00:00:00.120 --> 00:00:00.960
Mick Coady: started.

00:00:05.580 --> 00:00:07.049
let's see where is my.

00:00:08.429 --> 00:00:09.120
hear us.

00:00:11.190 --> 00:00:14.820
Mick Coady: Okay, can you see my screen, but the agenda.

00:00:16.350 --> 00:00:17.340
Mick Coady: Okay, good.

00:00:22.770 --> 00:00:23.880
Mick Coady: Clear my video there.

00:00:26.580 --> 00:00:34.500
Mick Coady: Excuse me, as I said in the email I don't think this should meeting should take very long today cut a couple of updates and then.

00:00:35.670 --> 00:00:39.750
Mick Coady: for everybody and, hopefully, an opportunity for any.

00:00:41.970 --> 00:00:53.430
Mick Coady: Feedback or questions or concerns that are currently going on, we haven't really done one of those for a while, so uh yeah just going to go through kind of a brief recap, of the.

00:00:54.600 --> 00:01:15.630
Mick Coady: out each from a couple weeks ago now show you the new wiki page we've got for this for the storage advisors quick update on campaign storage augmentation an HP SS back evaluation and then turn it over to everybody for for any other comments.

00:01:18.660 --> 00:01:19.410
Mick Coady: So.

00:01:21.510 --> 00:01:29.250
Mick Coady: I will admit that sizzle was kind of it, particularly earth phones division we're pretty giddy with how.

00:01:30.690 --> 00:01:34.590
Mick Coady: pleased with how well the outage went we did have.

00:01:37.050 --> 00:01:53.790
Mick Coady: Unexpected one unexpected interruption to bringing systems back up as early as we had hoped for casper and gluten the ups systems when the one of the ups systems that up and cheyenne.

00:01:54.870 --> 00:02:00.180
Mick Coady: failed to come up cleanly one of the back end switches failed.

00:02:01.740 --> 00:02:02.340
Mick Coady: and

00:02:03.570 --> 00:02:09.540
Mick Coady: You know I think a lot of us were thinking well just pop in a new one, then we found out that the switches.

00:02:10.650 --> 00:02:27.690
Mick Coady: require forklift to move in and out so that was part of the delay well, in fact, it was almost 100% of the delay of getting casper glade and the rest of these systems that you see here back online.

00:02:29.640 --> 00:02:38.700
Mick Coady: You know, we had planned that those would be up by Wednesday they didn't come up till Friday midday sometime I think it was around 130.

00:02:40.530 --> 00:02:42.450
Mick Coady: In then, but on the good news.

00:02:43.650 --> 00:02:48.480
Mick Coady: We were able to get those up on Friday, and we were able to get shining in up.

00:02:50.700 --> 00:02:56.490
Mick Coady: substantially earlier than what we even optimistically thought we could so.

00:02:57.540 --> 00:03:07.260
Mick Coady: That included HP SS which I think I mentioned here, a couple times in these meetings that there was considerable nervousness within.

00:03:08.760 --> 00:03:18.900
Mick Coady: Within sizzle Bob though that old system coming up cleanly but it didn't miss a beat it came up and as cleanly as.

00:03:20.040 --> 00:03:22.230
Mick Coady: As one could have ever hoped for so.

00:03:23.850 --> 00:03:45.390
Mick Coady: I guess, I would like, take this opportunity to ask this group was the amount of communications from sizzle to the user Community was it adequate, could you use more was it too much I kinda like here your this group's opinions on that.

00:03:51.210 --> 00:03:52.080
Garth D'Attilo: And it gets garth.

00:03:52.140 --> 00:03:53.760
Mick Coady: Can you hear me okay yeah.

00:03:53.790 --> 00:03:54.030
Garth D'Attilo: yeah.

00:03:54.090 --> 00:03:56.580
Mick Coady: I think I was wondering if I was talking to.

00:03:58.440 --> 00:03:59.040
Mick Coady: yeah go ahead.

00:03:59.070 --> 00:04:05.700
Garth D'Attilo: I think the sizzle communications were great you know overarching issues with communication of Colocation spaces and.

00:04:06.120 --> 00:04:15.930
Garth D'Attilo: ups down times, and when you know my stuff will come back up in the Colocation space, we need to work on that, but that's outside the scope of kind of what you're doing, but I think the sizzle stuff went really well.

00:04:17.190 --> 00:04:18.630
Garth D'Attilo: You know the no real surprises there.

00:04:19.380 --> 00:04:20.640
Mick Coady: Okay well thanks.

00:04:23.130 --> 00:04:42.330
Mick Coady: I will admit that the like the notify as I was putting out in the evening in the daily bulletins there was a what I thought was a real like they becoming very repetitive, and I was thinking gosh of people even are they to the point of being boring, and people are ignoring them so.

00:04:43.680 --> 00:04:47.580
Mick Coady: So thanks for that feedback yeah Gary got your hand up.

00:04:49.140 --> 00:04:51.270
Gary Strand: Kurt is done yeah yeah.

00:04:53.220 --> 00:05:00.210
Gary Strand: No, I think everything went swimmingly well, I mean you got that note from Kim edwards and he's not an easy man to please so.

00:05:01.950 --> 00:05:05.940
Gary Strand: I think it went very, very smoothly and honestly I really do like the.

00:05:07.170 --> 00:05:21.210
Gary Strand: toggle you can also send out to him for me too much information about these kind of big down times the daily stuff is just perfect, but you know as things arise people I think our experience has been people really don't like it when they just don't know what's going on.

00:05:21.660 --> 00:05:22.080
Mick Coady: You know.

00:05:22.980 --> 00:05:25.260
Gary Strand: You tell them anything and everything and they'll be happy.

00:05:26.850 --> 00:05:27.510
Gary Strand: So.

00:05:27.750 --> 00:05:28.140
Gary Strand: We wouldn't.

00:05:29.010 --> 00:05:31.710
Mick Coady: We wouldn't be truthful and transparent, but right.

00:05:32.520 --> 00:05:35.400
Mick Coady: raise unnecessary concern or alarms.

00:05:35.400 --> 00:05:37.470
Gary Strand: To yeah yeah Of course you don't need to you know.

00:05:38.760 --> 00:05:45.390
Gary Strand: ever do need to say absolutely everything but the amount of information that you relate with was fun, thank you very much.

00:05:46.500 --> 00:05:48.210
Mick Coady: Thank you appreciate it yeah.

00:05:50.010 --> 00:06:03.360
Michael Galloy: yeah I would say as well that that htc resources that was communicated very well the issue, I had was, I guess, I did it slips my awareness until the kind of the last minute that it would affect the licensed servers.

00:06:04.590 --> 00:06:06.660
Michael Galloy: And I don't know if that was part of the same deal or just.

00:06:06.660 --> 00:06:08.310
Michael Galloy: Something related or what but.

00:06:08.370 --> 00:06:09.060

00:06:10.200 --> 00:06:12.270
Mick Coady: I will say that the licensed servers.

00:06:14.970 --> 00:06:17.970
Mick Coady: sandbox or infrastructure that's a little bit outside.

00:06:19.800 --> 00:06:31.230
Mick Coady: of our domains, and we didn't have a lot, I would echo what you and garth have said, you know we didn't have a lot of visibility into what was going on there either we knew.

00:06:31.770 --> 00:06:43.980
Mick Coady: That they couldn't come up until all the ups power was restored either so but other than that it was a bit invisible to us so i'll take this.

00:06:46.290 --> 00:06:52.260
Mick Coady: As good good feedback and criticism and we'll try and improve on that going forward okay well.

00:06:53.850 --> 00:06:55.410
Mick Coady: yeah No thank you appreciate it.

00:06:57.030 --> 00:06:59.640
Mick Coady: let's see it looks like there was someone had asked.

00:07:01.800 --> 00:07:06.630
Michael Galloy: Where is my chat I can't find it there, we go okay.

00:07:07.830 --> 00:07:10.410
Mick Coady: Well, thanks sherry appreciate them okay.

00:07:11.910 --> 00:07:12.720
Mick Coady: Good yeah.

00:07:13.830 --> 00:07:15.000
Mick Coady: So I guess it was.

00:07:16.770 --> 00:07:19.020
Mick Coady: Years ago I kind of came to.

00:07:20.100 --> 00:07:23.430
Mick Coady: Know developed a pattern of you can.

00:07:24.570 --> 00:07:30.750
Mick Coady: If you over communicate, you might annoy people, but if you under communicate you're going to piss them off so.

00:07:32.130 --> 00:07:32.460
Mick Coady: I.

00:07:33.600 --> 00:07:35.580
Mick Coady: i'd rather err on the side of.

00:07:37.230 --> 00:07:52.830
Mick Coady: Over communicating but at the same time, it was I was feeling a little self conscious, because things were going so well, but things were kind of boring from from our side, so anyway thanks for that everyone in the oh yeah i'm sorry, just so you can.

00:07:54.450 --> 00:07:55.920
Abby Jaye: I um.

00:07:57.240 --> 00:08:01.020
Abby Jaye: I guess i'm just curious how.

00:08:02.520 --> 00:08:07.770
Abby Jaye: Much cushion you put in to these at time estimates.

00:08:08.160 --> 00:08:09.360
Abby Jaye: Oh yeah great.

00:08:09.450 --> 00:08:21.810
Abby Jaye: I was kind of frustrated that like casper and Jupiter have weren't backup and like I was just frustrated because I was expecting it and i'm like I would feel I would feel like I have to push in this in my head.

00:08:22.890 --> 00:08:30.210
Abby Jaye: And it's like during the workweek and it's during the Asp summer school like I you know I just I got frustrated and i'm like.

00:08:31.050 --> 00:08:41.190
Abby Jaye: You know if you overestimate and then you put you know give it back early like happened with compute node so that was great, but like I didn't know if that was the case with the other stuff.

00:08:41.970 --> 00:08:44.490
Mick Coady: know the the other stuff the.

00:08:45.930 --> 00:08:47.010
Mick Coady: I will say this.

00:08:48.180 --> 00:08:49.200
Mick Coady: there's always.

00:08:50.550 --> 00:08:52.080
Mick Coady: A tendency or.

00:08:54.780 --> 00:09:06.780
Mick Coady: yeah i'll just say a tendency to want to kind of build some cushion in so that people you know we let's say let's say we had said systems are going to be backup on Tuesday and.

00:09:07.890 --> 00:09:10.980
Mick Coady: which would have been like really cutting it pretty thin.

00:09:12.750 --> 00:09:21.060
Mick Coady: I think you guys tell me, you know, I think that would have been more frustrating when the systems didn't wouldn't have come up.

00:09:21.900 --> 00:09:34.350
Mick Coady: Really, this in this goal around for this out each Wednesday was really our best estimate, we were trying to be we weren't trying to build in too much padding or anything.

00:09:34.950 --> 00:09:51.780
Mick Coady: and, frankly, I was nervous that we weren't going to be able to get cheyenne back up on Monday, but then, when all of the power work electrical power work that happen, and there was a tremendous amount of.

00:09:53.760 --> 00:09:59.670
Mick Coady: F of work that got done in that week when everything came back up so smoothly.

00:10:00.570 --> 00:10:17.400
Mick Coady: We just started looking at account talking amongst ourselves, and looking at each other on Friday afternoon early evening said well let's just push through and get this done tonight, so that we can get the system back early and frank, quite frankly, we wouldn't have to work over the weekend.

00:10:18.930 --> 00:10:19.530
Mick Coady: In.

00:10:20.550 --> 00:10:36.120
Mick Coady: Users could have their systems back so I don't know if that answered your question very if it addressed your concern I were you frustrated that the outage took longer than for casper and then, then we poked.

00:10:36.690 --> 00:10:47.640
Abby Jaye: It yeah yeah I mean I guess generally in general i'm frustrated that this work happened during the summer, which is the busiest time for tutorials that use the system.

00:10:48.060 --> 00:10:48.450
Mick Coady: mm hmm.

00:10:48.930 --> 00:10:49.590

00:10:50.700 --> 00:11:02.430
Abby Jaye: Like like it was kind of during I was working on the summer school and we were using the computers, the entire time and we it was kind of an off week but people still wanted to get work done and I was like well it's supposed to be a Wednesday.

00:11:03.450 --> 00:11:07.830
Abby Jaye: And then they couldn't do anything till Friday afternoon when most people aren't working anymore so.

00:11:09.480 --> 00:11:14.790
Mick Coady: I know a lot of people have already gone home dialed in you know packed it in for the week yeah.

00:11:14.850 --> 00:11:22.410
Abby Jaye: yeah like i'm really not trying to complain it just like adds an extra level of stress when it feels like it shouldn't happen.

00:11:22.860 --> 00:11:23.850
Abby Jaye: I don't know how to say it.

00:11:24.120 --> 00:11:26.280
Mick Coady: ya know the.

00:11:27.330 --> 00:11:36.510
Mick Coady: Let me address real quick the the, the reason why it happened in the summer, what is that so much of the work was outside.

00:11:38.340 --> 00:11:43.860
Mick Coady: pouring concrete for the new power units transformers.

00:11:45.000 --> 00:11:52.680
Mick Coady: lot of trench work that had to be done to get cabling and power lines into the system.

00:11:53.430 --> 00:12:04.500
Mick Coady: And I think if you remember what was a few years ago when they were trying to repair the transformer that blew up that had been scheduled for water.

00:12:05.190 --> 00:12:21.840
Mick Coady: in large part for the reasons you just mentioned this, it would they were trying to be sensitive to all the work that was going on during the summer, but then what happened is a blizzard came through up in cheyenne and they had to postpone it until the next spring or summer so.

00:12:22.890 --> 00:12:26.580
Mick Coady: Plus, there were no fewer than 10.

00:12:28.380 --> 00:12:33.570
Mick Coady: External contractors that were they had to be coordinated so.

00:12:35.460 --> 00:12:42.510
Mick Coady: We understand it was an ideal, but it was trust me that it was the best we could we could do and.

00:12:43.560 --> 00:12:57.240
Mick Coady: If you ever run into Michael Culture who heads up the one of the facility groups in up in cheyenne you can congratulate him, he just did a an amazing job of coordinating everything.

00:12:57.690 --> 00:13:02.880
Abby Jaye: yeah and I do understand that and I trust me, I understand the weather, I grew up in cheyenne.

00:13:06.000 --> 00:13:14.400
Abby Jaye: um, I guess, because even like we found out that this was happening in the summer, like maybe a month or two ahead of time.

00:13:14.970 --> 00:13:27.870
Abby Jaye: And then it wasn't until then that I could be like Oh well, we have all this stuff going on and you're and you said you could only move it like a few weeks, either way unless i've been in planning for months and months and months i'm like.

00:13:29.010 --> 00:13:36.270
Abby Jaye: Like I feel like there's still not enough communication with users like far enough ahead of time like I need to be more ahead of time.

00:13:36.750 --> 00:13:38.460
Abby Jaye: Okay, and what we got is that.

00:13:39.420 --> 00:13:40.830
Mick Coady: Fair enough, fair enough, I.

00:13:43.860 --> 00:13:48.750
Mick Coady: i'll take responsibility for that since it's my job to kind of hit.

00:13:49.800 --> 00:13:52.650
Mick Coady: Do those kinds of take care of those kinds of communication.

00:13:54.300 --> 00:14:02.370
Mick Coady: We were holding off until we had more firm dates and again this this all kind of rolls back to all these external contractors that had to be.

00:14:03.570 --> 00:14:05.280
Mick Coady: lined up and.

00:14:06.840 --> 00:14:12.180
Mick Coady: and committed the any dates it'll much less all the same date so.

00:14:12.360 --> 00:14:22.140
Abby Jaye: But yeah but were you were even trying to sell our you know summer schools and tutorials and people are signing up in like six nine months ahead of time.

00:14:22.950 --> 00:14:31.410
Abby Jaye: And we're telling them that we have all these resources available and if they're not actually going to be available, that would be important to now.

00:14:32.550 --> 00:14:36.180
Mick Coady: That sounds like a kind of a key detail yeah.

00:14:36.210 --> 00:14:37.590
Right or.

00:14:38.760 --> 00:14:39.330
Mick Coady: The.

00:14:40.800 --> 00:15:00.510
Mick Coady: We got bit yesterday, the CSM tutorial is going on this week and i'm sure, a lot of you may or some people, you know got bit with the problem with PBS yesterday on cheyenne and it basically brought that tutorial to its knees for about three or four hours so.

00:15:00.570 --> 00:15:00.990
Mick Coady: That was.

00:15:01.230 --> 00:15:05.730
Mick Coady: That was not a fun thing to try and troubleshoot real time.

00:15:13.860 --> 00:15:16.470
Mick Coady: garth i'm reading your chat here.

00:15:18.930 --> 00:15:20.040
Mick Coady: Okay yeah.

00:15:21.270 --> 00:15:31.470
Mick Coady: The yeah site parks sizzles site barks program got a little bit with this to it put a dent in progress, they could make.

00:15:32.940 --> 00:15:41.790
Garth D'Attilo: it's just a you know the impacts are wide ranging and there's, this is the only time right, you know, but I have a source protege that was like oh no I need to change something and I go.

00:15:42.060 --> 00:15:42.420

00:15:43.530 --> 00:15:43.770

00:15:45.000 --> 00:15:47.130
Garth D'Attilo: New catalog it so you know just to.

00:15:47.760 --> 00:15:54.060
Garth D'Attilo: Add on to what abby was saying this, you know it's really hard to schedule these things, the summertime though i'm right is just.

00:15:55.410 --> 00:16:02.010
Garth D'Attilo: Yes, yeah yeah, especially for some of these kids that are really pushing to do their first huge research project ever.

00:16:02.370 --> 00:16:04.710
Garth D'Attilo: On the scale and then Oh, a whoops.

00:16:04.770 --> 00:16:05.970
Garth D'Attilo: Jupiter hub gone.

00:16:06.300 --> 00:16:08.010
Garth D'Attilo: And then it doesn't come back the right so.

00:16:08.100 --> 00:16:11.370
Garth D'Attilo: You know, definitely want to make sure we emphasize the impacts are.

00:16:12.270 --> 00:16:15.510
Garth D'Attilo: are now available for for many, many an organization.

00:16:15.810 --> 00:16:16.440
Mick Coady: got it.

00:16:18.000 --> 00:16:25.020
Mick Coady: The if there's any bright spot, this should be the last one of these kind of go through for a while.

00:16:26.850 --> 00:16:37.650
Mick Coady: i'll just facetiously saying until next summer right in the middle of everything, no I if we could have avoided it, we would have and.

00:16:39.570 --> 00:16:40.680
Mick Coady: Trust me that are fun.

00:16:42.120 --> 00:16:50.100
Mick Coady: holds our feet, to the fire to get things back as quickly as we can for folks so and to minimize the amount of outages and downtime.

00:16:51.780 --> 00:16:55.020
Mick Coady: But I really appreciate the feedback, though.

00:16:56.250 --> 00:17:01.080
Mick Coady: good to have and i'll promise do try and do a better job of.

00:17:03.660 --> 00:17:08.730
Mick Coady: very early warning early mornings from Peter on okay.

00:17:11.670 --> 00:17:22.800
Mick Coady: All right, so in this isn't and if you guys if you if you have any other feedback that you think of later shoot me an email or some sort of messaging.

00:17:24.150 --> 00:17:24.810
Mick Coady: Right.

00:17:27.480 --> 00:17:30.600
Mick Coady: wrong direction, so I.

00:17:32.130 --> 00:17:51.300
Mick Coady: wrote this or mentioned this, for the first time last month, about the wiki I was putting together it's all been done in considered today it's unveiling let me go to that right now show you just real quickly what it looks like.

00:17:54.570 --> 00:17:55.560
Mick Coady: There is okay.

00:17:58.650 --> 00:17:59.100
Mick Coady: The.

00:18:00.450 --> 00:18:07.380
Mick Coady: This is the homepage for it, and my my thing, my thoughts are here is that this is where i'll keep.

00:18:08.910 --> 00:18:12.090
Mick Coady: All the presentations and these meeting recordings.

00:18:14.340 --> 00:18:16.320
Mick Coady: Any other information plus.

00:18:17.820 --> 00:18:31.020
Mick Coady: Talk about ask you about this here in a minute the maybe as a forum or platform for discussions right, you know questions or problems that you're having, as opposed to.

00:18:31.710 --> 00:18:47.370
Mick Coady: shoot me an email or filing a ticket with sizzle help or something like that, if it's more stuff that's central to the storage advisors group in our Charter here than I kind of like to have maybe a blog or just a.

00:18:49.560 --> 00:19:04.260
Mick Coady: A page where we could share an exchange or pages, where we could exchange that those kinds of things that's coming that isn't here yet so right now, what is here is I have as.

00:19:05.370 --> 00:19:09.510
Mick Coady: This isn't this is going back, about a year of our meetings.

00:19:10.710 --> 00:19:18.450
Mick Coady: For some reason or another, and maybe you guys can help me remember i'm missing everything between February and June.

00:19:19.830 --> 00:19:26.010
Mick Coady: I know we I canceled one meeting in in that period, but i'm.

00:19:27.030 --> 00:19:30.150
Mick Coady: baffled why I can't find anything more.

00:19:31.320 --> 00:19:35.070
Mick Coady: If you have better memory than I do, then please let me know.

00:19:36.450 --> 00:19:43.020
Mick Coady: And i'll insert that in here, but each of these links here point to previous meetings.

00:19:44.340 --> 00:19:49.560
Mick Coady: We can see your for our last meeting here was our agenda.

00:19:50.670 --> 00:19:55.320
Mick Coady: And then here are the slides in mine and this slides from from that meeting.

00:19:57.330 --> 00:20:18.510
Mick Coady: Because it was still under Google I don't have recordings of it, but for this meeting, which will be added to that table there'll be a link down here in somewhere on the meetings homepage that provides a link to the recordings both the audio.

00:20:19.560 --> 00:20:24.960
Mick Coady: text trans transcription and audio video as well.

00:20:26.070 --> 00:20:46.830
Mick Coady: So hopefully this will be useful in, as I said last time I wished, I thought to do this month you a couple of years ago, I think this would add a little bit more value and then I also have a link here to to all of us who participate in these meetings so.

00:20:48.120 --> 00:21:00.570
Mick Coady: If you have any feedback or thoughts or suggestions on what we could add to this i'm wide open for that I don't claim to be a wiki expert.

00:21:02.040 --> 00:21:02.400
Mick Coady: But.

00:21:03.870 --> 00:21:07.170
Mick Coady: freight train please you there okay.

00:21:11.310 --> 00:21:17.550
Mick Coady: No thanks Gary okay yeah it's it's like I said this is it's an unveiling near today so.

00:21:18.600 --> 00:21:19.950
Mick Coady: bear with me on that.

00:21:22.080 --> 00:21:23.400
Mick Coady: let's see and.

00:21:24.870 --> 00:21:42.900
Mick Coady: What i'll do what i'll do after each meeting, then, once the recordings are posted and the slides are already i'll send an email to the group let you know you know with this URL and let me know that the the presentations and slides and everything are ready for you.

00:21:44.340 --> 00:21:45.330
Mick Coady: that's my plan.

00:21:46.440 --> 00:21:47.670
See how well that works out.

00:21:49.350 --> 00:21:50.220
Mick Coady: Okay.

00:21:51.960 --> 00:22:01.560
Mick Coady: next thing I wanted to go over is talk about is the campaign storage augmentation that's coming up here in a couple of months I mentioned this.

00:22:02.730 --> 00:22:04.710
Mick Coady: broach this with you last month.

00:22:06.120 --> 00:22:11.730
Mick Coady: Again, the fundings approved by nsf 678 weeks ago.

00:22:12.840 --> 00:22:23.850
Mick Coady: We did get new update on this just this week that works, the delivery of the trays you know discs we should happen late this month.

00:22:24.510 --> 00:22:46.950
Mick Coady: Is what the vendors telling us and that fits our skin our schedule that they'll those will come online and be available sometime early this fall depending on you know shipment, you know slip per possible slippage in in in those dates, but this is this is pretty close.

00:22:48.390 --> 00:23:01.110
Mick Coady: As far as timeframe again it's going to increase the total capacity for campaign storage by 25 petabytes so we'll have a total of about 90 when this is done.

00:23:02.220 --> 00:23:12.510
Mick Coady: And then i'm working with Dave part to make sure that each of the lab allocations will be increased proportionally so.

00:23:13.650 --> 00:23:22.890
Mick Coady: I think we're I think we're in pretty good shape there and things are rolling along really smoothly, with the this next augmentation.

00:23:24.300 --> 00:23:25.620
Mick Coady: To let's see.

00:23:27.000 --> 00:23:27.480
Mick Coady: sure.

00:23:31.260 --> 00:23:31.890
Mick Coady: Thanks sure.

00:23:33.330 --> 00:23:38.490
Mick Coady: yeah I don't think we've had a meeting in December, yet so good good catch.

00:23:39.870 --> 00:23:40.680
Mick Coady: let's see.

00:23:41.760 --> 00:23:46.050
Mick Coady: Any questions about the campaign storage augmentation.

00:23:50.820 --> 00:23:51.360

00:23:53.370 --> 00:24:05.250
Mick Coady: I should have an update well i'll be able to tell you next month next one's being weather systems actually got delivered or not and we're still on schedule.

00:24:06.870 --> 00:24:12.300
Mick Coady: So I don't have this month I don't have any pictures for you in terms of the.

00:24:13.320 --> 00:24:21.180
Mick Coady: updated graphs for campaign storage or scratch we're really we're still in really good shape growth has.

00:24:23.400 --> 00:24:26.820
Mick Coady: been real steady it's following the same pretty.

00:24:28.170 --> 00:24:41.610
Mick Coady: The same trajectory that you saw last month, but before this my slides I post my slides to the wiki i'll have this updated on there, I guess it's good time as any to ask.

00:24:42.870 --> 00:24:46.950
Mick Coady: Is any or any of you aware of problems shortages.

00:24:48.660 --> 00:24:52.230
Mick Coady: You know allocation shortfalls with campaign storage.

00:24:58.860 --> 00:25:01.050
Mick Coady: Okay i'll take that as a no.

00:25:04.350 --> 00:25:05.670
Mick Coady: yeah Gary that that's.

00:25:07.140 --> 00:25:21.960
Mick Coady: that's my plan is to add them to the to the wiki so and then probably maybe save you a few steps out when I let you know that the are ready i'll include those graphs and in that email.

00:25:23.400 --> 00:25:24.150
Mick Coady: let's see.

00:25:25.230 --> 00:25:35.580
Mick Coady: insane what scratch we're in good shape on scratch space as well, so, and of course our favorite subject is H pss evacuation.

00:25:37.110 --> 00:25:41.160
Mick Coady: As of today, there's 52 days left until October 1.

00:25:43.650 --> 00:25:45.570
Mick Coady: You can see from this.

00:25:47.640 --> 00:25:49.680
Mick Coady: Rather, a sharp drop right here that.

00:25:52.230 --> 00:25:55.620
Mick Coady: Read rate has continued to decline.

00:25:56.700 --> 00:26:14.670
Mick Coady: i'm not personally too concerned about that there is always some fear that there's going to be someone's going to come up at the last minute and say you can't you know hold the presses got to petabytes of data i've got to get off.

00:26:17.640 --> 00:26:18.300
Mick Coady: that's just.

00:26:19.650 --> 00:26:24.600
Mick Coady: I think the official word will be that's too bad you know you've had a year and a half.

00:26:25.890 --> 00:26:27.540
Mick Coady: So the.

00:26:29.370 --> 00:26:48.330
Mick Coady: deck valid, and I think many of you probably seen emails from him over the last several months he's been doing a fantastic job of communicating with people and helping users get data off for example Gary you may be aware that he's been working closely with Keith Lindsey.

00:26:49.560 --> 00:26:52.770
Mick Coady: Here of light who's been our biggest reader actually.

00:26:54.510 --> 00:26:58.080
Mick Coady: And to help him get his data off.

00:26:59.250 --> 00:27:13.590
Mick Coady: and the rest of its kind of just as you can see, is down to a trickle this I would i'm not too concerned about this sharp drop here lately, because a lot much of that was gobbled up with the downtime a couple of weeks ago so.

00:27:14.940 --> 00:27:29.010
Mick Coady: If you know anyone, you know same old message if you know, anyone who still has data out there and they're having trouble getting it off or they need help have them contact this ASAP but.

00:27:31.020 --> 00:27:48.780
Mick Coady: The good news was like I mentioned a little bit ago HP SS came back up 100% I was, I was positive, that at least one or two of the robots were just going to get jammed or you know just be dead on arrival, but the whole system came back up to.

00:27:50.010 --> 00:27:52.830
Mick Coady: 100% so that was great news.

00:27:55.980 --> 00:27:58.830
Mick Coady: And let's see with whoops.

00:28:01.680 --> 00:28:06.900
Mick Coady: With that that's it That was my last slide so let's see Hello.

00:28:10.740 --> 00:28:16.800
Mick Coady: yeah I agree Gary in terms of it kind of got him off their crack habit.

00:28:18.390 --> 00:28:19.290
Mick Coady: When they couldn't.

00:28:21.240 --> 00:28:29.340
Mick Coady: We couldn't write to it anymore, so I will say when ncs say shut down their.

00:28:30.930 --> 00:28:31.830
Mick Coady: tape system.

00:28:33.600 --> 00:28:34.620
Mick Coady: For blue waters.

00:28:36.000 --> 00:28:41.430
Mick Coady: They gave user six weeks, so I feel like we've been pretty generous.

00:28:43.050 --> 00:28:45.420
Mick Coady: With almost a year and a half.

00:28:46.560 --> 00:28:47.550
Mick Coady: lead time on this.

00:28:48.930 --> 00:28:55.620
Mick Coady: So with that i'll turn it over and just open it up to the group if there's any questions or comments about anything i've presented here.

00:28:57.900 --> 00:29:06.870
Mick Coady: Talk about or maybe ideas things you'd like to see for next month's meeting or sometime later this year.

00:29:07.920 --> 00:29:13.470
Mick Coady: We haven't really I haven't done a very good job of soliciting that kind of input for a while.

00:29:25.980 --> 00:29:26.400
Gary Strand: quiet.

00:29:28.290 --> 00:29:34.170
Sidd: This is saved, can I ask a question to all of us, perhaps.

00:29:34.770 --> 00:29:36.990
Mick Coady: Of course yeah so.

00:29:37.530 --> 00:29:55.770
Sidd: Oh i'm one of the old fashioned guys regarding storage, I prefer, something that is backed up or spss kind of right towards our archive object, as well as the another one.

00:29:56.580 --> 00:30:05.400
Sidd: That is more persistent Lee read and things like that so Gambian storage systems to have mastered this tool that is.

00:30:05.850 --> 00:30:26.520
Sidd: You can store data over there, and at the same time, directly store data, while computing and also can directly compute of, and I know garth and others had a different view on this, so I was just kicking this idea and what do you think now that hdfs is completely gone.

00:30:27.930 --> 00:30:31.920
Sidd: camping storage will be your primary storage and.

00:30:33.180 --> 00:30:47.850
Sidd: Since it is also fast, we will we will be able to compute of their so we'll be happy with that or do you think you need more HP SS like functionality, where.

00:30:48.870 --> 00:31:05.160
Sidd: You will dump your data and maintain its pristine form or not change it or not, accidentally getting it deleted, while you compute on it, so please give your view or opinion about it.

00:31:05.730 --> 00:31:09.600
Mick Coady: looks like the tss the comment there sit.

00:31:09.720 --> 00:31:23.310
Matthias Rempel: So my approach to this is kind of said I subdivided my campaign store a little bit into kind of data more intended for long term storage and I put data directory and then.

00:31:24.000 --> 00:31:30.030
Matthias Rempel: We move my right permissions for me to make sure I don't accidentally write something over, and then I have as a.

00:31:30.660 --> 00:31:45.540
Matthias Rempel: Project fight, which is more the stuff i'm we're actively working on that wouldn't be the biggest disaster if I accidentally write something over i'm not sure if there's a better way to streamline that, but this is right, no I how I approach it for myself.

00:31:46.920 --> 00:31:49.050
Sidd: good to hear man, this is an absolute yeah.

00:31:50.460 --> 00:31:51.720
Sidd: Any any other.

00:31:53.040 --> 00:31:53.340
Sidd: view.

00:31:55.170 --> 00:32:06.840
Gary Strand: i'll stick my head up literally um yeah My only concern really is accidental data loss because of you know permissions being set to freely, but you know that's.

00:32:07.860 --> 00:32:15.990
Gary Strand: that's a risk we we take anyway, and I would really rather not go back to the days of people just you know.

00:32:16.650 --> 00:32:28.170
Gary Strand: blindly dumping everything i'll each pss with the expectation or dumping everything onto an storage system with the with the expectation that maybe somebody will get around to reading it, because.

00:32:28.680 --> 00:32:39.060
Gary Strand: You know that we just got rid of all that, and I think that would be a step backwards now that's coming from a biased modelers perspective now for observational data.

00:32:39.630 --> 00:32:53.910
Gary Strand: You know that's another ball of wax I think they definitely absolutely most have a rock solid archive because you can't recapture that stuff it gets erased but you know and feel campaigns and all that kind of thing, but at least as far as models are concerned.

00:32:54.960 --> 00:33:00.840
Gary Strand: You know, we have enough stuff kind of scattered around there's something really got lost, we could probably reconstruct it, I mean we've.

00:33:01.380 --> 00:33:12.240
Gary Strand: we've had reruns done of key model simulations because of inadvertent data loss, so you know people cry about it, but we can make up for it usually I mean.

00:33:12.720 --> 00:33:22.890
Gary Strand: You know there's always an extreme situation where you know people would be very, very upset and it couldn't be reproduced but you know that's that's pretty rare that hasn't actually happened yet.

00:33:24.180 --> 00:33:25.290
Gary Strand: fingers crossed you know.

00:33:26.910 --> 00:33:27.960
Gary Strand: But that's my take.

00:33:29.910 --> 00:33:32.430
Sidd: Thank you okay God, please yeah.

00:33:33.000 --> 00:33:37.440
Garth D'Attilo: I don't even know where the little raise hand thing is on this one anyway so.

00:33:38.400 --> 00:33:46.920
Garth D'Attilo: You know what I think with the available tools, like our model output goes into the RTA so that's sort of our backup and we're trading campaign storage, but it serves as a backup.

00:33:47.730 --> 00:33:51.660
Garth D'Attilo: For our in situ data experimental data it's going through the dash process.

00:33:52.530 --> 00:34:02.820
Garth D'Attilo: or it's going through eos catalog process, so you know there's a lot of safeguards kind of built in with the ancillary services at in car already as long as you know, to take advantage of them.

00:34:03.300 --> 00:34:09.510
Garth D'Attilo: So there may be some greater awareness that needs to be pushed out there to say hey if you've got empirical data.

00:34:10.410 --> 00:34:21.120
Garth D'Attilo: That can't be replaced make sure it's on quasar make sure it's in dash make sure it's somewhere, but it's more of a user education issue, I think we have a lot of resources for what you're describing to prevent the last.

00:34:25.980 --> 00:34:31.950
Mick Coady: girl, would you say sizzle needs to do a better job of getting that message out about all the services and.

00:34:33.360 --> 00:34:42.690
Mick Coady: platforms that are available for the like dashing I mean it feels like we have, but if there's always room for improvement right.

00:34:43.200 --> 00:34:48.690
Garth D'Attilo: Now I think you're pretty good shape there, I mean the dash is part of every proposal now, so you go through.

00:34:49.170 --> 00:34:58.680
Garth D'Attilo: And you have to be evaluated as part of you know, a proposal that has storing data or something in it, so I think there's a lot of good avenues for exploring that it's more.

00:34:59.070 --> 00:35:03.720
Garth D'Attilo: Make sure that a if you have you know, make sure that people are aware that campaign storage is not this.

00:35:04.230 --> 00:35:15.630
Garth D'Attilo: iron clad resource that's very similar age pss it's it's you know it's a storage system that is read, write and destroy right so now, maybe you know I think we've gotten over the use cases.

00:35:16.140 --> 00:35:25.410
Garth D'Attilo: Over so much time people kind of forget what hey what's quasar for what's this for what's that for, and so you know, there could be some benefit, perhaps a reminder every once in a while, or just a.

00:35:25.980 --> 00:35:32.640
Garth D'Attilo: hey, this is what you know what we intend sizzle intends to have all the storage resources used for these are use cases.

00:35:33.840 --> 00:35:38.250
Garth D'Attilo: But you know who what timing schedule at you know I don't know I think at this point.

00:35:38.670 --> 00:35:43.230
Garth D'Attilo: pretty well aware, maybe went to Rachel comes out, it might be a good time to refresh and say hey everybody.

00:35:43.620 --> 00:35:51.390
Garth D'Attilo: These are the resources we have for storage be aware of these limitations, be careful, because this will open up again that first read right ability from.

00:35:52.080 --> 00:36:02.400
Garth D'Attilo: dorito to campaign storage directly that's going to be a change and might have some impacts that people are like oop I accidentally overrode all of my output from this directory because I forgot to change the name and this.

00:36:02.910 --> 00:36:07.650
Garth D'Attilo: In my submission file or something like that, so there might be some some room for education there.

00:36:08.160 --> 00:36:17.340
Mick Coady: yeah I don't think I don't think it hurts to remind people that, for example, camping storage is not backed up right right, so it.

00:36:19.620 --> 00:36:26.610
Mick Coady: was what we've learned over the years is that H pss was not ironclad say either that tapes could go bad.

00:36:27.780 --> 00:36:29.970
Mick Coady: And that was never a pleasant.

00:36:31.740 --> 00:36:38.280
Mick Coady: Experience on my part to write to us and say hey you had files on a tape that could not be recovered.

00:36:39.930 --> 00:36:45.330
Mick Coady: Fortunately, there was I don't think there was one case I was aware of where it was irreplaceable.

00:36:46.440 --> 00:36:50.730
Mick Coady: yeah Gary you had your hand up for a second did you.

00:36:51.360 --> 00:36:52.740
Gary Strand: know that was actually a hand clap.

00:36:53.340 --> 00:36:54.120
Gary Strand: i'm agreeing.

00:36:55.200 --> 00:36:55.500
Mick Coady: Okay.

00:36:55.920 --> 00:36:57.900
Gary Strand: Okay, all right good.

00:37:00.360 --> 00:37:04.560
Mick Coady: So sit did I guess I don't want to just cut it off with.

00:37:05.760 --> 00:37:10.440
Mick Coady: Gary and garth but does anybody else have any response.

00:37:11.910 --> 00:37:12.720
Mick Coady: And Mathias.

00:37:12.990 --> 00:37:13.410

00:37:15.210 --> 00:37:16.200
Mick Coady: Six comments here.

00:37:21.720 --> 00:37:24.540
Mick Coady: Okay i'll take that as a no.

00:37:26.460 --> 00:37:35.130
Mick Coady: The girth you'd mentioned Rachel I guess probably should just make sure everybody saw the notice that the rachel's delivery.

00:37:36.390 --> 00:37:38.460
Mick Coady: has been is delayed.

00:37:39.480 --> 00:37:43.020
Mick Coady: Because of just supply chain problems.

00:37:44.430 --> 00:37:46.230
Mick Coady: With the semiconductors.

00:37:47.790 --> 00:37:48.420
Mick Coady: The.

00:37:49.980 --> 00:37:59.580
Mick Coady: New the latest you know the best estimate, we have from HP right now is that it will be delivered in late January so.

00:38:01.080 --> 00:38:02.010
Mick Coady: The asd.

00:38:03.270 --> 00:38:12.990
Mick Coady: process in terms of proposals and things at that schedule remains as it was, but obviously the beginning of the asd projects and.

00:38:14.370 --> 00:38:17.340
Mick Coady: themselves will be pushed back by.

00:38:18.570 --> 00:38:21.750
Mick Coady: Three or four months that the delay is going to introduce.

00:38:23.610 --> 00:38:40.980
Mick Coady: i'll just i'm afraid freely admit I don't think this is the worst news in the world for for me or for sizzle or group, it gives us that much more time to prepare the the user environment, and you know all the other logistics that have to go in.

00:38:42.150 --> 00:38:46.950
Mick Coady: And for the most part cheyenne has been running pretty.

00:38:49.140 --> 00:38:55.410
Mick Coady: pretty well it's been it's been pretty rock solid with for the last year or so no transformers blowing up.

00:38:56.580 --> 00:39:00.450
Mick Coady: You know, major cooling problems, so we have.

00:39:02.520 --> 00:39:10.770
Mick Coady: I think we're lucky are fortunate in that that we still will have a pretty good supercomputer at our disposal until the Rachel comes online.

00:39:18.870 --> 00:39:20.100
Mick Coady: yeah with T shirt.

00:39:20.520 --> 00:39:33.780
Matthias Rempel: And yeah I just want to ask, I mean boss area say any plans to have some smaller size test problem test system installed before the main machine arrives, it will be just get either everything or nothing.

00:39:34.020 --> 00:39:36.120
Mick Coady: No good, very good question.

00:39:37.560 --> 00:40:01.530
Mick Coady: There they're part of the whole NWS see three package includes a test system its name will be gust J ust and it was actually the original timeline called for it to have been delivered last week it's also delayed for the same reasons to Rachel itself will be delayed.

00:40:04.080 --> 00:40:07.680
Mick Coady: And we're earth on, believe me, or fine is.

00:40:09.000 --> 00:40:20.850
Mick Coady: exerting as much pressure as you can to get gust delivered sooner rather than later, our plan is that when, after.

00:40:22.710 --> 00:40:34.920
Mick Coady: Assuming Gus eventually shows up and it's a head of direct show that we will open it up to some key early users for testing development, you know code.

00:40:36.870 --> 00:40:39.930
Mick Coady: it'll be limited, of course, because it's going to be a pretty small machine.

00:40:41.070 --> 00:40:44.790
Mick Coady: I think there's only two a 100 nodes on it.

00:40:45.840 --> 00:40:48.930
Mick Coady: And said, do you remember how many compute nodes are on it.

00:40:49.800 --> 00:40:50.820
Mick Coady: Because it's.

00:40:50.910 --> 00:40:55.110
Sidd: 16 compute nodes and to 100 nodes yeah so.

00:40:55.170 --> 00:40:56.220
Mick Coady: Really pretty small.

00:40:56.400 --> 00:40:57.570
Sidd: yeah yeah and.

00:40:57.750 --> 00:40:58.320
Sidd: it'll be.

00:40:58.680 --> 00:41:00.390
Mick Coady: it'll be adequate for you know.

00:41:02.310 --> 00:41:08.220
Mick Coady: Minimal you know some small testing and development work yes and.

00:41:08.340 --> 00:41:22.830
Sidd: But it will only we will encourage it is the users who are trying to access the gpu resources to test and try, if their application can be fit into two nodes.

00:41:24.420 --> 00:41:25.920
Mick Coady: So, should you have your hand up.

00:41:26.820 --> 00:41:41.400
Sidd: yeah so I was just going to mention, though, the direct your deployment time scale has pushed by four months and the ease the process remains the exactly is the scheduling process remains exactly the same.

00:41:42.540 --> 00:41:42.930
Sidd: So.

00:41:43.950 --> 00:42:00.780
Sidd: Just I wanted to sound this out to all of you, in case, if you feel that you have missed the boat for asd but suddenly this for months time has given you an opportunity, dealing with you can be lady.

00:42:02.070 --> 00:42:08.880
Sidd: Get back to us, we will try to see if there is a way we can get him into the queue or not.

00:42:10.050 --> 00:42:24.180
Mick Coady: Thanks for mentioning that said yeah I strongly encourage if you know, anyone who was on the fence or decided not to put a proposal in because they couldn't be ready in time for when the ratio what was going to be available.

00:42:25.290 --> 00:42:25.470
Mick Coady: I.

00:42:26.610 --> 00:42:40.590
Mick Coady: We can't sit or I can't promise anything but I, I would like to believe that the powers that be, will take that into consideration and the people who will be making the decision and the people being.

00:42:41.730 --> 00:42:52.860
Mick Coady: Their first name is effort by the way, so yeah yeah yeah Mathias or i'm kind of got a little head sorry garth you I think you were next.

00:42:53.940 --> 00:42:54.690
Mick Coady: With your hand up.

00:42:54.900 --> 00:42:55.230

00:42:56.490 --> 00:43:01.110
Garth D'Attilo: Unless Mathias is going to respond directly to that I was going to shift gears to something else, so if mysterious have some.

00:43:02.370 --> 00:43:18.120
Matthias Rempel: questions regarding asd um I mean the original deadline for submitting the main proposal, I think, was September 10 but they still haven't heard back about the step one proposals which was promised early in August I mean.

00:43:18.540 --> 00:43:31.920
Matthias Rempel: Are we getting here very short notice, one week before the deadline is whether we should submit it for proposal or not, or is there any plan that these to accommodate a moderate deadline shift to make up for not hearing yet about the step once.

00:43:33.960 --> 00:43:45.120
Sidd: I think we will have to get back to you Matthew as on this, as you know, this is the big people who are making this decision, but this is a perfectly valid question we'll we'll get back to.

00:43:45.720 --> 00:43:48.900
Mick Coady: You that's a great question does it.

00:43:50.160 --> 00:43:53.220
Mick Coady: I maybe Sid and I have kind of.

00:43:54.810 --> 00:44:01.050
Mick Coady: hinted at this, but there is a fair amount of uncertainty on at our level to about how things are going to.

00:44:02.310 --> 00:44:13.170
Mick Coady: proceed from going forward in the short term, but will we will will not, we will try, we will do our best to get back to you with a good answer for that.

00:44:14.580 --> 00:44:21.270
Sidd: But for the timing you assume that the time scale remains exactly identical the deadline for submitting the full proposal.

00:44:22.440 --> 00:44:31.590
Sidd: Basically, what will happen once we not you probably they will make it faster to get this short little painting short term.

00:44:33.840 --> 00:44:35.850
Sidd: result of that out soon.

00:44:39.870 --> 00:44:40.290
Mick Coady: garth.

00:44:42.090 --> 00:44:55.380
Garth D'Attilo: yeah so I was thinking along the lines of what's going to happen to project space data, the old slash P, as we go forward and the evacuation process right because that's going to disappear and be essentially replaced by campaign.

00:44:56.070 --> 00:45:00.630
Garth D'Attilo: So wonder if we want to start with that sort of movement to try to get people off of.

00:45:01.200 --> 00:45:07.740
Garth D'Attilo: Project space sooner than later, I know, we have more time because the ratio is there, but I don't know, maybe I missed I didn't see anything saying hey everybody.

00:45:08.310 --> 00:45:20.730
Garth D'Attilo: Project space is going to disappear, you should probably think about moving this to campaign storage before this date, which of course is often the future, however, those dates come quickly and there's quite a significant amount of data and the project space as a whole.

00:45:23.280 --> 00:45:24.630
Mick Coady: very good point.

00:45:27.480 --> 00:45:29.310
Mick Coady: And I will agree with you, we haven't.

00:45:31.320 --> 00:45:33.240
Mick Coady: publicized that or you know.

00:45:34.500 --> 00:45:40.350
Mick Coady: really push that message out about Li P going away.

00:45:42.510 --> 00:45:46.650
Sidd: I did December 31 2022 so that's.

00:45:47.070 --> 00:45:49.350
Garth D'Attilo: You have some time it's one of those things but.

00:45:49.380 --> 00:45:49.800
Garth D'Attilo: If.

00:45:49.830 --> 00:45:55.830
Garth D'Attilo: You go with HP SS evacuation and the you know, obviously, that at different speeds sort of things, but you know.

00:45:55.950 --> 00:46:06.900
Garth D'Attilo: People will want to have it, maybe operational and the new system, and if they already have it on campaign storage then it'll be read right because i'm sure project will go read only you know, so you know, at some point.

00:46:07.170 --> 00:46:10.770
Garth D'Attilo: So you want to you know just just as as we were talking about the.

00:46:10.830 --> 00:46:15.120
Garth D'Attilo: hdfs that that sprung up, so I was just going to check with what the plan was or.

00:46:16.380 --> 00:46:17.220
Garth D'Attilo: If we need to make one.

00:46:18.630 --> 00:46:24.060
Mick Coady: I would say it's probably more the ladder that there needs to be a little bit more finer.

00:46:25.530 --> 00:46:31.710
Mick Coady: We need to put more detail on what plans we have right now it's pretty like you just said it's.

00:46:34.380 --> 00:46:42.060
Mick Coady: it's going away about this, around this time frame plan to move your data over that you need to keep it but.

00:46:43.410 --> 00:46:45.660
Mick Coady: nothing more than that, at this point, but.

00:46:47.220 --> 00:46:49.590
Mick Coady: And that'll be a good that'd be a good thing to bring up with.

00:46:52.200 --> 00:46:56.700
Mick Coady: Internally right make sure we've got our ducks in a row, before we start putting out.

00:46:58.170 --> 00:47:06.960
Mick Coady: suggestions are again there there again we I think we could cause some we weren't careful with our message you can we could cost quite a bit of panic right.

00:47:08.250 --> 00:47:08.580

00:47:09.720 --> 00:47:12.630
Garth D'Attilo: it's a window, because the panic really you just have to choose when.

00:47:14.100 --> 00:47:15.000
Garth D'Attilo: it's your choice.

00:47:15.180 --> 00:47:21.150
Mick Coady: yeah like the like the Paleo week before October 1 for each pizza yeah.

00:47:21.540 --> 00:47:23.190
Garth D'Attilo: I can do that probably not as bad, but yeah.

00:47:25.080 --> 00:47:25.470
Mick Coady: Okay.

00:47:26.760 --> 00:47:27.900
Mick Coady: yeah yeah Gary.

00:47:29.160 --> 00:47:30.390
Gary Strand: One thing is.

00:47:31.950 --> 00:47:44.820
Gary Strand: I know the CSM relies heavily on stuff under glee P for the you know core model data sets and input data sets and things like that, and it can't go away as long as cheyenne is around.

00:47:45.180 --> 00:48:02.400
Gary Strand: right because cheyenne can't see campaign store, so we can you know we can't move everything offline Peter campaign storage and still be able to use cheyenne the way we've been using it so play P can't go away any earlier than cheyenne goes away at least from the CSM perspective.

00:48:03.180 --> 00:48:05.910
Gary Strand: I haven't really break things badly.

00:48:05.970 --> 00:48:14.490
Gary Strand: I mean it's what will you know, eventually, it becomes a moot point because direction will be able to see campaign storage less of an issue but.

00:48:14.550 --> 00:48:15.450
Gary Strand: Until that time.

00:48:17.250 --> 00:48:22.170
Mick Coady: yeah there's a lot undergoing beat you like the whole encourage data sharing service.

00:48:22.260 --> 00:48:24.660
Mick Coady: isn't as well right so.

00:48:26.550 --> 00:48:34.050
Mick Coady: I i'm I feel pretty confident that the things will happen in a.

00:48:35.730 --> 00:48:46.200
Mick Coady: In a logical and acceptable, you know set of steps and hopefully not squeeze people too much, but I think it's pretty safe to say.

00:48:48.120 --> 00:49:09.000
Mick Coady: That sizzle has no plans to copy the data for users, that that'll be on on project project leads or users themselves to move data off of glade P to campaign storage as as they see fit, or necessary yeah and then another point you made Gary that.

00:49:10.350 --> 00:49:11.280
Mick Coady: game you thought was.

00:49:12.660 --> 00:49:20.040
Mick Coady: I think this was i'm pretty sure we communicated this is that we are working with HP to extend the maintenance on.

00:49:21.480 --> 00:49:22.350
Mick Coady: cheyenne.

00:49:23.610 --> 00:49:30.030
Mick Coady: To make sure that we're covered through this new gap time gap that got created with the delay.

00:49:32.580 --> 00:49:40.920
Sidd: And also, on the other point getting men there's no way, we will shut off great team before shine is yeah yeah.

00:49:41.070 --> 00:49:50.940
Mick Coady: You know that that that definitely won't pass so i'd say there's you know, again I don't want to create concern or alarm or anything but I think there's a.

00:49:51.540 --> 00:50:08.760
Mick Coady: Greater chance that you know because of the age of glade be that something could happen that way, rather than sizzles shutting it all, and I, but glade has been pretty rock solid, since it first came online and the fact that it came up so smoothly.

00:50:10.110 --> 00:50:18.630
Mick Coady: And without any issues at all after the outage was pretty reassuring for most of us so yeah Mathias.

00:50:20.820 --> 00:50:31.560
Matthias Rempel: I just since you brought up the data sharing service can be nasza data straight from campaign or doesn't stay have to recite on play P, for doing that.

00:50:32.550 --> 00:50:43.140
Mick Coady: uh no you don't have to it's that the the glade P data share is a mount point and Globus so that helps.

00:50:44.370 --> 00:50:48.120
Mick Coady: there's a lot of users, take advantage of that every day.

00:50:53.670 --> 00:51:08.910
Matthias Rempel: The impression that it was possible to set straight data which I have sitting on campaign can you create a global standpoint from that or do we have to first move it, I mean the pastor always moved about hands impression works now but I couldn't find any better.

00:51:09.690 --> 00:51:12.360
Matthias Rempel: documentation, it says that actually does work.

00:51:14.040 --> 00:51:15.120
Mick Coady: So do you want to take that.

00:51:16.470 --> 00:51:21.360
Sidd: yeah at this point, we do not have that option.

00:51:22.620 --> 00:51:23.460
Sidd: The.

00:51:25.320 --> 00:51:25.890
Matthias Rempel: Okay.

00:51:26.220 --> 00:51:27.060
Sidd: yeah maybe.

00:51:28.770 --> 00:51:29.220
Matthias Rempel: Maybe.

00:51:30.060 --> 00:51:50.370
Matthias Rempel: Maybe it ma ch your own project space that I can share it from the I didn't have to move it to Z and data share partition is that possible, because I recently did something which I didn't share from the data share that seemed to work, no i'm not sure exactly what I did myself but.

00:51:51.150 --> 00:52:08.610
Sidd: That should not be the case, because this is a security this thing right with the data in data share can be shared, using a global standpoint any way if it is a shared with anonymous user.

00:52:10.080 --> 00:52:17.250
Sidd: Anybody with the global account should be able to access the content under data share but okay.

00:52:18.270 --> 00:52:22.050
Sidd: Be or campaigns to it that won't be the case.

00:52:23.880 --> 00:52:24.390

00:52:25.830 --> 00:52:31.590
Matthias Rempel: Then I have to check mother actually did I thought I shared it from somewhere else, but maybe I did yeah.

00:52:31.650 --> 00:52:35.520
Mick Coady: The tss that's that's another good X 94 because.

00:52:36.600 --> 00:52:40.140
Mick Coady: I seem to recall that i've helped some users in the past with.

00:52:41.310 --> 00:52:48.090
Mick Coady: sharing data directly off the campaign storage, but I the ultra sit on this to say that we can't.

00:52:50.310 --> 00:52:54.210
Mick Coady: I think we need to get back with you, with a definitive answer on that.

00:53:04.410 --> 00:53:05.010
Mick Coady: you're.

00:53:07.980 --> 00:53:08.340
Gary Strand: have anything.

00:53:08.370 --> 00:53:08.640

00:53:10.830 --> 00:53:11.430
Mick Coady: yeah girth.

00:53:14.190 --> 00:53:15.930
Garth D'Attilo: Apparently, I found that button sorry.

00:53:17.100 --> 00:53:18.630
Garth D'Attilo: They shouldn't have let me use that right they.

00:53:18.630 --> 00:53:20.670
Mick Coady: can get better that's done.

00:53:20.970 --> 00:53:31.230
Garth D'Attilo: Well, and that brought up this sort of this Globus five idea of sharing without having to use Globus endpoints so i'm hoping that still somewhere in a roadmap, even though I know Globus five has been beta for.

00:53:32.400 --> 00:53:33.360
Garth D'Attilo: Since we started meeting.

00:53:33.420 --> 00:53:34.020
Right so.

00:53:35.850 --> 00:53:36.960
Garth D'Attilo: that's how these things happen.

00:53:37.290 --> 00:53:37.650

00:53:38.670 --> 00:53:39.480
Garth D'Attilo: That is there okay.

00:53:39.840 --> 00:53:49.410
Sidd: yeah once it is there, you can do that, but that means you have to be careful there right and you don't want to expose everything.

00:53:50.790 --> 00:53:53.580
Garth D'Attilo: yeah be nice if it can be done in a very incremental and.

00:53:53.580 --> 00:53:55.050
Sidd: directory, you know, like.

00:53:55.080 --> 00:54:05.400
Garth D'Attilo: controlled way exactly and other question I had was a will glade pb readable from the ratio directly all will all of the glade resources beyond the ratio too.

00:54:07.170 --> 00:54:21.030
Garth D'Attilo: Because it's gonna get really confusing really fast and i'm just gonna you know, maybe make some helpful recommendations to my staff to be like hey you know if you want to be ready, you know you can think about doing these things, but I just wondered if that was going to be the case.

00:54:21.930 --> 00:54:24.360
Mick Coady: As far as I know, the what the plan is for.

00:54:24.390 --> 00:54:26.130
Mick Coady: All of blade to be accessible.

00:54:26.610 --> 00:54:27.900
Mick Coady: Rachel for as long as.

00:54:28.290 --> 00:54:29.850
Mick Coady: For as long as it exists.

00:54:29.880 --> 00:54:33.270
Garth D'Attilo: Yes, I will once things are gone all bets are off.

00:54:33.270 --> 00:54:33.600

00:54:34.650 --> 00:54:35.880
Mick Coady: yeah okay.

00:54:36.150 --> 00:54:36.540
Garth D'Attilo: Thank you.

00:54:38.850 --> 00:54:42.750
Mick Coady: yeah I think that's an absolute requirement.

00:54:48.090 --> 00:54:50.220
Mick Coady: Okay anything else good.

00:54:51.270 --> 00:54:51.840
Mick Coady: Great round.

00:54:52.890 --> 00:54:56.700
Mick Coady: discussion here I frankly I didn't expect this kind of.

00:54:58.320 --> 00:55:00.600
Mick Coady: liveliness out of the group so thanks for that.

00:55:03.000 --> 00:55:09.030
Mick Coady: By the way, how's the Air Quality down there today in boulder in the area.

00:55:09.450 --> 00:55:10.410
Matthias Rempel: and bad.

00:55:11.700 --> 00:55:13.290
Matthias Rempel: days, but now get great.

00:55:13.680 --> 00:55:18.210
Mick Coady: yeah it couldn't get much worse than it was on Saturday yeah.

00:55:18.420 --> 00:55:19.140
i've been trying.

00:55:21.960 --> 00:55:23.310
Mick Coady: yeah I ventured into boulder.

00:55:23.310 --> 00:55:26.550
Matthias Rempel: Each system running to her and hopefully figure something out.

00:55:26.880 --> 00:55:27.240

00:55:29.670 --> 00:55:36.660
Mick Coady: That just so happened that Saturday, there was an iron man in boulder and I felt bad for for those athletes.

00:55:38.250 --> 00:55:39.060
Mick Coady: So okay.

00:55:40.290 --> 00:55:41.760
Mick Coady: yeah yeah that.

00:55:44.310 --> 00:55:51.660
Mick Coady: it's kind of it looks better up here, you know, like we're about 8200 feet, it looks better, but if you can still see.

00:55:53.490 --> 00:55:57.480
Mick Coady: it's not we're not out of the woods no pun intended yet.

00:56:01.620 --> 00:56:07.590
Mick Coady: So I guess one more opportunity for folks to speak up or ask some questions and.

00:56:11.340 --> 00:56:17.700
Mick Coady: If not, then let you go and we'll end it right at about an hour meeting so pretty good, I think.

00:56:22.380 --> 00:56:23.940
Mick Coady: And yeah Gary.

00:56:24.900 --> 00:56:25.200

00:56:26.670 --> 00:56:28.920
Mick Coady: he's happy to go he's happy he can.

00:56:30.090 --> 00:56:39.030
Mick Coady: Go good okay well thanks everybody look for an email from me in the next hopefully 2448 hours with.

00:56:40.050 --> 00:56:43.560
Mick Coady: A link to the wiki for this meeting and.

00:56:46.830 --> 00:57:01.620
Mick Coady: As always, what let me know or said, obviously, if you have any questions or anything you wants to follow up with so appreciate everybody showing up and in your time thing was pretty good me so take care.

00:57:02.910 --> 00:57:03.690
Kay Sandoval: Everybody.

00:57:05.130 --> 00:57:05.520
Garth D'Attilo: Thank you.

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