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  1. Unknown User (munnerly)





    A2D Autocal froze at 19% again. Use Test A2D, cards okay

    Instrument check, Visable Radiometer (VISB and VIST) values look too low, refered to lead tech and Haggerty, will watch during flight. The sun is not yet up.

    RWO all vars nan, reboot 2x, all okay

    12:25Z    Wheels up

    12:30Z    RWO all vars nan, attempt soft reboot, ADS rebooted.

    12:40Z    RWO all vars nan, multiple attempts at reboot, power cycle and DC-DC inhibit. no fix.

    12:57Z    RWO back

    13:05Z    Pilots inform me, will level off at 35kft for speed runs

    13:13Z    VISB and VIST look reasonable

    13:32Z    RWOdsm, all values nan, reboot

    13:34Z    RWO is back

    14:50Z    cloud edge, both 2dcs and cdp have histograms. both 2dcs show images

    15:42Z    noted lack of response of RICE probe, check with pilots, GV ice sensor didn't sense ice either.

  2. John,

    Thanks for the note, QCF looked ok?

  3. Unknown User (munnerly)

    Yes, QCF looked okay.

  4. Adding clarification that at 12:30Z John meant to type 'reboot' on dsmrwo, but the login failed, and 'reboot' was accidentally typed on the ads server.