Yannick was traveling home today so he was absent. Mark ran the meeting and asked for updates from everyone.


Steve V is adding the capability to his ODB conversion scripts to handle both ECMWF and Met Office ODB2 files. He is also developing a scheme to be able to configure the script for different obs types using YAML files.

Francois is working on running JEDI and Fv3-GFS on Amazon.

Maryam has an OOPS pull request under review that replaces all boost-based tests with eckit-based tests in the OOPS repository. This is done in a manner which allows other repositories to switch their boost tests to eckit at a later time (after this pull request is merged). Maryam has verified that her pull request works with ufo-bundle and fv3-bundle.

Steve H is refactoring the ObsSpace class. He should be finished with this in the next 1-2 days. The next step is to build the IodaIO interface which will allow access for all of the observation data conversion scripts. The goal is to have the IodaIO interface ready by the start of the upcoming marine code sprint.

Hailing is developing 2D GNSSRO geovals in UFO. She is running into a crash when trying to construct a 2D Location object, and is working with Anna to get this resolved.

Mark is developing various builds for AWS. He has an Intel 17 build working. As part of this work, Mark discovered the causes of the issues with the new ECMWF fckit, and is working with ECMWF to get these issues resolved. (These issues are: the MPI send buffers as routine arguments changed from intent "in" to "inout", and the call to the "alltoallv" interface we added got changed to "alltoall" - trailing 'v' is missing).

Mark also got a GNU build using MPT working on Cheyenne and is currently debugging an Intel build (using MPT). He has put in fixes for UFO (replace GNU intrinsic abort call with OOPS abort call) and MPI. 

Xin is making progress with Bias Correction using the WRF model. He is currently adding in a "bias operator" which is being done in a similar fashion as an H(x) calculation.

Tavis is preparing for the upcoming marine code sprint. He has modified the marine obs files to us the CF naming conventions for variables.

BJ is working on the assimilation of surface pressure in MPAS.

JJ has been doing work outside of JEDI related to all-sky obs from GOES-16.

Anna has got UFO radiance H(x) calculations to match those from GSI. She is using CRTM version 2.3.1.


Dan is working on improvements to the CRTM interface in JEDI.

Guillaume, Shastri, Hamideh and Rahul are all preparing for the upcoming marine code sprint. New tests (3Dvar related) and new obs files have been created, plus some development and cleanup of SOCA.

Hui and Andrew are preparing for a mini code sprint (in College Park?) that will be focused on adding in new satellite instrument types into JEDI.

Met Office

Steve S reported that this week's planning and organization work with Yannick has been productive. He also has merged into their develop branch (LFRic) functionality related to doing increments with whole model fields.  Marek is preparing a trip report for Yannick's visit last week.

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