The following qsub script provides a comprehensive template for submitting jobs to the queue manager.


### Job name
#PBS -N MostExcellentJob

### Declare job non-rerunable
#PBS -r n

### Output files - sort to top of directory.
#PBS -e AAA_MostExcellentJob.err
#PBS -o AAA_MostExcellentJob.log

# Mail to user
#PBS -m ae

### Queue name (short, medium, long, verylong)
#PBS -q medium
# Number of nodes, number of processors
# nodes = physical host
# ppn   = processors per node (i.e., number of cores)
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=48

# This job's working directory
echo `date`
echo Working directory is $PBS_O_WORKDIR

# May be necessary for some OMP jobs.
#export KPM_STACKSIZE=50m

echo "Environment:"
echo "--------------"
echo ""

# Print out some job information for debugging.
echo Running $PROGNAME on host `hostname`
echo Time is `date`
echo Directory is `pwd`

# Configure the run environment.
module load compiler/intel/default

# Convert the host file to use IB

# Get the number of procs by counting the nodes file,
# which was generated from the #PBS -l line above.

echo "Node File:"
echo "----------"
echo ""

# Run the parallel MPI executable 
echo "`date` mpiexec - Start"

mpiexec -v -np $NPROCS ./MostExcellentJob

echo ""
echo "`date` MPIRUN - END"                      

exit 0

Then submit the the job using

/usr/local/torque/bin/qsub <script>
  • No labels