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  1. Cleaned DPR. In doing so, it was opened from the wrong side and the mirror got pulled off. Replaced with the dew point spare. Replace S/N 331 with S/N 330.

    Cleaned DPL.

    Cleaned VCSEL.

    Blew out radome tubing.

    LWO 65W AC/DC power supply tested bad. AC in and no DC out. Replaced S/N 82 with S/N 319.

    Put aluminum tape over delron pylon mounting spacers on inboard and outboard sides of LWO and RWO pylons. This is an attempt to keep moisture out of the pylon.

    Janine found that the router is having some "host alert, timeserver DOWN" messages. It attempted 10 times and then quit trying. This may be our router issue in RF06. She changed the timeserver to a static ip address like the satcom, router, and acserver.