This special topic focused on methods for observation monitoring and discussions of how this could be incorporated into JEDI. Two presentations were given by David Simonin and Brett Candy on observation monitoring systems and their capabilities. Q&A and the chat capture are after the slides. 

%%%%%%%%%%%%%David Simonin Presented the Following Slides on Luciole%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Brett Candy Presented the following slides on OBS Mon%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Q&A: paraphrased

Some questions from Ben Ruston missing due to note taker internet outage. 

Yannick: How is the data compressed

Brett: Columns of data not needed are removed, those unnecessary for the plots.

Tom :   Is there a way or plan to get into a convergence between the two tools presented for obs monitoring.

David: They were developed independently so merging them would be difficult.

Chris Snyder: Do you have plans on where ensembles might fit into this obs diagnostic picture.

David: If we have an ensemble member where each has an obs the system could work for each.

Ben: Differences between experiments for radiosonde do you just look at global mean differences or do you do it pointwise to see if some points were unique to one experiment or another.

David,  In luciole there is not experiments built in so you need to run it twice. You could compare after that since the output would have the same structure.

Yannick: Is there a tool when you run a parallel suite to compare?

David: Yes, there is some suite of plots for this.  These tools could be incorporated into Jedi if a static file format is chosen.

Chat Capture:

Zhiquan Liu

11:33 AM

is there ongoing work to ingest ODB data into IODA for DA purpose?

Benjamin Ruston

11:33 AM

that's already been completed

the ability for UFO to directly write ODB is still in progress

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