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  1. Unknown User (shane)

    Today is Monday and the day started with a north-south oriented region of convection nearby.  Conditions in the morning at the site were overcast with rain showers nearby.  Then clearing for the middle part of the day and then return of cumulus convection in the afternoon that culminated in thunderstorms and rain.  Today was Scott Spuler's and Ben Crane's last full day here.  They return to Colorado tomorrow.

    Below (left) IR Sat image and (right) NWS weather radar data from Reno.

    Eastern panorama from mid-deck of the REAL at 8:42 AM

    Eastern panorama from mid-deck of the REAL at 4:22 PM

    A notable event today was the arrival of a high-performance Starlink for the REAL:

    In the photo below, the square flat panel antenna is the Starlink and it is pointed up and toward the north.  The circular antenna in the foreground is a Husky Parsec 5G antenna.  

    Looking to the SW at 5:20 PM as rain approached the site.

    Below vector flow field derived from REAL's backscatter data and the Typhoon wavelet-based motion estimation algorithm at 5:23 PM.  Strong winds and the beginning of rain resulted in abundant structures over a large area.