04/20/2013 @ KCLE

00:08 UTC -
WX Scenario:

Stationary front just north of KCLE over the lake


NIRSS detects significant ILW and MOG IFI hazard around the time of the MOG PIREP.  ** IHL not yet processed for this case. **

PIREP:  'A320 DTW UA /OV DXO135030/TM 0008/FL070 /TP A320/TA +4/IC MDT RIME ICING/RM FL070 - FL080'

11:50 UTC -
WX Scenario:

Stationary front just north of KCLE over the lake


Large spike in radiometer ILW and severity of NIRSS icing hazard close in time to MOG PIREP.  ** IHL not yet processed for this case. **

PIREP: 'CRJ7 BKL UA /OV CLE045015 /TM 1150 /FL050 /TP CRJ7 /SK OVC030-TOP085 /TA M08 /IC MOD MX'

12:33 UTC -
WX Scenario:

Stationary front just north of KCLE over the lake


Large spike in radiometer ILW and severity of NIRSS icing hazard close in time to MOG PIREP.  ** IHL not yet processed for this case. **

PIREP: 'BE35 CLE UA /OV ACO300020 /TM 1233 /FLUNKN /TP BE35 /TA M10 /IC MOD RIME 090-078 /RM IMC DURD 090-078'

17:20 UTC -
WX Scenario:
PIREP: 'CRJ2 POV UA /OV CAK045020 /TM 1720 /FL070 /TP CRJ2 /TA M10 /IC MOD RIME 070-050'

No NEXRAD data for this date and time

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