The Chemistry Cafe (and the development version) is a web application in which users can select, update, track and document reactions, rates, and molecules.  This applications has been built to support both WRF and CESM chemistry. A sub-section of this data is used by the Configurator to define MICM Chemistry.

Users must be given permission to use the Cafe, since modifications to any data affects any other projects using that data.  During training periods, users may be given access to a copy of the Cafe, (such as cafe-devel), so that their changes do not affect the data stored in the Chemistry Cafe.


  • Species - Name space for molecules, lumped species, and components of aerosols.  Also includes properties of each of these, such as Henry's Law Coefficients.
    • Families - Groups of species.  Used for tracking reaction rates of families, and post-processing by tools such as PERMM
    • External Packages - A way to add groups of species that are not specifically involved in gas-phase chemistry.  These can be added for use by the CESM/CAM/MOZART preprocessor.
  • Reactions - Photochemical reactions which are broken into "photolysis and kinetics".  
    • Reaction Sections - Grouping for reactions (such as iodine, odd-oxygen, or tracers)
    • Photolysis - Photo-decomposition of molecules, with references to rates (by string) to both WRF and CESM.
    • Kinetics - Reactions that are not due to photolytic processes.  Also included are some "synthetic tracers" which are used to track transport.
    • Diagnostics - Used to track reaction processes such as reactions of VOC's with RO's, or to track deposition of nitrogen species.
  • Versioning - Used to track both changes of reactions, changes of mechanisms.  There is no versioning on molecules.
    • Mechanism - a collection of Reactions (both photolysis and kinetics). 
    • Tag - a snapshot of a mechanism at a given time.  Also may include host-model-specific information such as 
  • No labels