


Reads forecast irradiance input for all solar farm sites. Applies static data mining models developed for each farm to convert forecast irradiance to forecast power.

Command Usage

usage: /home/sunspot/bin/solar_power [-d debug_level] [-l log_file] issue_time cdl_file config_file interp_input_file output_file ascii_output_file
-d debug_level: set a debug level between 0 0. Debug level 0 means no debugging statements.
-l log_file: write log messages to log_file

Sample Command Invocation

solar_power -l /d1/sunspot/data/log/solar_power_xcel_sanl.asc 201602180130 /d1/sunspot/data/static/cdl/solar_power.cdl /d1/sunspot/data/static/config/solar_power_xcel-sanl.cfg /d2/dicast/nt/solar_fcst/solar_mesh_fcst/20160218/ /d1/sunspot/data/solar_power_fcst/XCEL_SANL/20160218/ /d1/sunspot/data/solar_power_ascii_fcst/XCEL_SANL/20160218/XCEL_SANL.20160218.0130.csv


  • solar_power: executable name
  • -l  /d1/sunspot/data/log/solar_power_xcel_sanl.asc: log file path
  • 201602180130: 20160218 - yyyymmdd, 0130 hhmm UTC
  • /d1/sunspot/data/static/cdl/solar_power.cdl: netcdf cdl file for output
  • /d1/sunspot/data/static/config/solar_power_xcel-sanl.cfg: configuration file
  • /d2/dicast/nt/solar_fcst/solar_mesh_fcst/20160218/ input irradiance forecast file
  • /d1/sunspot/data/solar_power_fcst/XCEL_SANL/20160218/ output netcdf power forecast file
  • /d1/sunspot/data/solar_power_ascii_fcst/XCEL_SANL/20160218/XCEL_SANL.20160218.0130.csv: output ascii power forecast file

Command Frequency

  • Run once per hour right after irradiance forecast file is generated

Processing Steps

  1. Read configuration file
    1. Configuration file consists of:
      1. NetCDF dimension and field names
    2. Data mining model information
      1. Farm model information such as farm name, directory for models, latitude, longitude, etc.
      2. Farm model fields such as year, month, day, solar azimuth, solar elevation, ghi, power
  2. Read irradiance forecast input file
  3. Match site identifiers in forecast input file to data mining models at specific farms
  4. Convert irradiance to power
    1. Extract irradiance and other relevant predictor data to use in conversion
    2. Perform conversion by applying appropriate Cubist model to extracted data
  5. Write output
    1. Write netcdf output
    2. Write ascii output






  • No labels