 12B/P2 SMS-BMK-0779 Give the sums... mistakenly links to 12B/P4 SMS-BMK-0781 Explain to other students... (deleted. mf) AND to 12B/E1 SMS-BMK-0783 Make calculations when necessary... (deleted. mf) AND to 12B/E3 SMS-BMK-0785 Judge whether...  (deleted. mf) ; 12B/E1 SMS-BMK-0783 Make calculations... mistakenly links to 12B/H3 SMS-BMK-0800 Make up and write... deleted. mf ; 12B/E3 SMS-BMK-0785 Judge whether... mistakenly links to 12B/M8 SMS-BMK-0795 Decide what degree... (deleted. mf) AND to 12B/M7a SMS-BMK-1736 Use the units... (deleted. mf) ; 12B/M2 SMS-BMK-0789 Use, interpret... mistakenly links to 12B/H2 SMS-BMK-0799 Find answers to...  deleted. mf -MF
  • Using Tools and Devices - DONE - 12C/P1 SMS-BMK-0807 Use hammers... mistakenly links to 12C/M5 SMS-BMK-0820 Analyze simple... leave it. mf ; 4G/M4 SMS-BMK-2095 Electrical circuits... mistakenly links to 12C/H3 SMS-BMK-0823 Troubleshoot... deleted. mf -MF
  • Communication Skills - DONE - 12D/P1 SMS-BMK-0825 Describe and compare... mistakenly links to 12D/E3 SMS-BMK-0829 Use numerical data... deleted. mf ; 12D/E3 SMS-BMK-0829 Use numerical data... mistakenly links to 12D/M1 SMS-BMK-0830 Organize information... deleted. mf -MF
  • Detecting Flaws in Arguments - NOT DONE - This map is problematic: I have checked all the data and relationships cataloged in the database. They are all correct. The reasons to cause the generation errors are ont understood yet.  -Qianyi   12E/P1 SMS-BMK-0842 Ask "How... mistakenly links to 12A/E2 SMS-BMK-0772 Offer reasons... leave it. mf ; 12A/E2 SMS-BMK-0772 Offer reasons... mistakenly links to 12E/E1 SMS-BMK-0843 Buttress... deleted. mf ; 12A/E2 SMS-BMK-0772 Offer reasons... needs TWO-way link to 12E/E3 SMS-BMK-0845 Seek reasons... edited. mf ; 12E/E1 SMS-BMK-0843 Buttress... mistakenly links to 12E/M5a SMS-BMK-1704 Notice and criticize... deleted. mf ; Benchmarks that are missing from 6-8: 12E/M3 Be skeptical... , 12E/M5d Notice and criticize the reasoning... , 12E/M5e Be skeptical of arguments... , 12E/M1 Question claims...  Benchmarks that are missing from 9-12: 12E/H5 Notice and criticize claims that people... , 12E/H1 Notice and criticize claims based on... Perhaps Qianyi will have more luck than I in tracking down the source of these absent benchmarks, as well as the wrong strands being displayed. mf
  • Decisions about Using Technology (map ID SMS-MAP-1273) - NOT DONE. Map/visualization not rendering at all - DONE Now- The map is able to render now- Qianyi

  • No labels