Redo surface component initialization (Stage-1-9.1)

Ideal engineering time: 3 days
Much of this is completed in Mariana's work with MCT.

  • srfflx_parm2d is no longer used inside cam. srffflx_state2d should be remaned as cam_in, surface_state2d should be renamed as cam_out. landfrac and icefrac are passed in from clm/csim and ocnfrac is derived from these two in camhub_comp.F90.
  • Each surface component data structure will now contain areafrac as a component of the derived type - for the cam specific ocean and ice models areafrac is defined below (done)
    • ice model - areafrac is icefrac (done)
    • land model - areafrac is landfrac (done)
    • dom/som - areafrac is (1.-landfrac) (not passed to atm)
  • Each surface component will send areafrac back to the cam as part of the srfflx_parm2d at initialization. The hub (cam_hub) will then do the following consistency check. Consistency check needs to be implemented.
  • DOM/SOM will now need to read the landfrac from either the initial dataset for an initial run, or from their respective restart datasets for a continuation run. (done)
  • CAM will no longer need to read the landfrac from the initial dataset. The hub (cam_hub) will now set the merged surface state landfrac to correspond to the landfrac obtained from the land model.
  • Each component also needs to send its lat, lon values back to the hub. This needs to be added to either the srfflx_parm2d or a separate data structure. The hub then needs to check that the lat, lon of the land is within some small tolerance of the lat,lon of the atm. Should the file containing the landfrac be used for comparison? This needs to be discussed.
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