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  1. 8/4/2021

    Checked pressure lines. - No moisture in the lines; all fittings tight.

    Blew out DPR and DPL. - No moisture.

    SEs came out to troubleshoot SATCOM issue on the ramp. Did not see the same symptoms that were experienced during RF05. SATCOM functioned fine including Xchat and internet.

    RF05 flight data shows several drops (~10 seconds each) on most variables recorded on DSM304. All variables were effected except PSF and IRIG_Status. Need to consult with Josh about this error, then plan to troubleshoot more during maintenance day tomorrow.

    Stuart logged in to VCSEL2 for a while. Do not know the status of his work, but the instrument is not reporting data at this time.

    VN300 network timing problem has been resolved.

  2. 8/5/2021

    Swapped MPDB DSM Power Panel back to original (304). DSM boots.

    DSM 304 had a "NOCODE" error on the Status Page. Josh helped to troubleshoot. Believed to be an IRIG issue with the Timing Card. Will swap out the card post-project.

  3. 8/8/2021

    PDUMP values returned to normal - Cable changed out within DSM 303 which adds a ground line between pin 15 of ARINC card and 24VDC input power.

    Catherine added an icon - "Restart DSM UDP". Using this icon will bring down UDP for 3 minutes (resetting it), then return to normal function.

    Added more variables to Aeros configuration to watch more GPS data on UDP, Serial, and ADC.

  4. 8/10/2021

    Changed out forward N2 cylinder.

    Stuart logged in to VCSEL2 for a while.