
Mar 18, 2015


John Clyne, alan, scott


Scott demonstrated a tabbed layout option for presenting tabular values (e.g. XYZ extents). We agreed that this was one of a number of GUI appearance related attributes that require further discussion before we finalize the prototype and open it up to the addition of more renderers, functionality, etc.

We agreed to focus on bigger picture items with the aim of getting us to the point of having a complete working prototype with the new DataMgr integrated, and major architectural issues of the GUI layout resolved. There are lots of nits that can be discussed later.

We also discussed the issue of code reuse with GUI layout. It would be highly desirable to have a toolkit of common tab/sub-tab elements (e.g. variable selector) that could be reused without having to reconstruct each new tab from scratch in Qt designer. Alan is unsure how to do this. It is an issue that needs further exploration.

Alan's immediate plans in order:

  1. Fix bugs in prototype
  2. Merge 3.0 and master code branches
  3. Integrate new datamgr
  4. Explore mechanisms to enable reuse of GUI elements and facilitate the addition of new GUI components (tabs) by other developers.

Scott expressed interest in trying to improve appearance of some of the tab/sub-tabs.

John pointed to PowerPoint's Shape/Format/Shadow  panel as an example of a well-organized control panel for setting numerical parameters.

Much discussion on the desire to achieve consistency in look and behavior between tabs.

Action Items

Explore options for re-using GUI components to facilitate adding of new tabs, and help achieve consistent look & feelalan
Experiment with appearance improvements on tabsscott