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  1. 01Feb20

    Flight: TF03
    Flight Tech: Richard

    Pre-flight Notes
    -A2D autocals are good. No change from TF02
    -DSMRWO was brought up successfully and is stable.
    -Aeros data looks good.

    Takeoff: 16:51
    Landing: 19:16

    Flight Notes

    16:55 MIRRTMP_DPR value differs from MIRRTMP_DPL by up to 10C. Values converge again at 17:20.

    17:40 extended status codes of NOSYNC and NOOPP_LOCK appearing in /dev/irig0 of dsm305

    -lost all _AE vars at 17:15. Did not recover during flight. No indication of fault on status page.

    -No problems with RICE. Swapping the AC-DC supply and connector appears to have resolved the issue.