Blog from October, 2016

Daily Status 10/3

REVISITING this, now that data are flowing – at various times all data stopped, qctables was dead, and statsproc was dead yesterday midday, so this is hard!

Summary: Intermittent rain and light winds.  Now only partly cloudy.  Tower and S15 were not responding on arrival. Repairing S2 TRH so we can reinstall the crossarm.

Actions past 24 hours:

  • Yesterday (10/2) 3 stations not responding at morning check so we had a Sunday boat ride.

    S15: USB modem and USB stick both not talking, despite power cycle.  Reconfigured DATAMNT to send data to compact flash instead of modem, removed stick, removed USB hub – modem now directly plugged in.  cycled power, still don't have cell connection, but at least saving data locally.  Note that this was 2 visits, the second was when we actually got local storage working

    S7: console not responding.  Power cycle brought back cell.  USB stick took a while to mount, but now okay

    S3: pi in bad non-connecting mode.  removed and brought back to base.  Now plugged into cradlepoint, but c-point not connecting to cell modem.  Will work on tomorrow.

    S2: verified that TRH fan is dead, but couldn't remove to bring back because setscrew frozen in place.  Had to bring the entire crossarm back to base and eventually drilled out the setscrew.

To dos:

  • Reshoot all boom angles (just because...Have done most sites so far)
  • Soil core samples (took some from S15, could redo S9, S1 waiting for a new Qsoil)
  • Install TP01 when fixed
  • Fix WWW plots that die too frequently

Station Status:

S3: NO DATA.  Pi DSM keeps on crashing with cell modem and is now back at base for testing.

S15: NO DATA.  Cell modem isn't recognized over USB, but <should> be saving data locally, starting with our visit about 1100 yesterday.

Sensor Status:

T/RH:  Lots of issues: 42m now Ifan=0, don't know if this is real; S9 Ifan=0, don't know if ths is real; S2 fan was dead, removed, ready to install spare
P: ok; Pirga still lower by about 1mb
2D Gill: ok
csat u,v:  S3 looked bad 2 days ago when initially restarted through Pi.  Now not sure.  
csat ldiag: ok
csat w, tc: ok
EC150: ok
motes: S15 was up at least a bit yesterday, but not sure when we left.
Wetness: ok
radiation: ok
Tsoil: ok
Gsoil: ok
Qsoil: S9 and S15 ok; S1 is dead (a new EC-5 sensor may be coming from Boulder)
Cvsoil: still need to have John/Steve S come up with a fix (in Boulder)

Rainr: ok
Vbatt: ok

quickie status

3 stations were dead this morning, so a trip to the marsh (on our day off):

S15: USB modem and USB stick both not talking, despite power cycle.  Reconfigured DATAMNT to send data to compact flash instead of modem, removed stick, removed USB hub – modem now directly plugged in.  cycled power, still don't have cell connection, but at least saving data locally.  Note that this was 2 visits, the second was when we actually got local storage working

S7: console not responding.  Power cycle brought back cell.  USB stick took a while to mount, but now okay

S3: pi in bad non-connecting mode.  removed and brought back to base.  Now plugged into cradlepoint, but c-point not connecting to cell modem.  Will work on tomorrow.

S2: verified that TRH fan is dead, but couldn't remove to bring back because setscrew frozen in place.  Will need kroil next visit.

update: brought kroil, but still wouldn't budge.  Brought entire crossarm back to base and eventually drilled out the setscrew.


Daily Status 10/1


Summary: Still overcast with steady winds.  Flood levels have dropped from yesterday but are still high.  S3 replacement DSM is being tested for deployment today. 

Actions past 24 hours:

  • Yesterday (9/30) Marsh is still at flood conditions.  Several stations are having problems after the storm. S2, S9, and S14 TRH's are not reading current. S3 is completely off line.  S1, S7 and S11 are not giving any power readings but are sending CSAT data. S15 has lost all mote data. The tower has a power mote issue and the TRH at 42M is not reporting fan current, 25M stopped but has recovered.  A boat trip in the afternoon recovered the DSM from S3 and repaired damage at S1, S7, S11 and S15.  A boat trip saw the power mote replaced at 1, box lids strapped down at 1, 3, 7, and 11, and the connection to the mote restored at 15.  Battery box lids facing the wind apparently aren't rated for sustained winds over 20 meters per second.

To dos:

  • Reshoot all boom angles (just because...Have done most sites so far)
  • Soil core samples (took some from S15, could redo S9, S1 waiting for a new Qsoil)
  • Install TP01 when fixed
  • Fix WWW plots that die too frequently

Sensor Status:

T/RH:  Lots of issues: 42m now Ifan=0, don't know if this is real; S9 Ifan=0, don't know if ths is real
P: ok; Pirga still lower by about 1mb
2D Gill: ok
csat u,v:  ok
csat ldiag: ok
csat w, tc: ok
EC150: ok
motes: S15 not reporting despite restart of bluetooth software
Wetness: ok
radiation: ok
Tsoil: ok
Gsoil: ok
Qsoil: S9 and S15 ok; S1 is dead (a new EC-5 sensor may be coming from Boulder)
Cvsoil: still need to have John/Steve S come up with a fix (in Boulder)

Rainr: ok
Vbatt: ok