Tech: Ivana

-Prior to takeoff, DSM304 (MPDB) timing card shows errors: NOSYNC, NOPPS_LOCK, NOCODE, NOSYNC

-INMARSAT hand set at ADS rack still appears to be inop, however, Kurt conducted ground testing and was able to make a call from the cockpit ICS

-1818: After starting ascent to 45,000ft, MIRRTMP Dewpointers stopped working (-32767 value on AEROS but "REBALANCE" light not illuminated)

-RTH3 experienced step changes throughout flight

-ICS Station Display at R4 missing some digits

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1 Comment

  1. Additional info regarding dewpointer issue:

    Prior to engine start on December 8th, the right and left dew point hygrometers were in the controlled state. They seemed to still be working properly after takeoff but around 1818 UTC, while the plane was at 25,000ft and continuing to climb to 45,000ft, both stopped working for the rest of the flight:

    -MIRRTMP_DPL and MIRRTMP_DPR showed "-32767"

    -In the Status section of the Controls Tab, dewpointers showed red "0.0" for both DSM303 (ADS) & DSM304 (MPDB)

    -There was still power going to the hygrometer panels at the ADS rack and the "Rebalance" light was not illuminated on either one. However, I can't remember if "0.0" or another value was displayed on the panels.

    Because the dewpointers were not critical to the ASPIRE mission, we proceeded with the research flight.