Dom - Infrastructure

Had questions for the group about this PR: 

This PR Replaces Jedi-cmake with an external repo. Wanted to check if people are OK with using submodules. Nobody expressed any concern during the meeting. Will give people some more time to say something before proceeding.

Wants to delete some bundles and repos regarding ODC. The JEDI repos are old copies and we are now using the ECMWF direct repos. No one expressed any objections to deleting them.


Progress on these tasks:

Linear variable changes in Vader

GSI static-b

Sergey profiling LETKF

Interpolation with masks

Hybrid TLM with QG



changes in ioda converters

Converter for tropics?

Cycling 3D-var for aerosols



Hybrid & LETKF experiments for SOCA


Skylab release 2 goals

Layered soils

Asked about spack stack on Cheyenne. Dom reported that it’s ready for testing.

Patrick Stegman

CRTM coefficient regeneration

Two pr’s on snow/surface emissivity

Ben Ruston

Prep bufr 

UFO PR backlog, and they’re working on that.

Testing bias-correction

Correlated error

Iazy memory issue

Sergei-QC manager assert failure being investigated.

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