Evan: Working on spack stack release,
Difficulties to have JEDI work on macOS Ventura. Not as critical for the release. Steve H
is working on this.
Ashely: R2D2 work

Christian: PR observation between outer loops
Nate: spectral blocks with MPAS – problems with naming conventions
Anna: bug fixes with channels variables
Clementine: ingest for GEOS backgrounds
Steve H: API with obs data frame, IODA reader for MPI that should work for ODB files
Steve V: architecture changes for variable renaming, code sprint scheduled for new
base names
Discussion(initiated from Chris Snyder) MPAS is not fully compliant with CCPP
conventions causing problems in SABER spectral B.

Francois H, interpolation improvements PR for ocean and masks
Liam, work on GPU for JEDI linked with understanding saber and atlas

Kriti: HTLM with SOCA using identity B, working now.
Travis: change of resolution with the global generic interpolator, test between ¼ degree
to ½ degree and works great
Hamideh: coupled H(x) problem with difference in time scales between ocean and
atmosphere (24hrs vs 6hrs)
Linked with problem in r2d2, solution plans from Clementine


PR on UFO AOD extinction for multi wavelength
PR on surface observation iodaconv
Demonstration of EDA of 4EnVar with TEMPO and emission inversions using GEOS-CF

Converter cleanup
T2m temperature operator – both preassure and T2m shoud be comnbined in one
Greg: PR to output Jacobian for CO2 and O3
Clean-up for UFO on certain operators
Space based radar PR
Bug fix in the diagnostic file


Upgrading the solver – will issue the PR
TL/AD K matrix updates
Update CRTM v3.1.1 static and shared library support
Bin coefs to netcdf across all CRTM models. Transmittance coefs are still under testing.
Once the transition is complete will phase out the binary files.
Code sprint to update surface emissivity in CRTM planned

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Ricardo, tunning GSI and JEDI
Looking at discrepancies between GSI and JEDI
Problem adding skin temp in the CV – struggling with the variable change in FV3-jedi
and Vader

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Hopping to converge between NCAR and JCSDA JED-MPAS. Steps by steps…

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