Initial merge of srfflx_parm and srfflx_state

Ideal engineering time: 3 days
Do an initial merge of srfflx_parm and srfflx_state (just use the union of what's currently there). This represents about 36 files, and rearranging camsrfexch_types and the allocate method for camsrfexch_types.
Remove areafrac from srfflx_state and just use either icefrac, ocnfrac, or landfrac.
Also remove ice_frac in camice.F90 and just use the instance of icefrac in srfflx_state.
Move the following from ccsm_msg to camsrfexch_types

  • rho
  • psl
  • netsw
    Always save this information in the either CAM export state or merged surface state regardless of mode operating in. Remove the relevent #ifdefs that refer to this. This requires changing srfxfer.F90, and diagnostics.F90.
  • No labels