This is the field logbook for the Crop Wind Energy Experiment (CWEX11). NCAR EOL will be deploying four Integrated Surface Flux System (ISFS) at CWEX11, measuring fluxes of turbulent energy, latent heat, sensible heat and CO2.

Project Web Page for NCAR/EOL/ISFS at CWEX11
Plots of ISFS Sensors
KML file of ISFS Station Locations

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  File Modified
PDF File storycounty-1.pdf Description of Story County Wind Farm Apr 06, 2012 by Steve Oncley
JPEG File DSCN0240.jpg Jun 25, 2011 by Gordon Maclean
JPEG File DSCN0235.jpg Jun 29, 2011 by Gordon Maclean
JPEG File DSCN0233.jpg Jun 25, 2011 by Gordon Maclean
PNG File bloghint.png Jun 06, 2011 by Gordon Maclean


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