

Misunderstanding led to a shift to APU power, which dropped r-buss and all backend power. Upon power up it was noticed that the #1 fault light on the right side 60 Hz was on. Since it was not found right away it was decided to leave it as it is for the flight.  The right side is very lightly loaded.

There was also a 30-minute delay on the ramp for clouds to clear.

BP 1420
TO 1425

The forward camera script and icon are working but not seeing images.  There are green blinking lights on the hub and the camera.  SE's informed/

1513 noticed that PSTF was NAN.  Looked at back data and it dropped at 1337 when the power was lost and never recovered.  Decided that since PSF was working and we would need to potential reboot DSM's to leave it as is for now.  Need to be checked on ground.

1825 Land
1828 BI

After flight:

PSTF worked fine in the hanger

Fault light still on for the right side, inverted #1.  Will troubleshoot next week.  We do not suspect a bad inverter.  We had this same issue prior to ACES and it cleared.

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