Rudy had noted that rad data died Monday afternoon.  Efforts to reset it remotely using mote commands have failed, so there must be a hardware issue.  We'll try to get out there today to replace this with a spare.

We'll replace the EC150 Tirga fan at the same time.


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  1. Steve Oncley AUTHOR

    Steve S and I visited the site from about 1700-1740 today.

    Rad data restarted about 1700 today, simply by pressing the red reset button on the rad mote.  I noticed that the yellow LED just below the middle white connector was steady on when I arrived, which John says indicates that it is hung trying to receive an XBee message.  John may decide to enable a watchdog timer to avoid having this problem in the future.

    Shortly thereafter, we replaced the Tirga fan, which now seems to be running as we wanted.  The only change was to add a +12V regulator so that the fan doesn't see high power supply voltages (up to 14.9V).  We noticed immediate cooling of the Tirga values.  We also resecured the inlet screen.


  2. Steve Oncley AUTHOR

    John just entered the mote commands:



    to enable resetting of the rad mote Xbee radio every 3hrs (same as done in METCRAX).  We'll see if the hanging condition recurs.