2/22/2012 @ KCLE

02:04 UTC -
WX Scenario:

Weak convection behind an occluded front


Intermitant drizzle at the surface (meteogram) around the PIREP time shows up as patches of high S-band and Ka-band REFL.  Significant radiometer ILW and NIRSS icing hazard values associated with this airmass.  Polarized IHL shows cohesive patches of SLW= 'yes icing' within the radar volume.  The single-pol IHL did not detect SLW.

PIREP:  'B732 CLE UA /OV CLE180015 /TM 0204 /FL100 /TP B732 /TA 01 /IC MOD'

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22:33 UTC -
WX Scenario:

Later on the same day, a low develops over the central Ohio Valley.  At the PIREP time, the low is very near or just west of KCLE, and light drizzle at the surface reforms.


NIRSS only detects light IFI severity for this case, but the PIREP was from 35-40 km NW over Lake Erie.  The dual Pol IHL detected widely scattered, small, cellular SLW-'yes icing' features over land, but saw a larger patch of positive SLW in a northerly direction over the lake at the PIREP time.  The modified single-pol SLW algorithm does fairly well in this case at calling out SLW similar to that detected by the dual-pol SLW algorithm in this case.

PIREP: 'CL3 BKL UA /OV DJB040030/TM 2234/FL135/TP CL3/TA M16/IC MDT RIME/RM DURGD 135-085

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