Status  %Done   Task                          Prepare IHLA for Evaluation             0            (1) Add the following features to the algorithm: use of high Zdr fuzzy logic module to detect                          icing conditions, and inclusion of temperature and humidity (T and RH) profiles from a                          numerical weather prediction model Done   100         (2) Prepare two versions of the IHLA: one with dual-pol parameters (Z(|rand specific                          differential reflectivity) and the second with only reflectivity Done   100         (3) IHLA code must be written to ingest archived NEXRAD data sets                         Select Cases and Run the IHLA Started 75          (1) Select 5-10 icing and no-icing cases representing a variety of weather scenarios Started 33          (2) Run IHLA polarized and non-polarized versions on these cases and output compared                          with NIRSS icing assessments, CIP and PIREPS as available Started 20          (3) Evaluate qualitative (realistic icing fields and module behavioral) and quantitative (POD                          and accuracy of area coverage, hits and misses) resultsStarted 20         (4) Provide careful analysis of KCLE and NIRSS data comparison             0          (5) Map IHLA-generated data field output to existing CIP grid to use it as another fuzzy                         logic information input over a small domain within 100km of KCLE
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