4.2 Data Repositories for CCSM data

CCSM control and simulation integrations are being carried out on a continous basis at a number of computing centers around the world. Due to the large volume of data that is generated, no one center can support all of this CCSM data. To coordinate CCSM data storage, discovery and access between the various sites where CCSM data will be archived, formal policies for the storage, distribution and processing of CCSM data must be formulated. Consideration must be given to where and raw and post-processed data are stored permanently and under what conditions data should be moved to other sites.
1. The CDMG should develop a formal policy outlining how CCSM data assets are to be managed.
2. In the absence of a formal CCSM data management policy approved by the SSC, the following strawman policy covering the archival and online distribution of CCSM data is proposed:
CCSM Data Archival
Data produced by the CCSM are to be stored, managed and distributed by the data archive center appointed by the entity sponsoring the CCSM run that produces the data. CCSM data created at NCAR under NSF support will be archived on the NCAR Mass Storage System (MSS) ). CCSM data generated at non-NCAR facilities, should be archived at either the site of generation or its associated data archive center. CCSM data created at non-NCAR sites can be archived from the NCAR MSS if prior arrangements have been made with both CCSM and SCD management.
CCSM Online data services
To maximize the accessability and value of the data to the scientific community, all "public" CCSM data [HOW IS THIS DEFINED???] must be made available via the Earth System Grid (ESG)

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