02/02/2012 @ KCLE

14:08 UTC -
WX Scenario:

Weakly unstable, capped airmass with flow component over unfrozen Lake Ontario in the wake of a surface low pressure system causes the development of a vertically bounded SLW layer with multiple MOG PIREPs.


The significant in-flight icing called out by the 14:08 PIREP is captured well at all tilt angles with a significant volume of 'IHL=yes', mostly due to the SLW algorithm.  The two non-polarized algorithms have some area of IHL=yes due to FRZDRZ in the northeast quadrant at the lowest tilt angle, but not much.  NIRSS correctly identifies MOG icing in a layer that thins by the second MOG PIREP.

PIREP: '/OV CLE045020 /TM 1408 /FL060 /TP F900 /TA M09 /IC LGT-MOD 070-060 MOD 040-030 LGT 020-BLO /RM DURD'

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21:30 UTC
WX Scenario:
PIREP: '/OV CLE045010 /TM 2130 /FL050 /TP DH8B /SK OVC030-TOP050 /TA M04 /IC MOD CLR 030-050 /RM DURC'

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