No General announcements.

Infra (Evan, Eric, Yannick reporting)
- aws proserve engagement closing out, should have testing running soon
- continuing r2d2 work and planning
- spack stack 1.3.1 available
- hoping for 1.4 much earlier during the next release cycle (late May?)

Algo (Anna)
- atlas code sprint last week (Yannick + Francois H)
  - adding to atlas an improved way of looping over points in atlas fields for math or storing matrices (in PR)
  - roadmap for improved integration of JEDI model geometry with atlas functionspaces. work started in atlas to add new ways of creating meshes from external connectivity information. (PR to come)
  - roadmap for setting the MPI comm in atlas functionspaces (PR to come)
- PRs from saber B-matrix training sprint
- PRs for ensemble B localization, hybrid B within saber
- discussions for passing constants to vader; for cleaning up variables and variable changes in yamls
- bugfixes of HTLM
- cleanup of ewok experiments
- work on 3d-fgat with UFS

Marine (Travis)
- scientific testing of regional soca hybrid letkf envar

Composition (Jerome)
- work on 2d arrays in ioda (more general than channel dimension)
- made example of ozone operator with new vertical column operator; would still need to adapt ioda-converter
- difficulties in integrating JEDI with GEOS because GEOS-GCM and GEOS-CF are very different...
- able to compile UFS-aerosol but not yet running (as with GEOS, different versions, files, etc for NWP vs. aerosol...)

Obs (Francois V)
- code sprint (Cory and Hui) unifying many vertical interpolations into a single operator. will be merged this week.
- nasa: confirming msr2 and gmi data to add to ufo
- emc: cxx queries in buffer-to-ioda converters
- report of progress working directly from buffer files
- new converter for aws open-data gnssro -> ioda
- impact contribution from each sensor as first step towards FSOI

CRTM (Patrick, Cheng)
- Several new instruments coming next week: AMPR and CoSMIR. Tom Greenwald will start working on the GXI imager and the GXS sounder.
- Patrick spent a lot time helping Surya getting up to speed with the coefficient generation.

- ISSI workshop discussions on vis/ir/uv radiances and how to improve CRTM
- surface emissivity updates: new LUT for snow and ice

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