Appendix C. CCSM Data tools

The CCSM project chose NetCDF as its data format in part due to the large
suite of software tools which support this format.
NCAR's Climate and Global Dynamics division hosts the CCSM Support Network
( for CCSM data analysis. Instructional
workshops are available.
Other tools which have been found to be particularly useful for analysis and
visualization of CCSM data are:
Public domain tools:

  1. NCO :The netcdf operators
  2. NCL : The NCAR Command Language.
  3. VCDAT : DOE analysis and visualization tools
  4. ncview : A simple netcdf display tool.
  5. GrADS : A visualization and analysis tool
  6. FERRET : A netcdf visualization tool
    Commercial tools include IDL, MatLab, and others.
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