Meeting Notes: 9 April 2004


  • Flight planning
    • Hayman
    • model boundaries
    • missed approach at Centennial
  • Modeling
    • CDAM
      UPDATE of Land Forward Modeling
      Land cover data field
      By elevation we are preparing analysis of land cover using 30m TM-based land cover map of major vegetation types (eg evergreen forest, deciduous forest, grassland, etc) for our base ecosystem spatial mapping
      By elevation and vegetation type we are then assigning ecosystem (or biome) type classes which can be made to map to our current parameterizations of modeling types used in Century/Daycent calculations
      Will be taking first cut pass at the simulation of daily NEE, NPP, and ET for the regional domain based on 0.5 lat/lng gridding of daily climate
      These data are being processed and hopefully by late next week we will have a calculation for the domain which outputs daily NEE, NPP, and ET by ecosystem type
      MAP 1:
      Ecosystem mapping for domain
      MAP 2:
      Forest ecosystems broken down into simulation classes
      MAP 3a-d:
      DEM breakdown of ecosystem types
      Nest steps:
      Evaluate what is needed to calculate specific outputs and carbon dynamics for the project
      What spatial scale is needed for what evaluation?
      Selection of specific weather year to mimic 2004, given that we do not have 2004 weather we can use. Selection will be based on Peter Thornton's 1km 1980 to 2001 Daymet data base for the domain.
      Categories of data being used:
      DEM ranges to distinguish ecosystem types are:
      Elevational Zones (meters)
      Zone 1: 1400 - 2200
      Zone 2: 2200 - 2800
      Zone 3: 2800 - 3200
      Zone 4: 3200 - 4400

Base 30m vegetation types (ala NLCD data base)
NLCD Land Cover Classes (value):
Open Water (11)
Perennial Ice/Snow (12)
Low Intensity Residential (21)
High Intensity Residential (22)
Commercial/Industrial/Transportation (23)
Bare Rock/Sand/Clay (31)
Quarries/Strip Mines/Gravel Pits (32)
Transitional (33)
Vegetated; Natural Forested Upland
Deciduous Forest (41)
Evergreen Forest (42)
Ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir (western pine)
Lodgepole pine
Engelmann spruce/subalpine fir
Mixed Forest (43)
Shrubland (51)
Non-natural Woody
Orchards/Vineyards/Other (61)
Herbaceous Upland
Grasslands/Herbaceous (71)
Alpine grasses
Herbaceous Planted/Cultivated
Pasture/Hay (81)
Row Crops (82)
Small Grains (83)
Fallow (84)
Urban/Recreational Grasses (85)
Woody Wetlands (91)
Emergent Herbaceous Wetlands (92)
– Schedule review
– Chat capability with C-130
– Weather links
– Direct flux measurements
– Site Visit

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