02/10/2012 @ KCLE

17:12 UTC -
WX Scenario:

Mid and lower level moisture advection ahead of a surface low pressure at KCLE leads to IFI.


IHL sees significant area of freezing drizzle with several pockets of SLW.  The single-pol IHL SLW algorithm does a decent job and matching the heights of SLW detected by polarized IHL in this case.  As seen in the NIRSS plot, snow from the upper level cloud seeds the lower level cloud and scavenges the SLW after 17:30.  This PIREP is reported just before this scavenging by upper level crystals.  Surface snow showers are reported starting just after this MOG PIREP.

PIREP: 'LJ45BKLUA /OV CLE360020 /TM 1711 /FL030 /TP LJ45 /SK OVC035-TOP070 /TA M04 /IC MOD RIME 070-035

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