Blog from July, 2011

Daily summary, July 12

Summary: Stations 1-4 operational, no ISFS staff on-site, but at nearby ISU towers and CU wind cube stations
         northerly to ENE nighttime flow, NE to E flow in daytime,
         rain showers in mid morning also in early afternoon
         weak flow and cooler, little sensible heating
         some corn was damaged in the pathways walking to the wind cube (likely from early Monday morning derecho)
         damage path orientation of stalks mostly from WNW
         corn about 1 week from tasseling at stns 1 & 2, possibly early next week at stn 4
Vdsm: 13.5-13.8 V during day, down to 12.5 at night, lower voltage at stns 1 & 3 during mid afternoon (rain showers were present)
P: ok
T.2m: ok, stn2 about 0.5 degree cooler than stns 1 & 3 from 22:00 (Jul 11) to 1:30 (Jul 12) and from 3:00-5:00
          stn 2 is about 0.3-0.7 degree warmer than other sites in daytime
RH.2m: 95-100% nighttime; dropping to 80%-85% by afternoon
       night before rain:  stns 2 & 4 few% RH higher than stn 1,3 
       daytime stns 3-4 ~ few% RH higher than stn 2 most of morning/afternoon
       stn 2 few %RH lower than stn 1 (from 13:00-14:00)
H2O.2m: ok, 22 g/m^3 before midnight night, drop to around 15 g/m^3 by 3:00
            daytime rise to 18 g/m^3
            stn 2 about 0.5-0.7 g/m^3 drier than other sites from 22:00 Jul 10 - 0:00 and from 3:00-4:00
            stn 1 about 0.5 g/m^3 drier than other sites from 5:00 to 8:00
            daytime stn 1 and 2 are 0.5-0.7 g/m^3 drier than other sites (12:30-13:30)
Wetness: dew collected on sensor by 9:00 [Jul 11] until 0:30 [Jul 12], sensor remaining wet until 6:00;
         more rainfall at 9:00, 10:30, and 2:00
T.10m: ok,  stn 1 0.2 to 0.5 degree warmer than other sites from 23:30 (Jul 11) to 0:30 (Jul 12) also from 1:00-2:00
            from 3:00-5:00 stn 2 is 0.3-0.5 degrees cooler than stns 3 & 4, and about 0.7 to 1.0  degree cooler than stn 1
            stations in most agreement after rainfall and into the afternoon 

RH.10m: ok, before midnight stn 4 few %RH lower than stns 1-3 , after midnight stn 1 few %RH lower than stn 3 &4, about 5-7%RH lower than stn 2
H2O.10m: ok, nighttime most stns within 0.1 to 0.2 g/m^3 of each other except for 2:00-5:00 (stn 4 about 0.5 g/m^3 drier than stns 2 & 3)
             stn 4 about 0.5 g/m^3 lower than other sites in daytime (both before/after rain showers), stn 2 most moist

Spd.10m: ok, much of night stn 1 fastest speed vs. stn 2 slowest speed (difference of close to 1.5 m/s at 3:30)
             stns 3 & 4 in most agreement stn 2 is 0.5 m/s higher than other sites before midnight, less change after midnight,
             daytime: slightly less speed at stn 2 vs. other sites
Dir.10m: ok, N to ENE flow much of night and early morning. 
             slight period of easterlies from 11:30-13:30 then return to NE flow rest of afternoon (after another shower passage) 

T.10m - T.2m: ok, stn 2 is 0.5 degree warmer at 10 m vs. 2m than at stn 2,3 before midnight to 4:30
                  daytime before/during/after rain showers stn2 0.5 to 1.0 degrees warmer at 2m vs. 10 m than other sites
H2O.10m - H2O.2m: ok, stn 4 drier gradient than sites 1-3 much of the night, slight period 3:00-4:00 when stn 2 is 0.5 g/m^3 moist at 10 m vs. 2m than 1 & 3 by 0.5 /m^3 drier than stns 1 & 3
                  daytime stns 3 & 4 are drier (more negative gradient, ~2.0 g/m^3 ,10m-2m) than other sites (1.5 g/m^3)
                  daytime stns 1 & 2 in close agreement slightly smaller dry gradient than at other sites
spd.4.5m: ok, see comments of Spd.10m, stn2 speed is not above other sites at 3:30 as in spd.10m

dir.4.5m: ok, stn 2 more ENE vs. other sites NE wind at 4.5 m, all sites at 10m with NE wind in this period
w.4.5m: ok, stns 3 & 4 more w>0 (0.02 m/s) for much of the night, stns 1 & 2 more w<0 at night
            daytime for NE flow stns 3 & 4 more w>0 than other sites, stns 1 & 2 more w<0 stn 3 & 4
            daytime for E flow stns 1 & 2 less w<0 (-0.04m/s) than stns 3 & 4 (0.12 m/s) 
tc.4.5m: ok, stn 2 about 0.5 to 0.7 degree cooler than other stns much of night

ldiag: ok, a few samples not taken in portions of overnight or during the rain events

vh2ov: ok, stn 2 below 100 mV during rainfall, returning to above 100 mV within 30 minutes of rain
           stn 4 below 100 mV during rainfall, returning to slightly above 100 mV within 30 minutes of a rain event

kh2o: ok, stn 4 and 2 not affected by noise in overnight, spike signal returns during shower/storm activity           

h2o(licor): ok, btwn 19-15 g/m^3 for night to day behavior
                stn 1 close to stn 3 for night period, noise more often at stn 3 during morning/afternoon rain events               

lidiag (licor): ok, a few 100s samples missing at stn 1 around 22:00 and also at both site 1 & 3 during the morning and afternoon shower events

TKE.4.5m: ok, stn 1 about 0.1-0.15 m^2/s^2 larger TKE than other sites several periods in overnight
          stn 2 lowest TKE of the group for nighttime
          daytime, all sites have comparable values

w'w': ok, see comment for TKE.4.5m, also similar pattern in v'v' and somewhat in u'u'
u*  : ok, see comment for TKE.4.5m, also pattern seen in u'w' and v'w'
      night: greater u* at stn 1 vs. other sites, stn 2 lowest, also seen in v'w' stress
w'T' :  ok, nighttime: stn 1 more cooling (-0.04 C m/s) than other sites (-0.02 C m/s)
        daytime: stn 4 less max heat flux than other sites, stn 2 & 3 have highest daytime peak
w'h2o': ok, most of daytime all sites have similar positive flux max ~0.12 g/m^2/s

h2o'h2o': ok, slightly more variance at stn 3 for a few afternoon periods             

kh2o'kh2o': ok, good agreement and low noise except during rain events
co2:     ok,

w'co2': ok,  no consistent night pattern of flux > 0 at one site more than other; maybe stn 1 > stn 3 but only from 3:30-5:00
             daytime stn 3 greater co2 uptake only when turbines are pointed east; for NE wind there is not much change from stns 1 & 3
co2'co2': ok, very small, except during/after rainfall (anomalous readings expected)

Daily summary, July 11

July 11, 16:15 CDT

Dan Rajewski (in Ames)

Summary: Stations 1-4 operational, no ISFS staff on-site
          thunder storm passage with very strong winds (25 m/s) 4:00-4:30
         overnight wakes from ESE to SE direction (Stn 2 more under 'turbine influence')
         before the storm wake from southerly direction
         boundary passing in late morning switches turbine wakes to WNW to NW for the afternoon and evening
         sensors functional except during/ few hrs. after rain events
         krypton sensors possibly need cleaning
Vdsm: 13.5-13.8 V during day, down to 12.5 at night
P: ok
T.2m: ok, stn4 about 0.5 degree cooler than stns 2-4 from 9:30 (Jul 10) to 0:30 (Jul 11)
          stn 2 is about 1.0 degree warmer than other sites in daytime
RH.2m: 95-100% nighttime; dropping to 75% by afternoon
       night before rain:  stn 4 few% RH higher than stn 2-3, 
       night after rain stn 1&3 few% RH lower than sites 2 & 4
       daytime stns 3-4 ~ 5% RH higher than stn 2, stn 2 few %RH lower than stn 1
H2O.2m: ok, 22 g/m^3 night, after storm drop to 17 g/m^3; daytime rise to 23 g/m^3
            stn 2 about 1.0 g/m^3 more than other sites from 22:00 Jul 10 - 0:00
            after midnight stn 1& 3 agree and stn 2 & 4 agree about 0.75 g/m^3 less at sites 1, 3
            after rainfall same pattern also seen stn 1,3 drier than 2,4
            daytime stn 1 and 4 (sometimes) are 0.5-0.7 g/m^3 less than other stations
Wetness: dew collected on sensor by 8:30 [Jul 9] until 3:30 [Jul 10], sensor remaining wet following storm passage 3:30-4:30, continual shower until 6:30
         sensor dry by 11:30
T.10m: ok,  stn 2 0.75 degree warmer than stn 4 before midnight, other sites in btwn stn 2 & 4
            stations in most agreement after rainfall and into the afternoon 

RH.10m: ok, stn4 a few%RH lower than stn 2, other sites in between for night period before rain
            stn 1 & 4 few% RH lower than other sites for afternoon 
H2O.10m: ok, nighttime (before rain):  0.5 g/m^3 less vapor at stn 4 vs. stn 2 (stns 1,3 in between the two)
             after rain this difference is 0.2 g/m^3 or less
             few daytime periods with 1 g/m^3 less vapor at stn 4 than stns 2-3 as in H2O.2m

Spd.10m: ok, stn 2 0.5 m/s higher than other sites before midnight, less change after midnight,
             daytime: stn 2 certain periods early afternoon of slightly lower wspd than other sites other wise good agreement
Dir.10m: ok, ESE to E flow much of evening, SSE a few hours before rainfall, after storm passage winds from NE to later S by 9:00
             cold front passage around 9:30, winds mostly out of W to WNW in afternoon

T.10m - T.2m: ok, stns 4 0.5 degree warmer at 10 m vs. 2m than at stn 2,3 mostly before midnight
                  daytime stn2 warmer at 2m than 10 m at least by 1.0 degree from 11:00-16:00, late afternoon nearing 2.0 DT difference than other sites
H2O.10m - H2O.2m: ok, stn 1 and 3 slightly more moist gradient than site 2 &4, stn 4 about 0.5-0.75 g/m^3 drier than stns 1 & 3
                  daytime stns 3 & 4 are drier (more negative gradient, ~2.0 g/m^3 ,10m-2m) than other sites (1.5 g/m^3)
                  daytime stn 1 slightly smaller dry gradient than at other sites
spd.4.5m: ok, see comments of Spd.10m

dir.4.5m: ok, larger nighttime variations noted at 4.5 vs. 10 m from 22:00 (Jul 10)-1:00 (Jul 11)
              stn 1 more ESE vs. other sites SE wind at 4.5 m, all sites at 10m with SE wind in this period
w.4.5m: ok, stn 2 more w>0 (0.03 m/s) in early evening but not so much after midnight, stns 3 &4 more w<0 (-0.05 m/s) for much of the night
            stn 1 closest to 0 in nighttime (-0.02 m/s)
            after storm passage: stns 3 mostly w<0 (-0.06 m/s), stn2 slightly w>0
            pattern changes after cold front passage, afternoon max w at Site 4 (~0.08 m/s), min at stns 1 & 2 (-0.06 m/s)
tc.4.5m: ok, stn 2 about 0.6 degree warmer than stn 1 before midnight other sites in between (turbine wake from the ESE?)
             before storm event stns 1 &2 are about 0.5 cooler than sites 3 & 4  (turbine wake from south)
             site 1 slightly cooler than other sites for mid-late afternoon

ldiag: ok, a few 100s samples missing around thunderstorm event

vh2ov: ok, stn 2 below 10 mV before rainfall, above 80 mV after rainfall until mid afternoon
           stn 4 below at or above 100 mV most of night; dropping to 50 mV by afternoon

kh2o: not ok, stn 4 and 2 affected by noise in overnight, signal is restored around late morning (values within those at sites 1 & 3)          

h2o(licor): ok, btwn 12-25 g/m^3 for night to day behavior
                stn 1 close to stn 3 for night period, though 5 g/m^3 more moist at stn 1 vs. stn 3 after the rainfall until 7:00
lidiag (licor): ok, a few samples not taken during and after rain fall (4:00-11:00)

TKE.4.5m: ok, for ESE flow before midnight stn 2 about 0.1 m^2/s^2 larger TKE than other sites
          after midnight stn 3 & 4 about 0.25 m^2s^2 more than Site 1 and 2 for SSE to S winds
w'w': ok, see comment for TKE.4.5m, also similar pattern in v'v'
u*  : ok, see comment for TKE.4.5m, also pattern seen in u'w' and v'w'
      night: greater departure in stn 2 v.s other sites v'w' stress than u'w' stress
w'T' :  ok, nighttime: stn 2 more cooling (-0.03 C m/s) than other sites (-0.01 C m/s)
        daytime: stn 4 less max heat flux than other sites, stn 2 & 1 have highest daytime peak
w'h2o': ok, stn 4 and 2 least positive daytime flux max~0.15 g/m^2/s 
            stn 3 gives most flux > 0 about 0.18 g/m^2/s

h2o'h2o': ok, stns 1,3 mostly in agreement except during thunderstorm             

kh2o'kh2o': not ok, krypton sensors at site 4 high anomalous readings during/after rainfall, agreement after late morning
co2:     ok,

w'co2': ok,  no consistent night pattern of flux > 0 at one site more than other
             before frontal passage stn 3  more flux < 0 than stn 1
             after cold front stn 1 often more negative flux than stn 3
co2'co2': ok, very small, but less variance at stn 3 than stn 1 for most of nighttime
          after sensor dries from rain: slightly larger variance at stn 3 vs. stn 1 also in daytime

To check whether the krypton noise is sonic related, I've been doing some tests, changing the sonic data rate.

As of 10:42, it is now set to A9 (10sps).  I'll leave this running for a few minutes to allow me to go back and look at the data.

10:50 set back to Ac (20sps).

(It looked like the winds were bad for this time period, so I didn't think much data would be lost.)

P.S. The data that I captured appear to have 2Hz noise in both configurations.

Daily summary, July 10

July 10, 9:52 CDT [July 11]
Dan Rajewski (in Ames)

Summary: Stations 1-4 operational, no ISFS staff on-site
         winds from SE to SSW during night ~5m/s , southerly during daytime ~10 m/s
         thunder shower passage 9:00 to 11:00
         winds light from ESE early afternoon to SSE late evening
Vdsm: 13.5-13.8 V during day, down to 12.5 at night
P: ok
T.2m: ok, stn1 about 0.5 degree cooler than stns 2-4 around 0:00-1:00
          stn 2 is about 0.5-0.75 degrees warmer than other sites in daytime, stn4 is slightly cooler than stns 1 & 3
RH.2m: 90-95% nighttime; 85% daytime after thunder storm passage
       early night:  stn 4 5% RH higher than stn 1-3, 
       daytime 12:30 to 4:00  stn 5% RH lower than stn1, stn 1 few %RH lower than stn 3 & 4
       early evening stns 1-2 few%RH lower than stns 3 & 4

H2O.2m: ok, 18 g/m^3 night, 26 g/m^3 day;
            stn 1 about 0.3-0.5 g/m^3 less than other sites most of overnight;
            daytime stn 1 0.5-0.7 g/m^3 less than stns 2 & 4, stn3 0.5 to 0.7 g/m^3 more than stn 2 & 4  
Wetness: sensor response to dew at 20:00 [Jul 9] until 5:30 [Jul 10], sensor remaining wet following storm passage (9:00 thru 11:30)
         sensor dry by 13:00
T.10m: ok,  stn 2 0.5 degree warmer than other sites between 0:00-1:00, 2:30-3:30
            daytime stn4 slightly cooler (0.25 degrees?) than other stations

RH.10m: ok, stn4 few%RH lower than other sites for several nighttime periods
            stn 1 slightly lower than other sites for daytime 
H2O.10m: ok, nighttime:  0.5 g/m^3 less vapor at stn 4 vs. stn 2 (stns 1,3 in between the two)
             few daytime periods with 1 g/m^3 less vapor at stn 4 than stns 2-3, stn 4 driers, stn 1 in between all sites        

Spd.10m: ok, stn 1 0.75-1.0 m/s lower than other sites from 1:00-2:00, 5:00-6:00 other times within 0.5 m/s less of other sites,
             daytime: stn 4 certain periods of slightly lower wspd than other sites
Dir.10m: ok, SSE to S flow much of night, ESE a few hours before rainfall, after storm passage winds from ESE to later SSE

T.10m - T.2m: ok, stns 1 & 4  0.5 degree warmer at 10 m vs. 2m than at stn 2,3 mostly before midnight on Jul 9

                  daytime stn2 warmer at 2m than 10 m at least by 0.75 degrees from 13:00-15:00 by as much as 1.5 degrees
H2O.10m - H2O.2m: ok, stn 1 near zero gradient vs. than other sites (~0.5 g/m^3 drier at 10 m) most of night
                  daytime stns 3 & 4 are drier (more negative gradient, ~3.0 g/m^3 ,10m-2m) than other sites (2.0 g/m^3)
                  daytime stn 1 slightly smaller dry gradient than at other sites
spd.4.5m: ok, see comments of Spd.10m

dir.4.5m: ok, larger nighttime variations noted at 4.5 vs. 10 m from 22:00 (Jul 9)-2:00 (Jul 10)
              stn 1 more SSE vs. other sites S wind at 4.5 m, all sites at 10m with S wind in this period
w.4.5m: ok, stn 2 more w>0 (0.03 m/s) from 22:00 (Jul 9) -4:00 (Jul 10) than other sites, stns 3 &4 more w<0 (-0.05 m/s) during this period
            stn 1 closest to 0 in nighttime (0.02 m/s)
            after storm passage: stns 3-4 mostly w<0 (-0.10 m/s) much of daytime, stn2 closest to zero or slight ascent in daytime
tc.4.5m: ok, stns 1 & 2 about 0.5 degree cooler than stns 3-4 much of nighttime
             same sites also 0.3-0.5 degree cooler much of mid afternoon/evening

ldiag: ok, a few 100 samples missing around rainstorm

vh2ov: ok, stn 2 above 100 mV before rain fall, below 20 mV rest of period
           stn 4 above 100 mV most of night/morning; below 50 mV after the rain and the remainder of the period

kh2o: ok, stn 4 about 1 g/m^3 drier than stn 2 in night and daytime
          anomalies in reading until sensor dries out around 15:00 then stn 2 about 2 g/m^3 more moist than stn 4         

h2o(licor): ok, btwn 16-24 g/m^3 for night to day behavior
                stn 1 close to stn 3 for night period
                daytime agreement with stn 1-3, these are about 0.5 g/m^3 drier than stn 4 and about 2 g/m^3 drier than stn 2
lidiag (licor): ok, a few samples not taking during and after rain fall (9:00-12:00)

TKE.4.5m: ok, stn 1 consistently lower TKE (0.20 m^2/s^2) in overnight than other sites (0.3-0.4 m^2/s^2), stn4 peak values (~0.6 m^2/s^2)
          slight periods where stn 3 & 4  have TKE close to stn 1 value
          daytime slightly lower TKE (0.3 m^2/s^2) at stn 3 & 4 vs. other sites
w'w': ok, see comment for TKE.4.5m, also similar pattern in u'u' and v'v'
u*  : ok, see comment for TKE.4.5m, 0.05 m/s lower at stn 1 vs. other sites for much of overnight, also pattern seen in u'w' and v'w'
      greater departure in stn 1 v.s other sites v'w' stress than u'w' stress
w'T' :  ok, nighttime: stn 4 more cooling (-0.03 C m/s) than other sites (-0.01 C m/s)
        daytime: no major differences among sites
w'h2o': ok, stn 3 & 4 give largest positive daytime flux max~0.20 g/m^2/s 
            stn 2 least upward flux  max~0.15 g/m^2/s, about 0.025 g/m^2/s less than at stn 3

h2o'h2o': ok, stns 1,3 mostly in agreement
kh2o'kh2o': not ok, krypton sensors at sites 2,4 give high anomalous readings after the morning rainfall until 15:00
co2:     ok, stn 1 > stn 3 by 0.01 g/m^3 much of nighttime
             daytime stn 1 > stn 3 by 0.02 g/m^3

w'co2': ok,  see comments for co2 (slight flux > 0 at stn 3 vs. stn 1 in overnight)
             more flux < 0 at stn 3 vs. stn 1 during daytime
co2'co2': ok, very small, but less variance at stn 3 than stn 1 for most of nighttime
          after sensor dries from rain: slightly larger variance at stn 3 vs. stn 1 also in daytime

Daily summary, July 9

July 9, 15:02 CDT
Dan Rajewski (in Ames)

Summary: Stations 1-4 operational, no ISFS staff on-site
         winds from SE to SSW during night ~5m/s , southerly during daytime ~10 m/s
         several data fields are suggesting influence from turbine wakes especially in the nighttime
Vdsm: 13.5-13.8 V during day, down to 12.5 at night
P: ok
T.2m: ok, stn1 about 1.0 degree cooler than stns 2-4 several night periods 0:00-2:00, 3:00-3:30 (southerly turbine wake)
          stn 4 is slightly cooler than other sites in daytime      
RH.2m: 80-95% nighttime; 70% daytime
       early night:  stn 4 5% RH higher than stn 2,3, stn 1 5%RH lower than 2,3
       daytime:  stn 1 few% RH lower than stns 2-4
  H2O.2m: ok, 17 g/m^3 night, 19 g/m^3 day;
                   stn 1 about 0.5-1.0 g/m^3 less than other sites from 23:00 (Jul 8) - 5:00 (Jul 9);
                   daytime stn 1 0.5 g/m^3 less than other sites, stn4 highest vapor content  
Wetness: sensor response to dew around midnight
         wetness accumulation through 7:00; sensor dry by 8:30 CDT

T.10m: ok,  stns 1 and 2 similar nighttime temp (0.5 degree cooler than stn 3 and 4) between 0:00-2:00, also slightly cooler at 4:00-5:00
            daytime stn4 slightly cooler (0.2 degrees?) than other stations
RH.10m: ok, stns 1,2 few%RH higher than other sites from 0:00 to 2:00 also from 3:30-7:00 stns 1-3 few%RH higher than stn 4          
H2O.10m: ok  stns 2-3 few g/m^3 higher than 1,4 from 22:00 (Jul 8) to 2:00 (Jul 9), also from 3:00-4:00
             7:00-8:30 stn 4 slightly lower than other sites, remains driest site through afternoon         
Spd.10m: ok, stn 1 0.5-0.75 m/s lower than other sites much of the nighttime, all stns have agreeable daytime speed          
Dir.10m: ok, SE to SSE flow much of night, S in daytime

T.10m - T.2m: ok, stns 1 & 4 few degrees warmer at 10 m vs. 2m than at stn 2,3 from 23:00 (Jul8) to 2:00 (Jul 9)
                 daytime stn4 slightly warmer at 2m than 10m (dt~ -1.0) at other sites (-0.8 )            
H2O.10m - H2O.2m: ok, stns 1 about 1 g/m^3 moist at 10m vs. 2 m than other sites (~ zero gradient nighttime) from 23:00 (Jul 8) to 4:00 (Jul 9)
                  daytime stns 3 & 4 are drier (more negative gradient, ~2.0 g/m^3 ,10m-2m) than other sites
                  daytime stn 1 smallest dry gradient of all sites (-1.0 g/m^3 less at 10m-2m)
spd.4.5m: ok, see comments of Spd.10m for nighttime, daytime stn 1&2 about 0.5 m/s greater speed than sites 3-4
dir.4.5m: ok, larger nighttime variations noted at 4.5 vs. 10 m from 23:00 (Jul 8)-2:00 (Jul 9)
              stn 1 more ESE vs. other sites SSE wind at 4.5 m, all sites at 10m with SSE wind in this period
w.4.5m: ok, stn 2 more w>0 (0.03 m/s) from 23:00 (Jul 8) -2:00 than other sites, stns 3 &4 more w<0 during this period
            stn 4 largest subsidence for nighttime (-0.06 m/s)
            stn 1 closest to 0 in nighttime (0.02 m/s)_, stn2 mostly above zero most of night and daytime (0.04 m/s)
            stns 1,3-4 mostly w<0 much of daytime, stn3 has greatest subsidence (-0.12 m/s or smaller)
tc.4.5m: ok, stns 1 & 2 about 0.75-1.0 degree cooler than stns 3-4 from 0:00-2:00 and again from 4:00-5:30
             sites all in agreement for much of daytime

ldiag: ok, a few samples missing around 0:00 GMT at stn 2
vh2ov: ok, stn 2 btwn 100-150 mV
           stn 4 slightly higher up to 200 mV in early morning (dew impacts?) then returning to around 100 mV
kh2o: ok, stn 2 about 1 g/m^3 drier than stn 4 in night and daytime
          anomalous drop in stn 4 around period of heaviest dew formation 5:00-7:00         
h2o(licor): ok, btwn 15-20 g/m^3 for night to day behavior
                stn 1 about 0.75 g/m^3 drier than stn 3 for night period
                daytime agreement with stn 1-3, but about 1.0 g/m^3 more moist than stn 4 and about 2 g/m^3 more moist than stn 2
lidiag (licor): ok

TKE.4.5m: ok, stn 1 consistently lower TKE (0.10 m^2/s^2) in overnight than other sites (0.25-0.3), stn4 peak values (~0.5 m^2/s^2)
          daytime slightly lower TKE (0.3 m^2/s^2) at stn 3 vs. other sites
w'w': ok, see comment for TKE.4.5m, also similar pattern in u'u' and v'v'
u*  : ok, see comment for TKE.4.5m, 0.10 m/s lower at stn 1 vs. other sites for much of overnight, also pattern seen in u'w' and v'w'     
w'T' :  ok, nighttime: stn 1 less cooling (-0.01 C m/s) than other sites (-0.02 to -0.04 C m/s)
        daytime: well-mixed situations so no major differences among sites    
w'h2o': ok, slightly flux > 0 at stn 2-4 during the night, stn 1 flux ~0!
            stn 1 & 4 give largest positive daytime flux max~0.16 g/m^2/s 
            stn 2 least upward flux  max~0.125 g/m^2/s
h2o'h2o': ok, stns 1,3 mostly in agreement, daytime: stn 3 a bit higher than stn 1         
kh2o'kh2o': ok, large spike in stn 4 around 5:00-5:30 but daytime response after dew ok
                stn 2 about 0.10 (g/m^3)^2 less than stn 4
co2:     ok, stn 1 > stn 3 by 0.10 g/m^3 during 22:00 (Jul 8) to 1:00 (Jul 9)
             another smaller difference (0.04 g/m^3) from 3:00-5:00
             daytime stn 1 > stn 3 by 0.015 g/m^3
w'co2': ok,  see comments for co2 (more flux >0 at stn 3 vs. stn 1 in overnight)
             more flux < 0 at stn 3 vs. stn 1 during daytime
co2'co2': ok, very small, but less variance at stn 3 than stn 1 for most of nighttime
          slightly larger variance at stn 3 vs. stn 1 also in daytime

Daily summary, July 8

July 8, 18:16 CDT
Dan Rajewski (in Ames)

Summary: Stations 1-4 operational, Kris and Dan serviced sites 2,4 to clean krypton sensors;

after the lens cleaning vh2ov above 100 mV for stn 2,4;

means and variances of kh2o also reasonable;

mostly clear skies in overnight, visibility reduced to 1-2 mi for 1.5 hours before/during sunrise, daytime cumulus;

winds from ENE to WSW during night, westerly mid morning, variable direction much of afternoon
Vdsm: 13.5-13.8 V during day, down to 12.5 at night
(why are there sharp drops (to 13.0 V) at stn 3 around 16:50 and 17:50?)
P: ok
T.2m: ok, stn1 about 1.0 degree warmer than stns 2-4 5:30 to 6:30 (also sensor has    
moisture spike around this time but not at other sites)               
RH.2m: 85-100% nighttime; 55-65% day
much of overnight stn 2 and 4 agree about 2-3% RH higher than stn 1 and 3, mid morning stn 1 few% RH lower than other sites   
H2O.2m: ok   
Wetness: sensor response to dew around local midnight
         wetness accumulation through 7:00; sensor dry by 9:30 CDT

T.10m: ok,  stn 2 and 4 similar nighttime temp (0.5 degree cooler than stn 1 and 3) between 5:00-6:30
RH.10m: ok, stn 2 about few%RH higher than other sites from 2:00 to 5:00        
H2O.10m: ok  see comments with RH.10m        
Spd.10m: ok, is there a weak jet influencing the sfc from 2:30-5:30?         
Dir.10m: ok, ENE to WSW winds in night-mid morning, back to N to NE in late afternoon/evening

T.10m - T.2m: ok, similar at all sites in most of daytime
H2O.10m - H2O.2m: ok, stns 2 and 4 1-2% higher vapor concentration (drier at 10m vs. 2m) than sites 1,3 from 0:00-2:00 CDT         

spd.4.5m: ok, stn 1 about 0.5 m/s higher than other sites during 4:30-5:30 and also 8:15-8:45
dir.4.5m: ok, larger nighttime variations noted at 4.5 vs. 10 m from 3:00-7:00 CDT
w.4.5m: ok, stn 3-4 more w<0 from 1:00-2:00 than other sites (during time of more easterly turbine wakes at stns 1-2)
tc.4.5m: ok, stn 2 about 0.5-0.75 degree cooler than stns 1,3-4 from 1:30-5:30

ldiag: ok

vh2ov: ok, after cleaning sensor lenses
           stn 2 went from about 120 mV to 230 mV after cleaning
           stn 4 went from about 10 mV to 175 mV after cleaning
kh2o: ok, after cleaning
          stn 4 back within levels of other sites
h2o(licor): ok, btwn 15-19 g/m^3 for night to day behavior
lidiag (licor): ok, some warnings at stn3 from 5:00-6:30

TKE.4.5m: ok,
w'w': ok,
u*  : ok

w'T' :  ok, stn4 less positive heat flux in much of daytime (corn stage more mature than at stns,1-2, more LE?)
        stn 4 max of 0.09 C m/s, stn 3 max of 0.14 C m/s, stns 1,2 ~0.10-0.12 C m/s     
w'h2o': ok after cleaning sensor at sites 2,4
h2o'h2o': ok, stns 1,3 mostly in agreement
kh2o'kh2o': ok after cleaning the sensors; high variance in morning during dew/fog
w'co2': ok,  stn 1 & 3 are in close agreement most of the diurnal period
co2'co2': ok

NCAR 2,4 station visit

Kris and Dan cleaned the krypton sensors at sites 2 and 4.

After later talking with Steve Oncley, the maintenance has improved readings from the sensors as both sites have voltage readings above 100 mV.

Time history of site visit (all times CDT)

Site 2

14:00 site arrival and begin lowering mast

14:08 mast lowered

14:11 Kris cleans sensor lens

14:13-14:22  Mast in vertical position and south facing guy anchor hook is fastened

(delay from the anchor hook on the north-east facing tripod leg twisted into the wrong position when the mast was being lifted.  Mast was partially lowered to reposition the anchor hook before raising the mast to its final vertical position)

14:32   leaving the site

Site 4

15:00 arrive at the mast

15:08 mast is lowered

15:10 Kris cleans sensor lens

15:13-15:17 mast is returned to vertical position and south facing guy anchor hook is fastened

15:20  leaving the site

Daily summary, July 7

July 7, 21:20 CDT
Dan Rajewski (in Ames)

Summary: Stations 1-4 operational, no ISFS staff on site
         Krypton hygrometer at stn 4 still giving anomalous readings (mean and variances)
         vh2ov at stn4 is very low, so the sensor lens needs cleaning?
         rain shower from 8:15 to 8:45 CDT
         late morning clearing and generally sunny and stronger wind;
         winds veering from ENE in overnight to WSW by early afternoon, NW to NE rest of the afternoon and evening
Vdsm: 13.5-13.8 V during day, down to 12.5 at night
P: ok
T.2m: ok, stn2 about 0.5-0.75 degree cooler than stn 1,3-4 from 1:30 to 3:00 (stn2 waked by far east turbine(s) in S22?)     
RH.2m: 85-95% nighttime; 60-65% day
       from 1:00 to 7:00 stn 2  3-5%RH higher than stn 1,2-4, stn 1-3 close together
       stn 1 5%RH lower than other sites in mid morning (9:30 to 11:00)
       stn 4 about 5% RH higher than other sites in early evening
H2O.2m: ok   
Wetness: sensor response to mid morning rain showers
         sensor dry by 12:00 CDT

T.10m: ok,  see comments for T.2m
RH.10m: ok, stn 2 about 5%RH higher than other sites from 1:00 to 2:00 
        stn 4 has few%RH lower than stns2-3 from 17:30 to 19:00
H2O.10m: ok  see comments with RH.10m        
Spd.10m: ok, stn 2 less wind (0.75 m/s) than other sites from 1:00-2:00, good daytime agreement at all sites       
Dir.10m: ok, ENE to WSW winds in night-early afternoon, back to northerlies in late afternoon/evening

T.10m - T.2m: ok, similar at all sites in most of daytime
              0.5 degrees warmer at stn2 than stn 1,3-4 from 2:00 to 3:00
H2O.10m - H2O.2m: ok, stn4 2% lower vapor concentration (drier at 10m vs. 2m) than other sites for much of afternoon 2:00-6:00 CDT
spd.4.5m: ok, see comments for Spd.10m
dir.4.5m: ok
w.4.5m: ok,

tc.4.5m: ok, for nighttime stn 2 about 0.6 degree cooler than stns 2-4 from 0:00-2:00
ldiag: ok

vh2ov: not ok, at stn 2 above 100 mV before and after rain;
            stn 4 voltage is at or less than 15 mV, likely needs to be cleaned
kh2o: not ok, stn 4 greater than stn 2 by 10 g/m^3
h2o(licor): ok, btwn 15-19 g/m^3 for night to day behavior
lidiag (licor): ok, some warnings during the morning shower

TKE.4.5m: ok, stn 2 about 50% less than stns1,3-4 1:00-3:00 CDT (wake from several turbines in oblique wind direction ESE?)
w'w': ok, see comments for TKE.4.5m, stns 2-4 less than stn 1 by 0.06 (m/s)^2 in same 1:00-3:00 period
u*  : ok, similar behavior as in TKE4.5m, w'w', also in fluxes of u'w' and v'w'

w'T' :  ok, stn2 slightly less cooling than other sites for 1:00-2:30;
        stn4 slight cooling vs. neutral cooling at other sites at the moment of the cloud breakup (10:30-11:30 CDT);
        stn4 less positive heat flux in late afternoon than other sites
w'h2o': not ok,  lots of fluctuation at stn4 in night time (krypton problem), better agreement in afternoon
h2o'h2o': ok,
kh2o'kh2o': not ok; night and daytime separation from stn 4 > stn 2 by factor of 3-4
w'co2': ok,  stn 1 & 3 are in close agreement most of the diurnal period   
co2'co2': ok

Daily summary, July 6

July 6, [July 7 19:44 CDT]
Dan Rajewski (in Ames)

Summary: Stations 1-4 operational

        ISU staff (Kris and Dan) serviced Station #4 around 11:45 CDT to update new tilt correction angle

         An updated tilt correction was performed after having moving the sonic cross beam to replace the krypton hygrometer on July 5  
         Likely morning fog event, nearby towns had visibility ~0.5 mile
         Daytime continuation of light winds from N to NE, warm, muggy conditions
Vdsm: 13.5-13.8 V during day, down to 12.3 at night
P: ok
T.2m: ok, stns 1-3 give erroneous data from 3:00-10:00 because of the morning moisture;
      before dew/fog set in site 1 > site 2 (1.5 degrees) stns 3-4 also reading about 1.0 degree cooler than stn 1    
RH.2m: 90-100% nighttime; 65% day
       stns 1  5-7%RH lower than stn 4, stn 2-3 close together
       erroneous data from 3:00-10:00 as in T.2m
H2O.2m: similar pattern as RH.2m,
        erroneous data as in T.2m     
Wetness: slight wetness the evening of July 5 (19:00 CDT) dew formation occurring from 22:30 July 5 to 7:00 July 6
         sensor dry by 9:00 CDT

T.10m: ok,  erroneous data occurring as in T.2m;
       stn1 about 0.5 degree warmer than other sites from 1:30 to 2:30 CDT;
       site 4 about 0.5 degree warmer than stns 1-3 for 'burn-off' of dew (8:15-9:00)

RH.10m: ok, similar occurrences of bad data as in T.2M
        stn 4 has few%RH lower than stns2-3 from 17:30 to 19:00      
H2O.10m: ok  see comments with RH.10m        
Spd.10m: ok, late night jet possibly enhancing wind speeds at all sites from 23:00 July 5 to 3:00 July 6;
             very little wind at all sites from 4:00-5:00 before increasing again (another cascade of LLJ energy?, what were the turbines doing?)
Dir.10m: ok, NW to N winds in night/morning; N to NE winds much of daytime

T.10m - T.2m: ok, similar at all sites in most of daytime
              0.3 to 0.5 degrees warmer at stn2 than stn 1,3-4 from 0:00 to 1:00 July 6

H2O.10m - H2O.2m: ok, similar at all stns;
spd.4.5m: ok, from 0:00 to 2:00 stn 1 wspd about 0.8 m/s higher than stns 2-4; why is this not in Spd.10m?
              another mid morning period (8:00-9:00) stn 1 about 0.5 m/s greater other sites
dir.4.5m: ok

w.4.5m: ok, few brief nighttime periods when stn 1 few cm/s w<0 than at other sites

tc.4.5m: ok, for nighttime stn 1 about 0.5 degree warmer than stns 2-4 from 0:00-2:00

ldiag: ok

vh2ov:  not ok, above 100 mV at stn 2 for most of period;
            site 4 below 100 mV much of night and morning; does the sensor lens need cleaning?

kh2o:  not ok, stn 4 greater than stn 2 by 10 g/m^3 (is this more severe because of the high humidity environment?)

h2o(licor): ok, btwn 15-17 g/m^3 for night to day behavior
lidiag (licor): ok

TKE.4.5m: ok, stn 1 about 2X stn 2-4 from 0:00-2:00 CDT
w'w': ok, see comments for TKE.4.5m, stns 2-4 less than stn 1 by 0.03 (m/s)^2 in same 0:00-2:00 period
u*  : ok, similar behavior as in spd_4.5m, stn 1 slightly higher than stns2-4 from 0:00-2:00

w'T' :  ok, stn1 larger sfc cooling whereas other stations ~ 0 during 0:00-2:00
w'h2o': ok, 
h2o'h2o': ok,

kh2o'kh2o': not ok; late morning separation from stn 4 > stn 2 by factor of 2

w'co2': ok,  stn 1 & 3 are in close agreement most of daytime;
        from 0:00-2:00 flux at stn 1is about .0005 g/(m^2 s) greater than at stn 3
co2'co2': ok

Daily summary, July 5

July 5, 21:54 CDT
Dan Rajewski (in Ames)

Summary: Stations 1-4 operational, ISU staff (Kris and Dan) serviced Station #4 to repair the
         krypton hygrometer. Steve Oncley determined that the spare krypton was sufficient to remove the noise signature from the 20 Hz data
         continuation of light winds from ESE to SW;
         scattered cloudiness from remnant thunderstorm complexes (morning and evening of July 5); 
         light rain from 18:30-20:00
Vdsm: 13.5-13.8 V during day, down to 12.4 at night
P: ok
T.2m: ok, stn 1 about 1 degree cooler at night than sites 2-4;
      all stns in agreement afternoon/evening
RH.2m: 85-90% nighttime; 75% day, stns 1-3 few %RH lower than stn 4
H2O.2m: night: stn 1 is ~1.0 g/m^3 less than stns 2-4
              day  stns 1-2 are ~0.5 g/m^3 less than stn 3      
Wetness: rainfall in evening, sensor dry by 20:30 CDT

T.10m: ok,  stns 2-4 about 1 degree warmer than stn 1
RH.10m: ok, 85% night; 75% day
H2O.10m: ok           
Spd.10m: ok, slightly less speed at stn 1 than at sites 2-4 in a few night and day periods
Dir.10m: ok

T.10m - T.2m: ok, similar at all sites
              3-4 degrees warmer at 10 m from 21:00 July 4 to 3:00 July 5

H2O.10m - H2O.2m: ok, similar at all stns;
spd.4.5m: ok, see comments for Spd.10m
dir.4.5m: ok

w.4.5m: ok, stn 2 slight w>0 in overnight with stn 1 w~0 and stns 3-4 w<0 (see comments for TKE)
        spurious reading at stn 4 during the mast lowering and replacement of the krypton hygrometer

tc.4.5m: ok, for nighttime stn 1 about 0.5 to 1.0 degrees cooler than stns 2-4
ldiag: ok, a few flags recorded at site 4 during the krypton replacement around 15:00-16:00
vh2ov:  ok, above 100 mV at stn 2 for most of period;
            site 4 below 100 mV much of night and morning; above 80 mV after sensor replacement
kh2o:  ok, stn 4 greater than stn 2 (0.5 g/m^3) until sensor replacement, then stn 4 < stn 2 h2o concentration
h2o(licor): ok, btwn 15-17 g/m^3 for night to day behavior
lidiag (licor): ok

TKE.4.5m: ok, stn 1 < stns 2-4 possible influence of wake during 1:00-5:00 CDT
w'w': ok, see comments for TKE.4.5m, and w.4.5m

w'h2o': ok, daytime vapor flux (0.07 g/m^2/s),
h2o'h2o': ok
kh2o'kh2o': ok; after replacing the krypton at Stn 4

w'co2': ok,  stn 1 & 3 are in close agreement most of daytime;
        slight separation in overnight (1:00-5:30 CDT)
co2'co2': ok, large variance and change of concentration in nighttime (moderate to strong sfc stability?)

Daily summary, July 3,4

July 3-4, 15:25 CDT
Dan Rajewski (in Ames)
Summary: Stations 1-4 operational, no ISFS staff on site
krypton hygrometer and possibly sonic at stn4 need replacement; harmonic noise still evident during night
light winds from the NE to SE; under the influence of a sfc high pressure

Vdsm: 13.5-13.8 V during day, down to 12.4 at night
P: ok, separation of pressure in certain night periods (possible effect of multiple wakes reaching stns 3 & 4?)
T.2m: ok, all stns in agreement

RH.2m: 85-90% nighttime stns 1-3 few %RH less than stn 2-4

75[60]% day on July 3 [4]; stns 1-3 lower than stn 4
H2O.2m: night: stns 1-2 are ~1.0 g/m^3 less than stns 3-4
day (July 3): stns 1-3 are ~0.5 g/m^3 less than stn 4
(July 4): stns 1-2 are 1.0-1.5 g/m^3 less than stns 3 & 4
Wetness: light showers occurred from 15:00-16:00 July 3, possible dew event from 1:00-6:00, sensor dry by 8:00 CDT
T.10m: ok,
RH.10m: ok, 80-90% stn 4 nighttime RH few% less than stns 1-3;
afternoon RH ~70% on July 3; ~50% for July 4
H2O.10m: ok,
Spd.10m: ok, all stns have similar magnitudes of speed
Dir.10m: ok
T.10m - T.2m: ok, similar at all sites
3-4 degrees warmer at 10 m from 1:00-7:00 July 3, 23:00 July 3 to 3:00 July 4
H2O.10m - H2O.2m: ok, similar at all stns;
nighttime only ~1 g/m^3 less at 10 m than at 2m
with comments from T.10m - T.2m was a fog event occurring? (check ISU flux tower data in a few days)
spd.4.5m: ok, see comments for Spd.10m
dir.4.5m: ok,

w.4.5m: ok, all stns have w<0 when wind is nearly easterly, site 2 w>0 (afternoon of July 3 [4], ESE [SE] wind)

stns 3-4 w<0 for aforementioned periods
tc.4.5m: ok,
ldiag: ok, a few flags recorded around 15:00-16:00 (light showers occurring July 3)
vh2ov: ok, above 100 mV at stn 2, below 100 mV night July 2-early morning July 4
kh2o: ok, nighttime stn 4 greater than stn 2 (0.5 g/m^3, July 3), (~1g/m^3, July 4)
h2o(licor): ok, btwn 13-18 g/m^3 for night to day behavior
lidiag (licor): ok
TKE.4.5m: ok, possible influence of intersecting wakes, but unclear differences btwn stns
w'w': ok
w'h2o': ok, low vapor flux on July 3 (~0.05 g/m^2/s), near 0.20 g/m^2/s on July 4
h2o'h2o': ok
kh2o'kh2o': not ok; anomalous variance continuing daytime and nighttime of July 3, daytime of July 4
w'co2': ok, stn 1 & 3 are in close agreement most of night and in daytime
co2'co2': ok, large variance and change of concentration in nighttime (moderate to strong sfc stability?)

krypton 1390 needs work

Based on the tests just performed at ncar4, it appears that there is a loose connection on the cables from the krypton head on S/N 1390.  I would suggest rebuilding these connectors (the SMC and the MS) prior to a future deployment.

NCAR 4 station visit

Dan and Kris onsite; ground fairly hard, some cracks

Purpose: Fix source of noise in krypton data (may require replacing sonic with serializer)

1506, called me (Steve O.) in Boulder; still see noise; lower mast

~1530 reseated all connectors; noise went down by a factor of 4.

~1540 connecting spare (1389) handheld; noise gone

~1545 cleaned krypton with water; signal increased from 0.02V to 0.10V, still no noise

~1550-1623 swapped kryptons (removed 1390) and electronics; decided it was best to remove sonic boom to get access to krypton head

(thus need to restart tilt correction at this time, which we probably would have done because the mast was down)

~1630-1645 raise mast; krypton still checks out okay, and WWW plots show variance that match the other stations

1657: Have just updated ../cal_files/no_QC/krypton_ncar4.dat to use new sensor calibration.

Daily summary, July 2

July 2, 13:38 CDT
Dan Rajewski (in Ames)

Summary: Stations 1-4 operational, no ISFS staff on site
         CORRECTION:  krypton hygrometer and possibly sonic at stn4 need replacement due to electrical harmonic 'noise'
         thunderstorm event around 0:15 CDT, followed by cold front passage
         light winds from the NW to NE early morning through afternoon
         Vdsm: 13.5-13.8 V during day, down to 12.4 at night
P: ok, pressure in close agreement among all sites

T.2m: ok, all stns in agreement
RH.2m: 60-65% during thunder storm passage; 90-95% before sunrise; stns 1-3 few %RH less than stn 4
       50-60 % during day; stns 1-3 lower than stn 4
H2O.2m: night: stns 1-2 are ~1 g/m^3 less than stns 3-4
              day:  stns 1-3 are ~1 g/m^3 less than stn 4

Wetness: wetness detected around 0:15, sensor dry by 7:45 CDT

T.10m: ok, 
RH.10m: ok, 85-93% stn 4 nightime RH few% less than stns 1-3;
            afternoon RH ~55% at all sites
H2O.10m: ok, before front passage stn 3 slightly higher than 1-2,4
             daytime stn 4 1 g/m^3 less than stns 1-3

Spd.10m: ok, all stns have similar magnitudes of speed
Dir.10m: ok, stn 2 sensing more fluctuations around the 360 degree mark than for sites 1,3-4

T.10m - T.2m: ok, diurnal cycle as expected, very similar at all sites
H2O.10m - H2O.2m: all sites about -2 g/m^3 (more moist near sfc) for daytime

spd.4.5m: ok, see comments for Spd.10m
dir.4.5m: ok,
w.4.5m: ok, after front passage with westerly wind all stns have w~ 0;
        before sunrise sites 1-2 w<0 and sites 3-4 slightly w>0
        pattern continues as winds veer from NW to NE in the afternoon

tc.4.5m: ok, stn 4 slightly warmer (0.5 degree) than stn 1
ldiag: ok

vh2ov:  50 mV before storm, above 100 mV for remainder of overnight-afternoon
kh2o:  ok, front passage dropped the moisture from 21 to 14 g/m^3
h2o(licor): ok, in daytime stn1 > stn 3 (0.5 g/m^3)
lidiag (licor): ok

TKE.4.5m: ok, slight periods of stn1 higher than other sites (4:30-6:00, 9:30-10:30) other blips in early afternoon
w'w': ok, see comment for TKE   (stn1 is experiencing turbine wakes for northerly flow?)

w'h2o': ok, spike in data during thunderstorm storm passage; all stns in close agreement for northerly flow
h2o'h2o': ok, spike in data during thunderstorm passage
kh2o'kh2o': not ok; anomalous variance continuing in overnight at stn 4; though less 'noisy' than previous day (watch for future cases of strong wind to cause greater erroneous readings?)

w'co2': ok,  stn 1 & 3 are in close agreement most of night and in daytime
co2'co2': ok, large variance and change of concentration during storm & frontal passage

Daily status, July 1

July 1, 19:38 CDT
Dan Rajewski (in Ames)

Summary: Stations 1-4 operational, no ISFS staff on site
         Krypton hygrometer at stn 4 needing lens cleaning
         winds backing to SE or ESE during the overnight        
         strong southerly winds, warm and very moist daytime    

Vdsm: 13.5-13.9 V during day, down to 12.4 at night
P: ok, relative pressures between 1-2 and 3-4 about 0.25 mb during the night, closer
agreement in the daytime

T.2m: ok, stn 1 and 2 slightly cooler than 3-4 around 6:00-6:30 CDT
          stn 3 and 4 slightly cooler (0.5 C) than 1-2 in daytime 16:00 CDT
          stn 4 cools (t2m < t10m) 1 hr earlier in the evening than at stn 1-3
RH.2m: 80-100% at night; stns 1 & 2 few %RH less than stn 3; stn 3 few %RH less than stn 4
       55-65 % during day stns 1-3 lower than stn 4
H2O.2m: day:  stns 1-2 are ~1 g/m^3 less than stn 3, stn 3 ~1 g/^3 less than stn4
        stn 1 within 0.5 g/m^3 at night of stns 2,3, stn 4 is 0.5 g/m^3 more than stn 2-3

Wetness: none

T.10m: ok, 
RH.10m: ok, 80-90% at night
H2O.10m: ok, 1 & 4 drier than 2 & 3

Spd.10m: ok, stn 1 lower than 2-4 most of night; stn 1 lower than 2-4 in day, stn 4 highest speeds
Dir.10m: ok, 1 & 3 and 2 & 4 agree best last night, no easterly flow indicated at stn 2-4 at 6:00

T.10m - T.2m: ok, diurnal cycle as expected, very similar at all sites; slight cooling at stn4 as mentioned above for T.2m
H2O.10m - H2O.2m: stn 1 > 0 last night, stn 4 < 0 ~1 g/m^3

spd.4.5m: ok, see comments for spd.10m
dir.4.5m: ok,
w.4.5m: ok, stn 2 slightly w>0 night, more in the day; stns 3 & 4 have more w<0 at night, and more w<0 for daytime
tc.4.5m: ok, all sites agree within +/- 0.5 degC
ldiag: ok

vh2ov:  below 100 mV, but h2o up 23 gm/m^3
kh2o: stn 4 needs the sensor cleaned
h2o(licor): ok
lidiag (licor): ok

TKE.4.5m: ok, lower at stn 1 than 2:4 last night
w'w': ok, see comment for TKE (also u'u' and v'v')

w'h2o': ok, sometimes highest at site 4 during daytime (previous day stn3 had highest vapor flux >0)
h2o'h2o': ok
kh2o'kh2o': not ok; huge variance at stn 4 continuing beyond June 30 (sensor needs cleaning)

w'co2': ok, daytime flux greater (more negative) at 3 than 1
co2'co2': ok, see comment for w'co2'