4.1.CCSM Data Access

4.1.1 Initial Condition Files

The CCSM distribution contains a set of supported intial condition files. They can be downloaded as a set from http://www.ccsm.ucar.edu

4.1.2 Restart Files

Restart files will not be provided except for the last 100 years of a model run, and only on the NCAR mass store. Restart files are binaries and are obsolete as soon as the machine they were created on is decommissioned. They may also become obsolete during the course of a production run if the model code changes at all. If this occurs, then the restart files from the beginning of a run will be incompatable with the new code and can not be used to restart the model.

4.1.3 History Files

It is the long term goal to place all production run CCSM data on the earth system grid (http://www.earthsystemgrid.org) which will be the mechanism to disseminate data. Each potential user is responsible for registering with the ESG and downloading their own data. Currently, CCSM 3.0 production runs are being uploaded to the ESG. There is one CCSM 2.0 case (b20.007) that will be placed on the grid and eventually select cases from CCSM 1.0.

4.1.4 Local Access

A storage disk (/ccsm) has been placed within the supercomputer firewall and is maintained by CSEG. Various commonly used runs will be maintained on this disk for everyones use. The identity of these runs will be adjusted as time and users require. Use of these runs will eliminate uneccessary duplication of model files.
I've uploaded a file that reflects the current ESG data access policy.
ESG Data Access v2.doc

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