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  1. 20Jul22

    Purged the 2DS.  It said it 3% humidity.  Not sure I believe that.

    Left cockpit iPad came unplugged at the adapter.  It was laced in to help prevent this.

  2. 22Jul22

    CDP calibration.

    Tested the entire ICS.  All is good.

    L2 brick computer is all vetted out.  

    Went through the data system.  All is good for flight.

  3. 26Jul22

    Cleaned the 2DS.  Observed it prior to cleaning with lots of noise.  After the cleaning the noise was not there.

    Blew out the radome tubing.

    Started the left and right dew pointers with no issues.

  4. 01Aug22

    Cleared radome tubing and we did find evidence of water in ADIFR.

    Dried out, cleaned, and tested DPR and DPL.

    Removed MTP radome and it had a little standing water in it.

    Removed CDP probe and it had a little condensation in the pms can. The laser is in the front strut and we opted not to take that apart.

    Cleaned VCSEL.

    Banged on the 2DS can a bunch and was able to reproduce some noise. It was similar to the flights but we can't bang on it at the same frequency as during flight.

    Top and forward Himil leak when it's raining buckets. Mechs are going to seal the top on the next maintenance day where the forecast is for a good weather day.

  5. 5Aug22 

    Cleaned left and right dewpointers.

    Blew out radome tubing.

    Sprayed connectors with contact cleaner that are associated with the right temp dacq.

    Installed S/N 58 CDP and calibrated.

    Removed 2DS so Josh and Colin could inspect.  Installed and purged. Started at 55% humidity. Finished at 14.2%. Settled down after capping to 19%. Next purge we will try and get it lower.  

    Received and moved air shipment.

  6. 8Aug22 

    Cleaned DPL and DPR.

    Blew out the radome tubing.

    Installed the new 2DS. Purged: Start 53% End 17%

    Use default_rf05.xml to account for new 2ds and cdp.

  7. 10Aug22

    DPL had a hard time finding dewpoint. It was taken apart and cleaned again.

  8. 11Aug22

    Purged 2DS: Start 48% End 17%

  9. 14Aug22

    Cleaned DPL and DPR.

    Blew out radome tubing.

    Replaced PLWC element.

    Converted 2DS to use 60Hz for heaters instead of 400Hz.  It's plugged into the top circuit (CB#3303CB4) right side box #2.

    Removed PLWC and RICE for water intrusion.  LWO pylon was dry.  RWO did have water in it.  Pylon sealant was peeling away.  Inspected RICE for water and all was good.  Removed 2DS can and removed all the water. 

    Forward camera troubleshooting.  Intermittently working.  There is power to both fiber to firewire converters.  Swapped to spare fiber with no success.  Swapped back to original fibers.  Checked firewire connections in all four places.  Cleaned outside ones with contact cleaner.  Problem still exists.  Will spend some more time with it next maintenance day.

    Purged 2DS: Start  40% End 14%

  10. 15Aug22

    In preparation for back to back flights after rf06 today:

    Serviced DPL and DPR.

    Blew out radome tubing.

  11. 17Aug22

    Checked forward camera connections again. Started it with success. As of now, still can't find a reason for the dropouts. RWO power wiring is getting a little beat up. Needs to be gone through after ACCLIP. Also, install new firewire from converter to camera.

    Serviced DPL and DPR.

    Calibrated CDP.

    Cleaned VCSEL. SMPLSRINT_VXL: Before 422 After 519.

    Radome tubing blown out.

    Purged 2DS: Before 36% After 19.2%

  12. 20Aug22

    Purged and cleaned 2DS.

    Cleaned VCSEL. SMPLSRINT_VXL 848.

    Swapped out router with spare.

    Serviced DPL and DPR.

    Blew out radome tubing. 

    Cleaned CDP.

  13. 24Aug22

    Rotated 2DS 90 degrees, purged, and cleaned.   

    Serviced DPL and DPR.

    Blew out radome tubing.

  14. 27Aug22

    Checked 2DS seal.  All was good.  Purged.

    Serviced DPL and DPR.

    Installed ferrite bead and inline to ground resistor with ferrite bead on the 2DS plate.

    Cleaned VCSEL.

    Blew out radome tubing.

    CDP calibration.