This is a list of things to be done related to WACCMX development

  1. WACCMX solar minimum and maximum condition runs for January,1953 to April,1955
  2. Spectral amplitude and 1D fields in tgcmproc_idl
  3. Document runs done with version 3.1.09 and 3.5.48
  4. WACCM and ECMWF wave analysis (previously done with WACCM)-
  5. CEDAR MTM poster
  6. Look at terminator wave characteristics in WACCMX compared to paper
  7. Get WAM output and do analysis to compare with WACCMX (MTM, tides, TW, etc...)
  8. Interpolate to altitude for maps in tgcmproc_idl
  9. Get memory usage for WACCMX and make run with higher resolution
  10. Plot with altitude as the vertical coordinate in tgcmproc_idl, cross-sections, profiles, etc
  11. Animate maps in vertical on altitude levels in tgcmproc_idl
  12. Multiple input files at same time in tgcmproc_idl
  13. Energy equations module to produce ion/electron temperature update in WACCMX
  14. Run TIME-GCM for late 2008/early 2009 after getting ECMWF from Joey
  15. Make sure tar files from /aim disk are in mass store
  16. Make sure files from /ptmp are in mass store if want to keep
  17. Plot reconstruction of WAM and WACCM temperature
  18. Run 1 year of WACCMX 3.1.9 with hourly output (1993?)
  19. IDV tested on data analysis computers
  20. Fix getzprof/altyax/presyax when checking for z field (ixz check)
  21. Document extension stuff and poster and MTM and WAM/WACCM comparisons
  22. CEDAR/GEM TGCM users session? (Ben and Pete)
  23. Fix for reading of WACCM ic files in tgcmproc_idl (same as above?)
  24. Do system test_driver test after building 3.5.48 before SVN checkin
  25. Run WACCMX ionosphere for different number of interations (1,3,5), 10 days each
  26. Check WACCMX with ionosphere module into SVN as new tag of 3.5.48
  27. Merge WACCMX with WACCM 4 using Hanli's list on Pleides
  28. Fix bug in wind vector satellite view map plots in tgcmproc_idl
  29. Make latitude and longitude axes ranges variable on cylindrical equidistant map plots in tgcmproc_idl
  30. Get tgcmproc_idl to handle input history files with only altitude vertical coordinate
  31. Merge WACCM-X code with CAM/WACCM 5.0.38 and commit to SVN
  32. Merge WACCM-X code with CAM/WACCM 5.1.04 and commit to SVN
  33. Merge WACCM-X code with recent CESM version and run with WACCM-X compset/use case
  34. Get WACCM-X 5.1.04 reviewed by Brian and CSEG group for merging with CAM trunk
  35. Merge WACCM-X 5.1.04 with release branch for testing before CESM release
  36. Do regression tests on bluefire and edinburgh for WACCM-X 5.1.04
  37. Paper on WAM/WACCM-X higher order tides in thermosphere
  38. Vertical ion diffusion along e field lines, ambipolar diffusion
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