Blog from October, 2016

42m TRH on tower

As a hack earlier today I tried to power cycle the 42m TRH on tower, in the (small) hope that it might resolve the temperatures that are too high there.

But "eio 8 0" had no effect, data was still coming in on the port.   "eio 8" always reported 0 even after an "eio 8 1".

So it seems that the emerald was not responding to commands at address 0x200, even though the serial ports, at 0x100 to 0x147 were working.

Copied over a new emerald.ko driver module, which has a fix for the EEPROM accesses in the hope that may help the emerald respond.  The old one is saved at /lib/modules/3.16.0-titan2/nidas/emerald_save.ko.

After ddn, a "/etc/init.d/emerald start", failed because the emerald would not respond at 0x200.  So just did a remote software reboot.  All came back.

From kern.log:

Oct 21 18:04:12 localhost kernel: emerald: NOTICE: version: v1.2-435
Oct 21 18:04:12 localhost kernel: emerald: INFO: /dev/emerald0 at ioport 0x200 is an EMM-8P
Oct 21 18:04:12 localhost kernel: emerald: INFO: /dev/emerald0: port 0=RS232,1=RS232,2=RS232,3=RS232,4=RS232,5=RS232,6=RS232,7=RS232

So it is running the new v1.2-435 of emerald.ko.  Controlling power with eio then worked.

The power cycle of 42m didn't help though:

daq@tower: rs 8
connecting to inet:localhost:30002
connected to inet:localhost:30002
parameters: 9600 none 8 1 "\n" 1 0 prompted=false
TRH59 25.59 73.30 51 0 1633 131 159\r\n
TRH59 25.59 73.85 51 0 1633 132 159\r\n
TRH59 25.63 73.86 51 0 1634 132 160\r\n
TRH59 25.63 73.86 52 0 1634 132 163\r\n
daq@tower:~$ eio 8 0
daq@tower:~$ rs 8
connecting to inet:localhost:30002
connected to inet:localhost:30002
parameters: 9600 none 8 1 "\n" 1 0 prompted=false
daq@tower:~$ eio 8 1
daq@tower:~$ rs 8
connecting to inet:localhost:30002
connected to inet:localhost:30002
parameters: 9600 none 8 1 "\n" 1 0 prompted=false
\r Sensor ID59 I2C ADD: 12 data rate: 1 (secs) fan(0) max current: 100 (ma)\n
\rCalibration Dates: T - 041416, RH - 060116\r\n
resolution: 12 bits 1 sec MOTE: off\r\n
calibration coefficients:\r\n
Ta0 = -4.045476E+1\r\n
Ta1 = 4.098870E-2\r\n
Ta2 = -3.310120E-7\r\n
Ha0 = -1.474009E+1\r\n
Ha1 = 7.527249E-1\r\n
Ha2 = -8.074811E-4\r\n
Ha3 = 6.441682E-2\r\n
Ha4 = 4.907825E-4\r\n
Fa0 = 3.222650E-1\r\n
TRH59 25.63 72.75 52 0 1634 130 163\r\n
TRH59 25.63 72.75 51 0 1634 130 161\r\n
TRH59 25.63 72.75 52 0 1634 130 162\r\n
TRH59 25.63 72.75 51 0 1634 130 160\r\n


Pirga from s15

On the trip to S15 yesterday (Oct 20), took a photo of the EC100 internals, to help address the issue why Pirga seems to be low by about 1 mb.  It's probably not of much use, but here it is.


Around 11:25 EDT I  rserial'd to the EC150 on S15 (port 5).  The  pressure setting can be changed with the "O" command.  It is a hassle because we don't know how to  disable the unprompted output, and so the menu prompts are interspersed in the binary output.

Here's what t looks like  the response to the O command:
0) Pressure Source:\r\n1) Pressure Calibration:\r\n2) Differential Pressure Select:\r\n3) Temperature Source:\r\nEnter Selection:
Entered "0" (zero) and got:
0) Internal\r\n1) External\r\n2) CS106 (External)U\r\n3) Fixed PressureU\0xaa
Entered 1 for the external barometer.  However, then Pirga went to 22 and the h2o and co2 values became NaN.  Switching it back to the internal barometer resulted in Pirga=1008, and the h2o and co2 values returned.  
From Steve Oncley: is a mystery why the "external" barometer isn't working and why this box apparently was set to use the "internal" barometer.  I thought it had been working using the external.  This sensor was used in CABL.

12:30 EDT, queried pressure calibration:
O (pressure menu)
1 (pressure calibration)
1 (external)

Response (with the binary output removed):

Current Calibration values for external pressure: Gain = 1.000000, Offset = 0.000000
Enter new Gain and Offset (comma separated):


I didn't change these values.


Emigration and Customs Helicptors landed again today at 5:30 EDT


Site 15 leveled radiometer at 3:00 EDT

Light Southeast winds. Temperatures in the 80's. Partly cloudy, and muggy.

Vanda, Cristina and her student Winston, paid a visit to the site today and went on a tour of the marsh.

To do:

  • Reshoot boom angles at site 8 and 15 where we used tripod for stabilizing. We think tripod could be affecting the compass. (must be done at low tide, so this has to wait. High tide starts around 10)
  • Level radiometer at site 1


  • Watching main tower wdir data and forecasts to determine appropriate conditions to have wind turbine turned off (at the request of the PI). She's looking for ENE winds between 40-80deg greater than 5m/s


T/RH: 42m  TRH still reporting warmer and drier than at other levels. RH at site 8 has dropped out for a period two nights in a row. Last night for about 2 hours, but it recovered.

P: ok
2D Gill: ok
csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: ok
csat w, tc: ok
3D RMY: ok
EC150: ok
motes: ok
Wetness: ok
radiation: ok
Tsoil: ok
Gsoil: ok
Qsoil: Qsoil.5cm.m1.s9 contained many NA values today, during each 6 hours cycle. 
Cvsoil: ok
Rainr: ok.
Vbatt: ok


Leveled radiometers at site 1 (5:01 EDT) and site 9 (5:20 EDT)

Site 1

Site 9


Light winds from the South. Temperatures in the 60's. Partly cloudy.

To do:

  • Reshoot boom angles at site 8 and 15 where we used tripod for stabilizing. We think tripod could be affecting the compass. (must be done at low tide, so this has to wait. High tide starts around 10)
  • Level radiometer at site 1


  • Watching main tower wdir data and forecasts to determine appropriate conditions to have wind turbine turned off (at the request of the PI). She's looking for ENE winds between 40-80deg greater than 5m/s


T/RH: 42m  TRH still reporting warmer and drier than at other levels
P: ok
2D Gill: ok
csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: ok
csat w, tc: ok
3D RMY: ok
EC150: ok
motes: ok
Wetness: ok
radiation: ok
Tsoil: ok
Gsoil: ok
Qsoil: ok
Cvsoil: ok
Rainr: ok.
Vbatt: ok


Site 9

Cleaned radiometers at 1:50 pm EDT


Site 13

Moved T/RH thermal shield from 2m to 3m (even in height with the sonic)


Sites 1 and 15

Sampled PT01 data.

Oct 17.  At S15 soil site 12:50 EDT.  Water depth about 6".  I believe the TP01 at this site is SN:200241.

ID:7  type: TP01  SN:200241  BD:7  I2C:2e        TIMERS (sec):     SLEEP: 900    HEAT: 180
calibration coefficients:
R =  1.620000E+1  E =  1.415000E-4  L =  6.000000E-2
board calibration:
GAIN:1 (heater)  A0 =  1.999278E+0  A1 =  1.278517E+5  A2 =  9.991097E-1  A3 =  3.701623E-7  A4 = -3.788151E-11 
GAIN:8 (sensor)  A0 =  2.504106E-1  A1 =  1.278132E+5  A2 =  9.991050E-1  A3 =  3.703467E-7  A4 = -3.769054E-11  

The following measurements were taken at 12:55, 13,10 and 13:25:

7 1212182 376 0 139 1663 569
7 1212575 376 0 139 1640 569
7 1211994 376 0 139 1635 568

At S1 soil site: 14:52 EDT.  Water depth about 1-2 inches.  Note that the coefficients are for SN:200241. I'm not sure what TP01 SN is at this site

ID:7  type: TP01  SN:200241  BD:7  I2C:2e        TIMERS (sec):     SLEEP: 900    HEAT: 180
calibration coefficients:
R =  1.620000E+1  E =  1.415000E-4  L =  6.000000E-2
board calibration:
GAIN:1 (heater)  A0 =  1.999278E+0  A1 =  1.278517E+5  A2 =  9.991097E-1  A3 =  3.701623E-7  A4 = -3.788151E-11 
GAIN:8 (sensor)  A0 =  2.504106E-1  A1 =  1.278132E+5  A2 =  9.991050E-1  A3 =  3.703467E-7  A4 = -3.769054E-11  

Power clip fell off at 14:59. Second measurement 15:02, third 15:17

7 1233700 313 0 115 2003 707
7 1233712 313 0 115 2180 707
7 1233478 313 0 115 2157 707

From the above measurements I get the following values:

siteVheat, VVpile.on,, uVVpile.37%, uVTau63, sLambda, W/(m*K) 
s11.233313011521.10.707Incorrect coefficients?



Sunny and clear. Low winds from the South. 

To do:

  • Reshoot boom angles at site 8 where we used tripod for stabilizing. We think tripod could be affecting the compass.
  • Test wisard board in the trailer
  • Install wisard board on the soil TP sensor at site 1. 
  • Clean radiometers at station 9


  • Watching main tower wdir data and forecasts to determine appropriate conditions to have wind turbine turned off (at the request of the PI). She's looking for ENE winds between 40-80deg greater than 5m/s

**Down day planned for tomorrow


T/RH: 42m  TRH still reporting warmer and drier than at other levels
P: ok
2D Gill: ok
csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: ok
csat w, tc: ok
3D RMY: ok
EC150: ok
motes: ok
Wetness: ok
radiation: ok
Tsoil: ok
Gsoil: ok
Qsoil: ok
Cvsoil: Will test install today
Rainr: ok.
Vbatt: ok

Sunny and clear. Low winds from the South. Looks like winds from the South are likely to prevail most of  the week. Could possible swing to the North on Friday.

To do:

  • Reshoot boom angles at site 8 where we used tripod for stabilizing. We think tripod could be affecting the compass.
  • Test wisard board in the trailer
  • Install wisard board on the soil TP sensor at site 1. 
  • Clean radiometers at station 9


  • Watching main tower wdir data and forecasts to determine appropriate conditions to have wind turbine turned off (at the request of the PI). She's looking for ENE winds between 40-80deg greater than 5m/s


T/RH: 42m  TRH still reporting warmer and drier than at other levels
P: ok
2D Gill: ok
csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: ok
csat w, tc: ok
3D RMY: ok
EC150: ok
motes: ok
Wetness: ok
radiation: ok
Tsoil: ok
Gsoil: ok
Qsoil: ok
Cvsoil: Will test and try to install tomorrow
Rainr: ok.
Vbatt: ok

Sunny with a few clouds. Low winds from the North

To dos:

  • Reshoot boom angles at site 8 where we used tripod for stabilizing. We think tripod could be affecting the compass.
  • Install wisard board on the soil TP sensor at site 1. It should arrive today. 
  • Clean radiometers at station 9


  • Watching main tower wdir data and forecasts to determine appropriate conditions to have wind turbine turned off (at the request of the PI). She's looking for ENE winds between 40-80deg greater than 5m/s


T/RH: 42m  TRH still reporting warmer and drier than at other levels
P: ok
2D Gill: ok
csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: ok
csat w, tc: ok
3D RMY: ok
EC150: ok
motes: ok
Wetness: ok
radiation: ok
Tsoil: ok
Gsoil: ok
Qsoil: ok
Cvsoil: Wisard board arrived today. Will Install tomorrow
Rainr: ok.
Vbatt: ok


Fairly clear and cool. Light winds from the NE/NNE.

To dos:

  • Reshoot boom angles at site 8 where we used tripod for stabilizing. We think tripod could be affecting the compass.
  • Install wisard board on the soil TP sensor at site 1. It should arrive today. 
  • Clean radiometers at station 9


  • Watching main tower wdir data and forecasts to determine appropriate conditions to have wind turbine turned off (at the request of the PI). She's looking for ENE winds between 40-80deg


T/RH: 42m  TRH still reporting warmer and drier than at other levels
P: ok
2D Gill: ok
csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: ok
csat w, tc: ok
3D RMY: ok
EC150: ok
motes: ok
Wetness: ok
radiation: ok
Tsoil: ok
Gsoil: ok
Qsoil: ok
Cvsoil: Expecting wisard board to arrive today.
Rainr: ok.
Vbatt: ok


PI requested the turbine be stopped when wind direction is ENE, roughly between 40-80 deg, for one hour intervals twice a day. 

This is just a test today. Turbine was stopped at noon and started back up at 1pm EDT



Partly cloudy with light winds

To dos:

  • Reshoot boom angles at site 8 where we used tripod for stabilizing. We think tripod could be affecting the compass.
  • Look at forecasts to determine appropriate conditions to have wind turbine turned off (at the request of the PI)


T/RH: 42m  TRH still reporting warmer and drier than at other levels
P: ok
2D Gill: ok
csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: ok
csat w, tc: ok
3D RMY: ok
EC150: ok
motes: ok
Wetness: ok
radiation: ok
Tsoil: ok
Gsoil: ok
Qsoil: ok
Cvsoil: Waiting on the wizard board
Rainr: ok.
Vbatt: ok