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We have recently completed a number of significant code refactorings in the CLM 4_5 code base. You will only notice differences in the code if your starting point is prior to clm4_5_10 and you are merging to a recent tag. We strongly urge you to look over the source code in a CLM trunk tag that is at least as recent as clm4_5_36. Please feel free to contact us at CLM-CMT@cgd.ucar.edu with any questions and we will be happy to assist you.

Parameters in CLM 4_5

  • We are in the process of moving parameters and physical constants out of assignments in code to values stored in netcdf files. This makes our code easier to maintain and modify, but most importantly, allows users to do sensitivity analysis tests in an easier way. There are three points to our approach that are worth explaining by example:
    1. If a parameter is only used within one module, then that parameter is private to that module and read by a routine that is a part of that module.

      Private Parameters - example from CNAllocationMod.F90
      type :: CNAllocParamsType
         real(r8) :: bdnr              !bulk denitrification rate (1/s)
         real(r8) :: dayscrecover      !number of days to recover negative cpool
         real(r8) :: compet_plant_no3  ! (unitless) relative compettiveness of plants for NO3
         real(r8) :: compet_plant_nh4  ! (unitless) relative compettiveness of plants for NH4
         real(r8) :: compet_decomp_no3 ! (unitless) relative competitiveness of immobilizers for NO3
         real(r8) :: compet_decomp_nh4 ! (unitless) relative competitiveness of immobilizers for NH4
         real(r8) :: compet_denit      ! (unitless) relative competitiveness of denitrifiers for NO3
         real(r8) :: compet_nit        ! (unitless) relative competitiveness of nitrifiers for NH4
      end type CNAllocParamsType
      type(CNAllocParamsType),protected ::  CNAllocParamsInst
      subroutine readCNAllocParams ( ncid )
        ! read in parameters
        call ncd_io(varname=trim(tString),data=tempr, flag='read', ncid=ncid, readvar=readv)
        if ( .not. readv ) call endrun( trim(subname)//trim(errCode)//trim(tString))
        call ncd_io(varname=trim(tString),data=tempr, flag='read', ncid=ncid, readvar=readv)
        if ( .not. readv ) call endrun( trim(subname)//trim(errCode)//trim(tString))
      end subroutine readCNAllocParams
      ! now use the parameters in CNAllocationInit
      bdnr         = CNAllocParamsInst%bdnr * (dt/secspday)
      dayscrecover = CNAllocParamsInst%dayscrecover
    2. If a parameter is shared by more than one module, then it is placed in a module whose only purpose is to read that shared module.

      Shared Parameters - example from CNSharedParamsMod.F90 and CNDecompCascadeCNMod.F90
      type, public  :: CNParamsShareType
         real(r8) :: Q10         ! temperature dependence
         real(r8) :: minpsi      ! minimum soil water potential for heterotrophic resp
         real(r8) :: cwd_fcel    ! cellulose fraction of coarse woody debris
         real(r8) :: cwd_flig    ! lignin fraction of coarse woody debris
         real(r8) :: froz_q10    ! separate q10 for frozen soil respiration rates
         real(r8) :: decomp_depth_efolding ! e-folding depth for reduction in decomposition (m)
         real(r8) :: mino2lim    ! minimum anaerobic decomposition rate as a fraction of potential aerobic rate
         real(r8) :: organic_max ! organic matter content (kg/m3) where soil is assumed to act like peat
      end type CNParamsShareType
      type(CNParamsShareType),protected :: CNParamsShareInst
      ! read the shared parameters
      subroutine CNParamsReadShared(ncid)
         call ncd_io(trim(tString),tempr, 'read', ncid, readvar=readv)
         if ( .not. readv ) call endrun( trim(subname)//trim(errCode)//trim(tString))
        end subroutine CNParamsReadShared
      ! then use in CNDecompCascadeCNMod
      use CNSharedParamsMod  , only: CNParamsShareInst, anoxia_wtsat, nlev_soildecomp_standard
      mino2lim = CNParamsShareInst%mino2lim
    3. The routines for both shared and private variables are called from readParamsMod.F90

      Reading parameters - readParamsMod.F90
      module readParamsMod
        subroutine CNParamsReadFile ()
          ! read CN and BGC shared parameters
          use CNAllocationMod         , only : readCNAllocParams
          use CNDecompMod             , only : readCNDecompParams
          use CNDecompCascadeBGCMod   , only : readCNDecompBgcParams
          use CNDecompCascadeCNMod    , only : readCNDecompCnParams
          use CNPhenologyMod          , only : readCNPhenolParams
          use CNMRespMod              , only : readCNMRespParams
          use CNNDynamicsMod          , only : readCNNDynamicsParams
          use CNGapMortalityMod       , only : readCNGapMortParams
          use CNNitrifDenitrifMod     , only : readCNNitrifDenitrifParams
          use CNSoilLittVertTranspMod , only : readCNSoilLittVertTranspParams
          use CNSharedParamsMod       , only : CNParamsReadShared,CNParamsShareInst
          use ch4Mod                  , only : readCH4Params
          ! read the file with parameters
          if (masterproc) then
             write(iulog,*) 'readParamsMod.F90::'//trim(subname)//' :: reading CN '//&
                'and BGC parameter file'
          end if
      ! read shared parameters
       call CNParamsReadShared(ncid)
      ! read private parameters based on use case
          if (use_cn) then
             ! populate each module with private parameters
             call readCNAllocParams(ncid)
             call readCNDecompParams(ncid)
             if (use_century_decomp) then
                call readCNDecompBgcParams(ncid)
                call readCNDecompCnParams(ncid)
             end if
             call readCNPhenolParams(ncid)
             call readCNMRespParams (ncid)
             call readCNNDynamicsParams (ncid)
             call readCNGapMortParams (ncid)
             if (use_nitrif_denitrif) then
                call readCNNitrifDenitrifParams(ncid)
             end if
             call readCNSoilLittVertTranspParams(ncid)
             if (use_lch4) then
                call readCH4Params (ncid)
             end if
          end if
        end subroutine CNParamsReadFile
      end module readParamsMod

Associate refactor

  • Please do not use pointers as arguments to a subroutine if that pointer is not placed in a associate block. Using an Associate Block removes one declaration for each pointer, makes the code easier to modify, makes the code more robust and sets us up for future interface refactorings. Refer also to the section above .

    Associate Refactor
    !before the Associate Refactor, pointers were delcared and assigned as follows:
    -    real(r8), pointer :: fdry(:)           ! fraction of foliage that is green and dry [-] (new)
    -    fdry => pps%fdry
    ! after the refactor, the pointer declaration is removed and handled in the associate statement.
    +   associate(&
    +   fdry               => pps%fdry             & ! Output: [real(r8) (:)]  fraction of foliage that is green and dry [-] (new)
    +   )
    +    end associate
    +   end subroutine FracWet

Refactor clmtype

  • We have flattened the structure of clmtype so that most variables only require one dereference. You will immediately notice if you have used the old style as your code will not compile. An example is shown below.

    Refactor clmtype
    call hist_addfld1d (fname='SNOOCFRCL', units='W/m^2', &
              avgflag='A', long_name='surface forcing of OC in snow (land) ', &
    -         ptr_pft=clm3%g%l%c%p%pef%sfc_frc_oc, set_urb=spval)
    +         ptr_pft=pef%sfc_frc_oc, set_urb=spval)

Preprocessor macro removal

  • We are in the process of removing all preprocessor macros (CPP tokens) from the CLM code. Doing so will allow us to use one binary in all of our test suite and greatly speed up the development and testing process. There are two steps in the process:
    1. Remove most ifdef declarations from the code and replace with logical variables in main/controlMod.F90.

      Macro removal - Step 1
      227 #if (defined LCH4)
      228      use_lch4 = .true.
      229 #endif
      230 #if (defined NITRIF_DENITRIF)
      231      use_nitrif_denitrif = .true.
      232 #endif
      233 #if (defined VERTSOILC)
      234      use_vertsoilc = .true.
      235 #endif
      236 #if (defined EXTRALAKELAYERS)
      237      use_extralakelayers = .true.
      238 #endif
      239 #if (defined VICHYDRO)
      240      use_vichydro = .true.
      241 #endif
      242 #if (defined CENTURY_DECOMP)
      243      use_century_decomp = .true.
      244 #endif
      245 #if (defined CN)
      246      use_cn = .true.
      247 #endif
      248 #if (defined CNDV)
      249      use_cndv = .true.
      250 #endif
      251 #if (defined CROP)
      252      use_crop = .true.
      253 #endif
      254 #if (defined SNICAR_FRC)
      255      use_snicar_frc = .true.
      256 #endif
      257 #if (defined VANCOUVER)
      258      use_vancouver = .true.
      259 #endif
      260 #if (defined MEXICOCITY)
      261      use_mexicocity = .true.
      262 #endif
      263 #if (defined NOIO)
      264      use_noio = .true.
      265 #endif
    2. The final portion of this work (which will be in an upcoming CLM tag), removes all of the remaining ifdefs and replaces this functionality via namelist variables.

      Macro removal - Step 2
      000 Fill in when Ben makes this tag 000

The bounds type

  • The introduction of the bounds type cleans up CLM interfaces since we don't have to pass begc, endc, etc... explicitly. Currently, only the bounds type is passed and then members are de-referenced in a routine when you need to use them. If you don't want to use this


    you can place the following in an associate statement.

    begc => bounds%begc

    Doing so may save you some refactoring work in the body of the subroutine or function you are working with.

    CLM without the bounds type
    use decompMod, only : get_proc_bounds
    integer :: begp, endp   ! per-proc beginning and ending pft indices
    integer :: begc, endc   ! per-proc beginning and ending column indices
    integer :: begl, endl   ! per-proc beginning and ending landunit indices
    integer :: begg, endg   ! per-proc gridcell ending gridcell indices
    call get_proc_bounds(begg, endg, begl, endl, begc, endc, begp, endp)
    do c = begc, endc
    CLM with the bounds type
    type(bounds_type), intent(in) :: bounds  ! bounds
    do c = bounds%begc, bounds%endc

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