
Jan 20, 2016


John Clyne, Scott, Alan


John informed team that the C++ namespace for libwasp and libcommon would be changed from VetsUtil and VAPoR to WASP. This change is needed to help improve the identity of the WASP project effort.

We closed out most of the action items for the arrow renderer and GUI design review.



Action Items

1Review isoline supporting classes (isolineparams, isocontrol, isolinerenderer, isolineeventrouter, isovalueeditor) for meeting on Mondayscott, john
2Make default arrow glyph width independent of dataAlan
3Explore options for performing params class initialization (via Validate) lazily to prevent unnecessary and expensive DataMgr access. Needs to be done in context of ControlExec function, and support for other interfaces (e.g. scripting).John
4Prepare  ControlExec presentation for meeting next wednesday.Alan