This article is deprecated and must be updated to reflect the NNEW program's movement from wxForge to wxHub.

The NNEW Software Repository is currently based on GForge, an open-source version of the SourceForge software infrastructure. Known as "WeatherForge" (wxForge), the repository is accessible at

Table of Contents

wxForge Account Access

wxForge access is intended only for use by software developers with a need to access the projects stored on the software repository, and is primarily for NNEW Program Members. If you believe you should have access to wxForge but do not already possess an account, you may request one via the 'Register New Account' link at the top-right corner of the home page. In general, an email account in the FAA, NOAA, UCAR, MIT, or MITRE domain is required for access; however, some exceptions can be made for other organizations. Contact Oliver Newell of MIT Lincoln Laboratory if you have any questions.

Due to access control issues with GForge, explicit access must be granted to each separate project in order for an account holder to view or download files from the repository. Once you have an account, you must sign up for a particular project by notifying its administrator of your desired access. In the case of the wfsri-template project, the administrator to contact for account access is Ai-Hoa Sanh of MIT Lincoln Laboratory. If, however, you are interested in accessing any of the other projects stored on wxForge, visit the Software Repository article (requires Members' Access rights), which contains a listing of each project and its administrators.

Downloading From wxForge

Once you have been signed up with a given project, you may access it by logging into wxForge clicking the 'MyStuff' tab, and selecting 'Projects' in the tabbed pane that appears. Information on how to access the underlying SVN repository is available within each project via the 'SVN' link in the left column of the project page. In most cases, a project can be checked out of SVN using the following pattern in your Linux terminal:

$  svn checkout --username <your-username><SVN Name>

Thus, once you have a wxForge account and access to the wfsri-template project, you may download it by typing the following into your Linux terminal:

$  svn checkout --username <your-username>

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