Step 2: Installing the WFSRI

Now that you have downloaded the WFSRI and configured your Oracle database, you will need to make sure that you have set up all schemas, mapping files and feature type property files for any features you intend to provide in your service. The WFSRI 3.5 User Guide and the WFSRI 3.5 User Guide Examples show how to configure the feature table files. After configuring these files, proceed with the following steps which will help you configure the WFSRI property files and then use the Registration Client to install the WFSRI, create your feature types in the Oracle DB, and perform self-diagnostics to ensure the installation was a success:

  1. Set the environment variable $CONFIG_DIR to point to the $WFSRI_INSTALL/conf folder.
  2. Separate from the WFSRI installation is a generic SOAP client developed by the NNEW team: soapclient-2.2.jar. This client is used to pass the supported WFS operations to the WFSRI over the web. Set the environment variable $SOAPCLIENT to point to the directory where you have downloaded the soapclient-2.2.jar executable; the Executing WFS Operations section of the User Guide will refer to the location of the .jar file by that variable.

For Distribution Server Installations Only
The $WFSRI_REPEATER/repeater directory contains the WFSRI Repeater: wfsri-repeater-2.2.jar. The Repeater is a component of the WFSRI that downloads data from an origin Web Feature Server and replicates it to a secondary distribution server, which other clients can in turn access. If you wish, you may move the repeater directory from its place in the $WFSRI_INSTALL directory, or leave it where it is. Regardless, you should set the $WFSRI_REPEATER environment variable to point to that directory's final location, as the User Guide refers to its location by this variable.


The following environment variables should be set before proceeding to the next section. We recommend for ease of use that the users add the environment variables to their permanent list of environment variables (ex, in their .cshrc or .env file).:

  • $WFSRI_REPEATER (Distribution Server installations only)

Apache Tomcat vs. FUSE ESB

Version 3.5 of the WFSRI will only be supported in Apache Tomcat.

Continue the WFSRI installation by following the link:

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