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1 Comment

  1. RF01

    25 October 2022

    Taxi:  1525Z

    Takeoff:  1531Z

    Landing:  2202Z


    Lost ADC variables in aeros when powering on dew pointers.  Recovered after a brief gap. Likely same issue as seen during TI3GER with no actual data missing. Will need to process ads file to confirm.


    Left Dew Pointer entered uncontrolled state at 1538Z remained noisy for flight duration. 

    Power cycled Left Dew Pointer at 2020Z to no effect. 

    Disabled Picaro/Aerodyne 300 second auto cal at 1710Z. Had completed 2 cycles.

    Enabled Picaro/Aerodyne 1200 second auto cal at 2030Z