02/14/2012 @ KCLE

19:40 UTC -
WX Scenario:

Broad cloud shield associated with a low in the deep south causes moisture advection over the Ohio Valley.  Weak low and moisture advection causes destabilization of the atmosphere.


IHL plots show a good match in time and height with the MOG PIREP as a broad patch of IHL=SLW='yes icing'.  The modified single-pol SLW algo does a decent job identifing IFI in this case.  NIRSS also identifies MOG severity icing around the time and height of the PIREP.

PIREP: 'BE30 LPR UA /OV MFD045020 /TM 1933 /FL130 /TP BE30 /SK OVC120 /TA M01 /IC MOD RIME 125'

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