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  1. Tested DPR and got a dew point.

    Cleaned 2DC-10 per Josh Carnes instructions.

    Soldered a wire with a ring tongue to the twinax RICE shield and brought it to chassis ground through the RICE MS connector. This is an attempt to bring down the signal noise we are seeing.

    Powered up RWO without USB cable connected. Then, engaged 2DC power that does not share the same breaker as the DSM and DSM did not reboot. Powered down all RWO power. Plugged in USB cable. Powered up DSM until booted. Engaged power to the 2DC and DSM did reboot. We repeated this complete process twice. Results were the same the second time. Rain has been intermittent and we decided to play it safe with just two full attempts. These reboots have been mostly there before and throughout the project. This is our second CPU. Changing to the second CPU did not fix the reboots. Wiring was ispected twice at RAF with all wired connections looking good. Janine was looking at log files during this process. Log results from the second full process are below:

    ----- Messages from /var/log/ads3/dsm.log on dsmrwo

    ---- DSM powered up without USB cable from the 2DC10 plugged in. When 2DC10 was powered up, DSMRWO did not reboot.
    Aug 20 17:15:59 dsmrwo kernel: Cannot find map file.
    Aug 20 17:16:14 dsmrwo kernel: pcmcom8: ERROR: read EEPROM timeout
    Aug 20 17:16:18 dsmrwo kernel: pc104sg: WARNING: no match on read-back
    Aug 20 17:16:20 dsmrwo last message repeated 9 times
    Aug 20 17:16:20 dsmrwo kernel: pc104sg: WARNING: failed dual-port write after 10 attempts
    Aug 20 17:16:42 dsmrwo dsm[1946]: WARNING|sent 0 dgrams, requestType=0, port=42041, socketType=1, len=12, #mcifaces=1
    Aug 20 17:16:44 dsmrwo dsm[1952]: WARNING|sent 0 dgrams, requestType=1, port=44427, socketType=1, len=12, #mcifaces=1
    Aug 20 17:16:45 dsmrwo dsm[1954]: ERROR|dsmrwo:/dev/usbtwod_64_0: IOException: /dev/usbtwod_64_0: open: No such device
    Aug 20 17:17:25 dsmrwo last message repeated 4 times

    ----- DSM powered up with USB cable plugged in. When 2D probe was powered up, DSM rebooted
    Aug 20 17:19:09 dsmrwo kernel: Cannot find map file.
    Aug 20 17:19:24 dsmrwo kernel: pcmcom8: ERROR: read EEPROM timeout
    Aug 20 17:19:28 dsmrwo kernel: pc104sg: WARNING: no match on read-back
    Aug 20 17:19:29 dsmrwo last message repeated 9 times
    Aug 20 17:19:29 dsmrwo kernel: pc104sg: WARNING: failed dual-port write after 10 attempts
    Aug 20 17:19:29 dsmrwo kernel:
    Aug 20 17:19:30 dsmrwo last message repeated 4 times
    Aug 20 17:19:52 dsmrwo dsm[2023]: WARNING|sent 0 dgrams, requestType=0, port=40293, socketType=1, len=12, #mcifaces=1
    Aug 20 17:20:00 dsmrwo dsm[2029]: WARNING|sent 0 dgrams, requestType=1, port=48553, socketType=1, len=12, #mcifaces=1
    Aug 20 17:20:00 dsmrwo kernel: <6>usbtwod: INFO: /dev/usbtwod_64_0 (2d2d/2d03): transfer_buffer_length: 0 Number of Packets: 0 Ac
    Aug 20 17:20:00 dsmrwo last message repeated 2 times
    Aug 20 17:20:00 dsmrwo kernel: <6>usbtwod: INFO: /dev/usbtwod_64_0 (2d2d/2d03): nowo opened sucessfully, throttleRate=100

    Janine did further testing with the router and we have not been able to repeat the RF06 failure but have some leads on how to minimize a full loss of data if this occurs again.

    Did a full test of the data system and we are ready for RF07 on Thursday.