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  1. Unknown User (shane)

    Today was the first official day of data collection.  We started horizontal PPI scans with the REAL at 8:30 AM PDT.  Bruce, Scott, and Shane present.

    The photo of the LabVIEW panel from the REAL data acquisition system at 8:32 AM this morning shows good backscatter signal to 3 km range but almost no spatial variability.


    12:48 PM panorama from today:

    Later in the day, we begin to see spatial variability in the backscatter data as wind stirs up the dust.  These appears as wiggles in the traces in the top panel.

    Below photo of an aerosol structure spanning almost 2 km in the horizontal in the high-pass-median filtered aerosol backscatter image.  Flow is from the south.

    By the end of the day, the backscatter signal is booming...

    Bruce Morley and Scott Spuler departed site around 2 PM.  Shane Mayor departed at 5:40 PM local with plans to shut system down remotely later in the evening.